Where is @Retributor?

You are triggering my nitpick urge.

Nope. He already knows what i mean most certainly. Also i understood his core message.

You ‘could care less’, so you do have some slight amount of care about this? That is awfully touching, person I do not know in the slightest. I mean if you -couldn’t- care less, that would mean you have absolutely zero care, at all. But you -could- care less, meaning that you do in fact care a bit. Cute. Bit weird, but cute.

Well make up your mind champ, which is it? You just said you -could- care less, implying you do care a degree, then say ‘literally’ there is nothing less important to you… I mean I am assuming you used the word literally correctly there, so which is it? Those two statements are mutually exclusive you know?

I mean personally I’d aim higher for a hero, certainly an idol than some random person on a forum, but hey, I can’t make your lifestyle choices for you. Just don’t get your hopes up too high, should you ever reach the vaunted status of encountering them, they do say after all “Never meet your heroes, they’re sure to disappoint you.”

Well, evidently -you-, after all, you could care less, meaning you care a bit.

You’ve kind of stumped me there, I mean, yeah, you know what I meant, but I don’t know about the nitpick bit. :slight_smile:

I meant technically one could still be a racist in your given example. The odds are pretty unlikely but its not completely ruled out. Unless he meant specifically against black people (and there it would require like being some weirdo that considers one gf ones “property” or making some weird exception for that one person while being still racist against the rest of her ethnicity).

As i said just nitpicking.

Oh, yeah, fair point, I get what you mean. I was just a bit confused, but yeah, that scenario is possible I guess.

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A trip down memory lane for you


typo meant “couldnt”

dont twist your ancle there buddy

last time i saw him in July ingame at Isle of Conquest BG, at forums same time he liked my post.

You speak with a person who claims to be lore “expert”. One of his many and latest “ops moments” recognizing Dalaran city as Stormwind.


dw bruv, i didnt have high expectations to begin with xD

ah sweet sweet punyelf, you are always there

He was one of the best and when off gimmick he was defending his view well and firmly.

I too miss and salute him and i laugh at the gossip people calling him a troll yet they themselves continusly spam the forum with their inane and off topic diatribe, pseudo thesis and drama, roflmao the irony, hypocrisy and arrogance is strong in this one ! :rofl:


Ye,i hope he will return at some point.Most people simply did not understood him.


He couldn’t tolerate the Horde bias


I recently discovered that Stormwind has an hourly dance party in Old Town!! Surely that’s alliance bias :joy:

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We do? :eyes: :dancer:

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You consider those topics ‘smooth brain’ topics?


Yeah, apparently in one of the taverns in Old Town, an npc sets off a dance party hourly :laughing:

So between the Pyrotechnics store swimmer and that I think it’s clear some alliance bias is going on.


Retributor reading this:…


Retributor and I may not have agreed on topics 90% of the time but I think one of the few things we did agree on was not wanting Cross Faction. I don’t think he’s going to like it if Blizz go the PvE Merc route for LFD. But I honestly cant’ speak for someone else.

I did see a character from a former guild name online a couple of weeks ago, ran into it in open world. Something Bank Wives, but all those posts I linked he was in a Gagging named guild. I have no idea if that would have been him or just a friend/guildie :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Remember that it was a Human Paladin and seemed Alliance loyal.

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Alliance sucks :face_with_thermometer: - that’s the mantra he gave us to sum him.