Enlighten me?
Humans fears and stuns isn’t working as orcs stuns and fears, big difference
How are they not the same?
Humans fear and stun doesn’t work against enemies.
Orcs fear and stun work against enemies.
Huge difference
Dude just stop.
By the time you turn 15 you will look back on your forum logs and feel embarrased
He spends his working hours on forums he said it himself
Forum is more fun than game itself atm.
And forum is fair, no broken pieces of game code to carry stinky animals zugzugs and makes them feel skilled
At least there’s something fun in your sad life…
Real sad is life zugzugs have, they think they are good, but deep inside their little hads they know it’s game imbalance carrying them
You’re taking this videogame way too seriously
Just look on the bright side, at least your not working with or employing Marmite here in real life… with his room temperature IQ and failure to grasp anything he would be over paid on a quarter of minimum wage in China.
Does china even have minimum wage?
Dunno why i even trying to talk with a cow lol, /moo
Your right, that is punching above your intellectual ability! Try a gnoll… might be about parity…
It’s quite simple with pvp: if horde is not satisfied then income froms subs decreasing, if alliance is not satisfied then income from transfers increasing.
So if horde cries they give them what they want because #justanadjusment if alliance cries they refuse it because #nochanges.
O “get over it” that’s new. Then follow your own advice and get over anything you don’t like.
Horde bias let me think.
-overpowered racials in PvP check (blizz fault)
-better locations of cities/ towns like horde towns blocking main path ferlalas closer to dungeons low/mid level ( blizz fault can’t really be changed)
high level guards defending zeppelins (blizz fault for not making guards on Allience docks)
horde higher population most servers easier finding groups pve and PvP 10v1 tank squads check ( our fault partial blizzards at start for not balancing servers players will flock to the racial advantage) * note not all servers horde dominated but most
Queue time Allience ( blizz and out fault)
AV map
Favours Allience premade rush solo galv pull and low queue time , paladin healers
Favours horde turtling using map glitches, better choke points, better locations of towers and gys make this horde favoured map. ( due to premades horde lose out since they have long queue times due to population and because they cannot premade this is better for Allience premades only. blizzard bended the knee to the horde and patched this, which was needed so 100% horde favoured now)
World PvP whichever is the most dominant faction(mostly horde) the change to reduce diminishing returns for corpse camping is a horrible one 10v1 tank squads will be back which maybe the death of the game ( blizz fault for server balancing our fault for making these gank squads)
-pvp ranking system unhealthy for both Allience and horde
-raiding/dungeons Allience racial favoured and Paladins finding groups whoever is the dominant faction will have a higher amount of players to find groups (whatever has the highest population as the gains don’t effect opposite faction )
It’s obvious I play Allience so I’m sure there are some downfalls of playing horde that I might have missed but as an Allience it really does feel the game is easier and better for the horde hence the huge horde population
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