Once again your so far off the mark it’s amazing… if Anyone else tried to be as factually incorrect as you, as constantly as you it would damn near be a full time job.
Every since vannilla it’s been known that alliance was geographically favored in AV… in fact we won nearly every damn one of them back then… it’s only this latest bunch of forum trolls who concocted this mad elaborate tinfoil hat theory that alliance are screwed in AV…
What is happening is simple… alliance evolved a tactic they the majority of them don’t seem to understand. If a team is going to actually engage the enemy faction and play AV the way it’s meant to… I.e. PvP with PVE objectives they are going to always win over a team who choose to negate one aspect of an encounter in an attempt to cheese It with a Zerg. You need a certain amount of dps to burn down Drek fast enough… and if all alliance run past everybody dragged down in mid and leave them to die it’s simple, they won’t have the dps to kill drek.
But no instead people come to the forums complaining they can’t Zerg AV if the opposition actually fight them… all horde pugs are doing is simple… they target the priests and holy pala’s as they run past in mid and kill them leaving ally with no healers for drek… I have a 60 dwarf priest on shazzrah and I can’t tell you the amount of AV’s where I’m singled out… dismounted and killed in mid while the entire raid runs by only to realise they have no healers because we’re all ressing back In Stone hearth graveyard with then entire horde raid between us and the main ally raid. Then what do we get “when those warriors/Retpalas and mages make it down and wipe when horde recall and wipe them start screaming “let them win” “gg blizz on bad design”
Now who’s fault is that loss? If you want to win AV stop rushing, and protect and peel for your damn healers like horde does.
My shaman on ZT gets peeled for constantly. Dwarf rogue gets me outside icewing … you know damn well there’s some orc hunter about to stick a dozen arrows in him and make him vanish before he locks me down.
Zerg rush only works when you protect your team and have the full team move as one… the way good premades do. Also I’ve seen more Bots on horde side than alliance, but I’ve lost way more ally games because of premades dumping their ques and leaving us start with 15 people.
We should rename the ally AV meta as ZergZerg and use in the same mocking tone as we use ZugZug towards horde.
Blizzard doesn’t really read any forum posts on eu or us for the most part. Defiantly not the EU since the cork office got reassigned… true story. Be it constructive or critical it’s all the same fertilizer to them.
You honestly think they are losing due racials? God you are so ignorant and delusional.
I would get your point if horde actually worked with advantage they have (IB choke point), which they do not, at all. Some ally premades losing to horde randoms has absolutely nothing with racials or map “balance”.
Most of pvp minded players goes horde because of racials, so they are already better at pvp then regular alliance, plus they have this unfair racials themself and use it all the time, or even just have passive which you dont even have to use, any chimpanzee will time their stun resist like any uberskilled orc lol
Don’t know AV you play, in my experience horde defending IB choke all the time and it impossible to pass through with AV map we have now.
If you really that ignorant about racials and want to be enlightened, unbind your WotF and fear buttons, then do some pvp, thats how big difference between factions
Classic pvp is Rock Paper Scissors… if your having such a big problem with undead casters go roll a Huntard. Every job has the correct tool. And you marmite, are a right proper Tool…
May be, but hordes Rock Paper snd Scissors is twice bigger than alliance’s for some reason.
Those broken racials was intent to help horde in vanilla where alliance was overpopulate horde 80 to 20%, now situation is quite opposite, and its really strange no changes dealt to this gamebreaking racials, they should swap them between factions if anything.
Blizzard knew about incoming ratio from vanilla alfa and beta tests, and racials was reworked several times during tests
For example in beta paladins anti undead spells - fear, nuke, tracking worked on undead players under wotf effect, it was removed sadly, it perfectly maked sence, but blizzard carrying their beloved hordes
You know how many alpha and beta tested and how many actually played the game? You can get nowhere near enough data for that.
I played the beta test myself back then, and no, the racials were not changed.
Cannot speak for the alpha though.
Yes, and for good reason. Players should be players and be affected by the same spells. Has nothing to do with racial
Horde may have a bigger rock, but ally have a bigger scissors… I mean ask an undead rogue what it’s like to fight a dwarf rogue… two identical classes… it’s time to get rigidy rigidy rekt dead boi… on alliance side it’s undead lock versus gnome lock. That’s where you need the rest of your BG team with you. One nelf huntard to put a wyvern sting into a 3k aimed shot into that lock followed by a broken tooth kittie with its 1.0s attack speed, he can spam Wotf all he likes he’s back in the graveyard. Which is why in large scale pvp… racials don’t matter… ganking in the wpvp is a crapshoot regardless. That’s the only time racials come into effect.
Like orcs unaffected by stuns half of time, and undead unaffected by fears and charms.
Read comments about wotf on wowhead for vox populi htt ps://classic.wowhead.com/spell=7744/will-of-the-forsaken#comments
What’s your point? You are mixing up spells and racials?
I never said the horde racials are not overpowered?
I’m telling you that you are making up lies to prove your points