Horde harassment


But hey, atleast you’re persistant and keep trying. Gotta give you that.

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He’s just gonna open more forum posts :rofl:

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Playing in a 10v1 mode and being brave. roflmao


Oh don’t worry, I’ve been the 1 a lot in that “10v1”
I also play war mode on my alts and when leveling, so I know what I am talking about. Stay in the peaceful world if you don’t like pvp ^^

(I have alliance characters btw and play warmode on these aswell.)


Come on folks, Its Retributor, we all -know- not to take him seriously!


Turn off Warmode.
1.Press N
2.There should be a big sword button next to your talents, unclick it.

You guys gotta admit these forums would get really boring without “Horde bias”, “Alliance bias”, “Sylvanas is evil”, “Ma Kween” type of threads.

We would all engage in deep intellectual conversations and I’m afraid my head might just explode.


You should see the old times of the alliance ganking people in the drag and when they where about to die enter the instance…

Now you whining and crying is nothing new.

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Turn Hordemode off.

I mean no offence Man. But your playing on literally the biggests horde server of servers and then you make this thread.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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I’d find that extremely refreshing through.

That’s not limited to one faction, i have horde on draenor and alliance on silvermoon, and on both i have been ganked by large groups while solo.

Everything pvp related that people moan about being done to them by the other faction is done by their faction as well. As a dual faction player i have seen that firsthand.

It is called warmode not duel mode, it is a free for all. When i turn it on i know what i am getting myself into. If i want a hassle free session i go warmode off, if i want to risk being killed by other players (i suck at pvp badly so i die in wm alot) in exchange for more exp i go warmode on.

What i don’t do is come on the forums whining that i was unfairly killed by the other faction to what i was playing. If i have it turned on then i am fair game for the opposite faction be it a solo or a group.

As i said this is WARmode, not fluffy bunny and unicorns rainbow mode.


Pfff rokhan or something like that whatever his name ridiculous, not even worth the hassle , WHO ?

Some random troll bwahahaha , You really need to put a better target Failizzard to give us the drive to move, you realy can’t do anything right that and your khorrac whatever the spelling revenge, money in the matrice ! Get the x-pack already !

We shoudn’t have eff them all now we’re stuck with no name/random for horde leader !


He is on AD alliance the bigger faction by miles no idea why he is whineing PVP is happening with WM on its his choice .

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Nope, we cannot allow for wars to have consequences.


do you know what crz is? 2007 is calling to you

it’s actually called HORDEmode since bfa start due to horde numerical superiority and 10v1 zerging of all alliance .

10% bonus with no side effects

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Ofcourse i know what crz is, everyone should know i really dislike it alot. But the point was about that even with CRZ, you are playing on a server that has a massive, massive pop of horde and only like 10% alliance. Even in WM expecting proper good faction balance on such a server is just reaching ihmo alot.

Even if you removed CRZ on such a server, there would still be same problem. This will never ever be changed dude on such servers.

i rarely see draenor horde on warmode
they are phased away since they’re so many

i usually see drakthul and magtheridon and kazzak tbh :wink:

now spare me the lecture on phasing and crz, not even blizzard knows how that works. my server has nothing to do with this.

besides i WAS HORDE on this raid on stormwind.

There is no fix. There always must be a predator and a prey.