Horde Is not helping their faction

Mando we all know you are pugging or playing premades with rank 6 backpeddalers since you spend most of your time here after horde wiped you at galve or drek


Rushing to Frostwolf and PvEā€™ing the end boss makes you good now?


Itā€™s sad that most of the people posting here donā€™t realise that.


Every problem (queues, premades, being unable to stack brackets) horde has is because they want to zugzug pointlessly like morons.


That is same kill or be killed!

KILL THEM ALL no mercy!

Killing people in AV is now considered griefing by Alliance players.
Yet apparently itā€™s only Horde who cry on the forums.


P sure i remember mando posting on his main once to prove a point and I remember it being in Apes, so I mean not defending the dude but I think heā€™s already done on a saturday/sunday evening with ranking so has plenty of time to troll the forums lol :woman_shrugging:

I thought it was wednesday today, damn Iā€™m way off I guess.

You are welcome in wsg, av is not for pvp, its for grinding

Yeah so instead of playing WSG for actual guaranteed 10v10 pvp you play the pve bg where ally arenā€™t interested in pvping as much as pveing for honor

nice one doofus

AV was made for solo Q. And I am solo qā€™ing atm because the majority of my friends moved realm to rank


See answer above

Maybe he trolls between games or DURING games, who knows :stuck_out_tongue: . Just know he isnā€™t bsā€™ing about being ā€œteh eliteā€, comes off as a person Iā€™d avoid in game so who cares amirite

So do not expect good pvp exp. in AV.

I did expect pvp in AV. Was hit hard by reality


The topic is about cave griefing and making AV as long as possible even if there is no honor gain from it. Read before you post something idiotic.

This is not our fault if 90% of premade are not good enough.

Every single time, thereā€™s people that snipe them or people that get fear into Drek room and pull Warmaster.

If you want to kill other players, go play Counter Strike. Or wait for Arenas or do wpvp. BGs have objectives other than killing the opposing faction.

That said, it truly is wonderful to watch horde panic and distress in AV lately.


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I mean no disrespect, also hate sticking up for the hordies, but technically itā€™s not griefing as they are still ā€œpvpā€™ingā€ in the sense of the term, just because it gains no benefits and wastes peopleā€™s time doesnā€™t mean itā€™s against the rules.

Itā€™s the same as wpvp such as lowbie killing and corpse camping, itā€™s considered a horrible thing to do but it doesnā€™t make it against the rules of the game.


wait for arenas? sure they might add arenas in 1.14 but might aswell play them now on retail. im playing cs. AV and IoC have been some of the least liked battlegrounds, and itā€™s obvious why they are not part of RBGS, because itā€™s not what pvpers want.