Horde Is not helping their faction

As if the Alliance isn’t using double standards to justify their own things either.


There is only one alliance “thing”: AV premade. Everything else in pvp favors horde.
Still most of the threads are about horde QQing on premades without admitting any unfair advantages horde have that actually caused the issue.

I like hordes. They are like the dumbest people in the world.
1: phase 2. Horde use superiour numbers to gank and camp anyone in everyone zone, making it impossible for allience to even play the game. Allience leave, unsub etc. Playing as a corpse noone enjoy.
Horde goes “OMG! Where have all the wpvp gone? Where are allience?”
2: Blizz fix BG queues. When the queue timer was 20mins. Then horde start to turtle the games = longer queue time and less honor/hour. Horde complain about queue times going up (Cant understand why) and blame allience premade, who happy give them 2-3k bonus honor per game.
3: Horde start to gank and camp the 12 allience players and 20 bots all the way back to cave. Giving allience players no bonus honor and just farm them for 40mins. Getting even less honor/hour! Horde goes “OMG! queue time is close to an hour!! Blizz do something!”
The ones you farm is casual joe. Who just wants to join AV have a little fun. He wont come back after being tunnelcamped for 40mins. He will just go “feck this! its a waste of my time” queue times for horde keep increasing. And horde comes to forums yet again “OMG! Queue times! Do something blizz!”

The majority of players are casual ppl who just want to play a game. You rely on them to start BG’s for you. So you can get rep/honor. Just like in phase2? You are forcing them to leave, and yet you complain about it? You are not very smart are you?

This version of AV with its ridiculus honor gain, was made so people could get R13 armor (Not weapons) in preperation for outlands. That is why it was nerfed to oblivion. It has no pvp aspect to it. It is made so games end in 10mins = best honor/hour for both factions, so people could buy the gear for honor.

You are damaging your self more than allience. Premade are for the rankers, the randoms? Are made up by casual Joe, and he leave = longer and longer queue times for you, and a lot less honor as well.


You are trying to reason with Horde players. That is wasted time.


Almost all horde players also just want a fun game. We would much prefer a balanced opponent team, which is also exactly what we’re asking. We want the same thing you do: fun games.

if you wanted the teams to be balanced, you would be asking for faction specific queues or you would be rerolling alliance

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go wsg for that. and for some proper pvp.

Then you should not be opposed to “premades” which are 80% just alliance pugs with discord that still lose more than half their games. The Alliance premades are a lot more balanced than the chaotic and untalented Alliance pugs you have always faced.

The “real premades” with rank 10+, well, there aren’t very any of them at all.

But I’m going to call you out for being a liar. The actual “balance” that you want is so that you can also “premade” because, what you really want is to win 90% of your games.

#balance #hordelogic #rofl


No, that ship has sailed and it’s not coming back. It is not required to have equal factions to have fun games with balanced teams. The overpopulated faction will just sit in queue for a long time.

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as it is, the situation is fine.

This is plain not true. Adding a bunch of hashtags doesn’t make you right. Stop trying to turn this into an us-versus-them. We all want to have fun. A 90% winrate isn’t fun.

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So the Horde is favored by the Ally single Drek pull via a paladin?
Mind explaining that one to me?

Have we had the original AV. The battle would have been on IB for hours, as there is no way allience would capture it without ramriders or druids.

What exactly do you want then? Your original post is asking to premade for horde because “balance”.

That “balance” will see your win rate return to 90%. Now you say that 90% win rate isn’t fun.

How many more lies?

You must be confusing me with someone else, because I didn’t ask for this anywhere.

Only premade can even reach Drek. And Vann can be solo-pulled as well, ask Russian horde players how.

I was reading between the lines. What are your requirements for “balance” then?

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