People should just rewarded best gear by login the game via mail.
Ohwait some still would complain about that too (for the “hard work” to open mail that is).
People should just rewarded best gear by login the game via mail.
Ohwait some still would complain about that too (for the “hard work” to open mail that is).
Sooo why not make Mythic more approachable by having a flex or 10 man option, instead of wanting freebies? And yes I know the given excuse of “scaling”, but at this point Blizzard should be able to figure it out.
I mean people complain about the trading post so, your right.
what your comment here is is called willful misunderstanding.
it doesn’t make you look smart. it actually makes you look dumb.
I don’t think they could figure it out in a way where it is exactly the same thing as Mythic raiding is right now. In that sense flex Mythic would already start to fluctuate in difficulty depending on size and what not. I’m not saying that’s no reason to do it, I think quite the opposite really as the format doesn’t seem to work very well anymore if the number if people completing it these days is any indication. But the regular requests for 10 man/flex Mythic in itself already indicate the way it is right now is not really feasible long term.
I agree, and have suggested this before.
Have Mythic for RWF only. It gets nerfed so hard after RWF is won that it’s almost a whole new category by then anyhow.
Increase Heroic difficulty a bit, set the sizes to allow for tighter tuning, 10m / 25m probably.
yeah. they might aswell increase the difficulty of normal by the same amount and that should be perfectly reasonable.
Not sure that’s needed. Normal is the intro into proper raiding. You get a real mix of players in there. Small friends and family guilds or new players. Normal is probably the only form of raiding jsut now that is fit for purpose as it is. LFR should be story mode but isn’t. Heroic should be challenging but isn’t. Mythic is for RWF guild only until it gets massive nerfs.
LFR is not an Intro to raiding nor a practice for proper raiding. LFR is an alternative to raiding for players who don’t want to raid.
very true.
Why should bad players get free handouts? Gear is a big part of rewards in this game.
delves already exist go do those for ur welfare epics.
who ever talked about free handouts ? is it free because its possible to do with 10 people ? is it free if the difficulty is balanced about halfway between hc and mythic ? your comment is just a dumb, willful misunderstanding take.
If I remember correctly Hardmode in WotLK made just twice as much loot drop. So if a boss would normally drop 4 pieces you would get for HM kill 8 pieces.
I feel like this would be a bigger incentive then just drop it on higher upgrade level though I suppose making HM Loot drop two levels higher could also work with given the fact that crests are limited.
I don’t think they could figure it out in a way where it is exactly the same thing as Mythic raiding is right now.
I don’t think that they could nail it either. But “close enough” while reducing the barier to entry is a way better solution than just giving “best” gear from HC and My5hic only being cosmetics or whatever “make them look like they cleared Mythic” is supposed to mean.
though I suppose making HM Loot drop two levels higher could also work with given the fact that crests are limited
Yeah that was pretty much my reasoning, but you’re right, no idea whether that’d be attractive enough. I do think the ability to change the difficulty to a ‘flex Mythic’ with challenge modes per boss (instead of a whole raid) could be really fun, and lower the threshold for people to try it, because you’re in the raid anyway so why not? kinda thing.
It seems Blizzard is generally not super enthusiastic about raining loot on players in more challenging content, but I think they may worry about retention too much. To me it seems (but I don’t have the numbers and Blizzard does) that whenever a season is more generous lootwise, people will play alts more.
How is it dying when on average 1,5k guilds manage to get CE and many more raid mythic?
Mythic raiding is dying since SoO according to some „specialists“.
This issue dates back to when they revamped raid difficulties at the end of MoP, where the new flex difficulty inbetween lfr and normal was introduced.
They then renamed flex to normal, normal to heroic and heroic to mythic, but this formula didn’t last long, all the difficulties soon started sliding back to their original difficulty level and mythic just became a extra hard mode beyond the old heroic mode it was supposed to replace.
There is nothing willfully misunderstanding about Heroic being very easy and therefore being a free handout essentially.
What next? Mythic track from +10 keys and Hero track just for showing up? Please.
You think 1.5 k guilds is alot ? Worldwide ?
i have said this for a long time. make heroic the gear cap and perhabs make it a LITTLE bit harder. so raid gear is useable for most players.
heroic ilvl is useless compared to mythic + loot outside the very start of a season.
and mythic raid is TOO hard and too intense to be reasonable for the vast majority of players.
thats basically the reason i have not bothered raiding since mythic was added.
On average? It’s fine. We are talking about Cuttung Edge (8/8mythic) with that number, not every guild who killed atleast 1 mythic boss. So yes: 1,5k guilds on average is fine.
What do you want? Make mythic raiding easier? I would argue the difficulty is spot on. Ovinax is the only real exception, but for a different reason.
True. the reason the “MOST” people get bored of wow is because the “GOAL” to get the COOL TMOG, is so far away.
Back in the day, everyone could have a goal to get the cool tmog.