How are ya'll feeling about MW right now?

Then either you or your friends are terrible at the game cause there is a mistweaver who has timed a +21 Nokhud Offensive this week, a pretty rough fort key.

By all means, do it yourself and show me your logs.

Oh wait.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Just saying, don’t blame it on spec if others playing the same can do way harder content than you.

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Because clearly that 1% (or less even?) of the MW population at +20 keys is the “be all, end all”. :crazy_face:

There’s, what, 10 BW tanks doing +20-23’s? and yet the masses are howling over the death of your spec. For good reason.

And you’re here telling me to GITGUD because TWO logged MWs (read that again) are pushing +20 and up?! Get the BEEP out of here.

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And? If someone like Andybrew jumped on brewmaster right now to push keys he’d be rank 1 tank right now, ahead of all these fotm rerollers. Get outta here yourself lol. Admit there are just plenty of better players than you out there.

Good groups can carry bad classes but fact is MW is 2-3 key levels behind others according to raider io. Players like jdotb, automaticjak and growl got asked about it and indicated that they won’t touch it not just because of the numerical disadvantage but because it’s too clunky to be used reliably in higher keys.

I suggest you try it yourself in some ~13-15 keys before slamming others.


Yeah but a +21 Nokhud is pretty insane. He can’t time a 16 cause ‘‘i’m a mistweaver’’ is absolutely ludacris claim. On top of that his hated brewmaster has timed a +22 Nokhud also lol.

I understand exactly what you mean, and I guarantee you that if you try to heal a +16 nokhud with a MW, you’ll understand exactly what this thread is about.


This logic is just…

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Yes, yes, you’re good, I’m poop. :face_exhaling:

Once you’ve hit +20’s successfully get back at me. You’ll probs be carried by a rdruid or prevoker.

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There’s no point in wasting time on them.

we should be able to make +20’s easy since other monks are doing so.

…is just the truth. Dabnel, Andy, Trill. Those are players you want to look up how to play monk class. Not these forum whiners lmao.

… and you, good sir, are a prime example of what to not look at.

You play the weakest tank spec currently and you make fun of the weakest healer spec speaking up?

Are you okay???

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Nah, brew is better than Bear and definitely Vengeance. Ain’t even close to weakest tank spec.

Oh my. No, nvm, keep living in your fantasy. :joy:

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Mistweaver is so much better since Dragonflight BUT they needs some uniqe groupe utility or healing

Druid: Best HoT healer, buff and BR
Shaman: Strong groupe healer with HoT and raw healing. Great totem Utility, LUST
Holy Priest: Having everything a bit in a good way. Buff, Hot, raw healing mass mana and heal Utility, PI,
Disc Priest: Shield, damage reduction, damage in heal, buff, PI,
Paladin: Blessing, strong passiv tank healing, aura mastery, strong raw healing, BR
Evoker: Mobility utility groupe, buff, strong raw healing, strong cd, LUST

and Monk?:
-more physical damage passvie ( Windwalker and Brewmaster can do that to)
-Long hot healing with 2 stacks but long cd ( Druid can do that better)
-Mana intensive but strong singel target heal (Pala or Evoker can do that better without mana problems)
-new having passive for more healing receive ( Paladin aura is much better )
-Damage for healing (Wait Discipline priest?)
-Mass spot cd ( oh well that doesen’t make it up with other classes mass cd)
-having self mobility and interrupt ( good job you can do dps mechanics but that doesen’t make you a better healer.)

The only think what monks healer can do is “Raw” healing and damage. They have 0 utility and there groupe cd are “ok”. Now don’t get me wrong, monk healer can bring amount of healing of sure and they can also heal pretty good in raid but… that’s it. They can heal that’s all. And the way how they heal is not that uniqe so i don’t feel like i playing a uniqe class when i heal as a monk. It’s like you play a mix of 3 healers but can’t bring any impact other then healing.

I wish the red crane stance would come back so we can always switch between red and green stance. That was really uniqe as a monk healer.

Andy hasn’t played his brewmaster in mythic raids (or at all really) and the other two are windwalkers, who btw timed almost all their keys with prot warriors and resto druids. But ofc high end players are not FOTM rerollers, they’re just being efficient.

As I’ve said, we could ask jdotb, growl or automaticjack for their opinion on MW (which this thread is about), but considering we’ve already done so 500 times I’ll just summarize it:

None of them actually play MW. They glanced at it during beta (I was there) and it was a complete disaster. They wrote it off as “It’s not my style, I’m just not feeling it”. So this either means they suck at the game, suck at MW (in which case their opinion about it is void) or…wait for it… the spec is actually bad.

And finally, let’s add you to the long line of players who don’t actually play this spec but are really eager to tell us how much we suck for pointing out the obvious shortcomings that make it as much fun as a visit to the dentist.

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Yeah only Zaelia has played MW in top levels that I remember but that was back in BfA. Not sure what the ceiling currently even is if none of the best players are interested in Mistweaver. It’s hard for me to take you and these ‘‘mistweavers’’ seriously too as you apparently just suck at it. I’ll add you to that list too, no problem. Not sure if I can take serious a player who has BiS trinkets + the ring from raid and all you can do is a +14, it’s just tragic.

I’m sure I could try harder considering I’m not trying at all. My “accomplishments” in M+ is just me randomly tagging along with some guild runs. The fact that you believe I was trying to push keys says more about your level than mine.

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It is oh so easy to act all mighty when clueless, especially when carried by competent healers.

That on it’s own is truly sad.