I am playing horde in an RP-PvP server where we have an alliance guild full of toxic players, whose only job is killing/dispelling world buffed players.
They are keeping excel sheets on horde side raids, they have horde alts, they do /who XXX guild day and night, they track people they’ve put on lists (tanks, top dps and such) and dispel/kill them. Bank/portal/island/songflower/booty bay griefings etc. all standard.
This much is fine, because you know, we chose the “PvP” realm. But it didn’t stop there.
Lately this guild has infiltrated our guild with some spies and they are leaking all our discord chat and guild chat out.
They have been getting insider information about buff trains and summon parties and they are always there to login together+sapper bomb us and ruin our raid day. It broke all the coop activity in the guild, made people go individual (because they get wind of any organized activity immediately and they get to kill 20 people with 1 stone… much profitable grieving)
This broke the guild spirit and friendship and we have become distanced, but they went on further.
We were 15/15 for 8-9 weeks, but we began to progress backwards because of all the sabotaging, and people are quitting game/server and we needed to recruit more people. So we recruited some new people.
Last week, they took it a notch higher and joined our raid as a new player, acting like a new recruit.
Then when we get to Patchwerk, the “traitor” pulled the boss yelling “Regards from X guild” and quit raid.
We wiped, lost all buffs, lost morale, kicked the traitor from raid and 2 more pissed players quit raid. One of which quit the game after as well.
We got our lowest clear since months, all morale down to ground.
But it didn’t stop there.
This week being DMF, we knew they were going to grief us harder, so we got everyone buffed and summoned them to Naxx 1 night before.
Only to find the next day, we can’t enter our own raid, because “we’re not in that instance’s group”
We tried a bit, by logging in and out and running into cleared wings to see if we can target someone.
Then we found the last week’s traitor sitting deep in Spider wing with 2 of his friends.
Raid ID hijacking. Jolly good.
So we opened a ticket in the morning, and ofc didn’t get an answer within 6 hours and had to go do BWL instead of Naxx.
And after it was 23:00 and the raid is over, the hijackers got 3 days ban.
3 days, so they can do it again on our Thursday raid. Great.
We went from 15 to 14 to 8 boss kills. Maybe next week we won’t even get that.
I’ve been in this guild for 1.5 years now and I like the people here and I don’t want to quit the guild or the server or the game.
But what good is an MMO, where we can’t talk and socialize and organize in Discord because they are using it; we can’t raid because they are sabotaging it and preventing us from raiding? I can’t even properly login at any spot because I know they are tracking us.
I played in 2005 (and have played for all expansions after) and I enjoyed it. When I returned to classic I thought I was going to have some nostalgia but all I am getting is frustration and stress and losing hours upon hours because some people’s only aim in life is griefing.
How did WoW Classic fell this low? And why is THIS level of griefing allowed?
I know it won’t lead to any action, but I really had to get this out of my chest.
Peace, out