How dead is it gonna be

and your post is late, I mean bfa is already dead, what are you talking about? People say millions are playing it? then why do they cross merge if millions are playing it ? theres hardly 500k on retail just saying


Is that a new account? Because by the look of it, you didn’t even play vanilla. It’s not against the law, obviously, but it does beg the question: How the hell do you know?

I’m going to be generous and assume BFA has about three million active players, although I am not counting overall subs because much of those in the past few months have been because of the Classic hype.

People who find LFR too hard will happily move to Classic because those raids are easier.


Here’s the thing. Nobody who is nostalgic ever wants to admit it.


Sources please.

I’m sure for some nostalgia is a factor, but you’re forgetting that Classic is more of an RPG than Retail is. For people like myself I absolutely prefer those RPG elements because it enriches the experience.

The “it’s just nostalgia” excuse doesn’t work because OSRS proved that it isn’t.

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classic will last a month then everyone will die of boredom and go back to retail. Most people I know have zero interest in it so it will be all it was ever going to be, an over-hyped temporary niche.


Why would they? Most of Classic’s audience dislikes the current game and have only renewed their game time to play the older version. If Classic isn’t as good as you claim it is they’ll just leave again.

“More of an rpg”
In what way? Because you are weaker and have to run to dungeons and ask people for teams? To me, that’s just inconvenience. Given the amount of players classic will have at start, finding teams will be so easy that you may as well just have a dungeon finder. What you are talking about will be more relevant once the crowd starts coming back to retail.

And even then, the reason why they even added the dungeon and raid finder was because people got tired of running everywhere and they’re gonna get tired of ut again. Not to mention that you pretty much must have a guild to really get anywhere. The rpg aspect is so hollow when it’s forced.


Can you just calm down and go do some pet battles.

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most people did not play classic. Most of the people who are gonna play it are doing it for nostalgias sake or for checking out what the deal is.

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In virtually every way? You’re already proving my point that it’s more of an RPG because you yourself feel inconvenienced by anything that isn’t instant gratification. That’s exactly the problem with today’s playerbase and why it is probably a good idea you’d stay away from Classic in the first place.


Saying it to the wrong guy bro.

A lot of ppl will end their adventure before reaching level 10 because let’s be real classic is just wow demo.

Alot of ppl will also abandom classic because it’s as time consuming as mythic raiding making this game unplyable for a lot of people.


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Lmao yes I feel inconvenienced by having to run everywhere and leave if I can to group content or not to the whims of how lucky I get with asking people. That doesn’t prove a darn thing other than that I don’t like pointless inconvenience.
A lot of people don’t.


You’re welcome to prove me wrong.

Well, I am very curious so I decided to google it, and the first thing that popped up was a lot of pictures… Of this :point_down:

A further google on the swimm feet topic didn’t help much :neutral_face:

Luckely I returned my original search and scrolled a lot, and I ended with the most trusted ‘Urban Dictionary’ page :+1:

And if I understand that, it is a new way to adress millennials :hushed:

So either you are all swimm feets or very skilled at playing Fortnite :smile:

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The delusional hopes that Retail will survive Classic…man, the tears of GD.

The next 10 days will be great day for me, reading the GD.

But after 27th, it will be so , so much better. You guys in retail have no idea what is coming. Your cities will be empty. You will lose players hand over first to Classic.

If you manage to retain half of the measly 1 million players you have today, consider yourself lucky.

Retail was on its last legs since WoD, surviving with the pets and mounts and character boosts sales…and not with players.

“Only WoW can kill WoW”.

Yes, this is happening. When September will pass, and Retail is still a desert town, will be the time when all the hopes will die. When all of you will realize that IT IS FINALLY OVER.