How do people enjoy the slow, boring levelling grind?>

Because complaining about classic is what all the cool kids are doing now.

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When i read his topic, it sounds more like retail is a dead game. He does not enjoy it cuz he got lack of skill.

how does vanilla take skill?

Your going to love stranglethorn and walking to Tanaris and every zone lol

It’s a skill of enjoying the adventure.

:tired_face: Stop having fun!

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On Classic, levelling is slow but the grind and your character progression actually feels meaningful. And it’s not really too different from what you’ll be doing at endgame, whereas on Retail it’s just a pointless hurdle so that the “real” game can begin.

There’s professions, epic quests, recipes to collect, materials to gather, drops to farm, gold to make. The potions, cooked meats, engineering trinkets, blacksmithing/lw/tailoring gear you can craft while levelling is quite often worth grinding out, and at all stages of levelling there’s a boss in a dungeon somewhere that drops a weapon upgrade you reallllllly want for your character.

You can see how important and real the character progression feels by how people are grinding out their ww axe, reserving corpsemaker, casters are all farming BRD for the overpowered wand, and how people are bothering with professions - engineers are making gold from deadly blunderbuss, tailors from bags.

When you hit level 60, you’re probably going to quest a bit less, and dungeon grind a bit more, but the core game feels the same except now you also have raiding. Oh and low lvl PvP is actually fun on Classic.

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Yeah, just come to the forums and complain, it’s too hard, it’s too easy!

Nerf this feature, change this feature, buff this spec ! etc

It depends on the class you’re lvling.
If you were a hunter then you won’t find it tedious or frustrating to lvl.
That’s why, you should try out other classes and see what befits you the most.
Also, classic to me is more of a journey rather than being “The World’s First” Finishers!

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Because it means you’re actually invested in what you are doing. You don’t just blindly blitz through quest after quest, ignoring everything around you. You need to think about where you are going and what you are going to do when you get there.

It all comes back to the feeling of building up your character, and making it part of the world.

The levelling is fast, fun and no grind. OP is troll posted. Don’t feed it.

I don’t. It is still more content than BFA.

So! You started making this thread by asking why we love Classic ( grind ), and now you are holding us “speeches” about what should we do with our life?!

Go.To.Retail ( GTR )

Some of us were not kids even back then and for all those years (and more) we bagan to see how “fun” is actually arising.

In your specific case:
We are not looking for action game. We look for RPG where people are out in the world, cooperating or killing each other. For that you must have quest that walk you all over the place and traveling to be slow.

In general :
The idea is that “fun” and “pain” are inseparable. Once you remove the “pain” you remove the value of the reward you are getting at the end. BTW the size of the reward does not hold “fun value”, and that is the reason why people complain about welfare epics. You enjoy only the things you struggled for. Being high level in vanilla makes you feel good, is it so in retail?

But there is one big difference. In retail you can but you would be fine without them. Vanilla points you that it is in your best interest to do so or you would be at disadvantage.


Then all i can say is, get to it then!

Why this need to post useless topics about something that has been debated time and time again? Don’t like Classic? GOOD FOR YOU! You’re not paying for Classic, you pay for RETAIL. To you, Classic is nothing but a free bonus added to your retail subscription. :wink:

Crawl back to retail and do your WQs.

I actually feel the talent upgrades in Vanilla, and most of the time it’s atleast a 5% upgrade in something and you can stack it 5 times.

In retail you get slightly stronger every 15 levels.

Just to give an example, last night i was trying to quest with my mage but mobs were too hard for me, i have grouped with a dwarf priest, because this is not retail and i can not 1 shot mobs. we did 1 quest in westfall then did another then i told him i will go redridge, he wanted to tag along and we ended playing like 3 hours together and now we are friends. this will never ever happen in retail.

I can understand why this is not enough for some people but for those who are looking for interactions in a mmorpg game this is really priceless along with some more features we love.


I havent made Friends in retail in years. Since classic wow… i made alot of friends. Good laugh… nive and friendly ppl walk by


I just got mauled by Stiches. It’s awesome.

The feeling of achievement is much greater. Having attainable yet hard daily goals. Enjoying the journey. Things like that.

Example: I just made level 20 as a shaman and finally unlocked two things I really wanted, the wolf travel form and a fast low heal. It is such an impact and such an upgrade for me that I absolutely loved not only reaching this milestone but the preparation for it (saving money for skills).

In retail, I get azerite levels and don’t feel any accomplishment. It feels more like running against the clock with a list of todo tasks none of which improve my play style at all: dailies, azerite, wqs, rep farming, and dungeons. All of this helps me absolutely zero. I get to do the same dungeon at a slightly higher difficulty and that’s it.

In classic if I want to experience a new area I need to earn it.

Legion got this somewhat right. At launch it felt dangerous. I actually needed to sit and eat to heal. That lasted a whole half hour until quests threw so much gear at me that I was able to obliterate mobs again.