And how exactly are you supposed to access this content? You pay for access, you literally just pay to play dude.
You pay to play WoW with or without Shadowlands unlocked.
Blizzard never sold a promise of content. They sold a promise of access to content around an expo theme. An easy promise to keep.
Nowhere in WoTLK box did it say “X raids, Y mounts, Z new dungeons and ABC new items to collect” because that locks their development into a static field. All the box gave you is open ended stuff because it was about access to stuff around Northrend and Arthas etc and that’s it.
I’ll say it again, you pay for access to the content that is new, and whatever form it takes. You do not pay for specific content like a certain raid or dungeon, and this is why the “a store mount could be a sub mount” is a false argument because mounts are not specifically named as part of the payment at all and they never have been. It’s always been “new mounts” not “X specific new mount”
At best it’s “your sub will entitle you to an opportunity to ride mounts” and that’s it, whether that means they’re mostly In game or not is irrelevant.
Blizzard are selling you access and opportunity. They can’t sell you more, because if they did, they wouldn’t be allowed to hide gear behind mythic raiding because the dollar of casual is same as dollar of raider.
Yet they can, because they’re not selling you a raid, or a mount, or gear, they’re selling you access to the opportunity to get it.
And now he’s building up strawmans out of the people he’s argueing with. What’s next, you’re going to intertwine politics too?
You are just defending Blizzard in this case. I don’t see how it’s okay for a pay to access/pay to play business model to charge people with microtransactions on top of that. That’s just greedy and schemy.
Not to mention that BfA gave us more store mounts than Legion/WoD/MoP combined.
I personally don’t like it, but it’s not something I’d quit the game over either, since everything you can buy on the store is purely cosmetic. Still, I’d rather have those mounts as a reward for something in-game.
I made a thread on this. The amount of store mounts literally doubled at the end of BfA. That’s how many store mounts they released.
From Cata to Legion = amount of storemounts BfA alone released.
Ofcourse these bzzzt bzzzzts are defending it till their death.