How do you feel about Fated/Awakened Season in World of Warcraft

Trash season , with 0 new content , Time gating stuff , which should be available from day 1 , only to make you regrind the same old pixels until they are replaced yet again at the start of the next expansion .
Nothing to see , so nothing new to do .
Guess I can level an alt or something seeing as all my characters are now back to 0 .

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And in regards to the new season in general; I get the appeal for ppl who run out of things to do otherwise and enjoy another turn of the hamster wheel, I even did so myself in SL partially, but this time around I can’t really find my motivation to gear my characters again. There are no new mogs to collect, just a stats increase (a huge one at that) and it just doesn’t feels worth to invest the time, knowing we will “soon” get quest greens from TWW to replace that dungeon/raid gear anyway.

Would have preferred to have an overly long season 3 to gear more alts or to simply take a look at panda remix when it comes; now I already feel stressed because I’ll have to devide my time between panda and S4 and will likely end up doing neither because of it and instead just wait for the prepatch event to give my alts a little more oomph before the leveling.

I like it for the fact that I haven’t played at all this expansion since season 1. If I had put time on previous seasons I would probably dislike it since it nullifies completely your past progress.

But as a “returning” player it feels really good to do everything from scratch and timewalk with Black Temple was just really nice extra content to do.

Conceptually it’s good for content drought while we wait, not so good when it’s replacing/in place of a .3 patch. I can see why they did it for SL because Covid, and I get it here if they were just throwing it as something to occupy our time until DF comes out. It just can’t be a regular thing as an alternate to a X.3. I’d rather the money go towards a story that spans across 3 major patches as per usual. Y’know, what we pay a sub for? DF felt lacklustre because the end boss was angry fire boy, and we get World Soul Ex Machina granting the Aspects their powers.

As for the season itself, I quite like it even though I’ve played one day of it so far. Makes me wonder why you’re even asking that, but hey, let’s move on. I’m liking getting back into mythic+ DF dungeons, although they’re just +2 atm. Gotta get back into the gear and score grind if I want that drool-worthy Infinite Armoredon.

Raiding is ok so far. Only done LFR, so I’m glad they don’t have the affixes as Fated did. Just scaling things up to keep them relevant. I’ll stick to LFR because I’m primarily focusing on M+ for the mount and possibly the portals. Will just grab bullions, hopefully Rasz’s manuscript if it drops and I don’t want to get that sorry excuse for a mount for completing them all on normal.

This aswell, awakened/fated would maybe work for me personally if it really was about unique content and rewards.

The Awakened raid reward being a Shadowlands “unused mount” (or atleast it feels that way) is really poor and lazy.
Atleast Shadowlands had a unique mount that has gotten me to pug raids to get it.

For this one? Nah ill pass, i dont have all Shadowlands versions anyway and this one isnt special enough.

Aside from that, if the season really brought something unique it would be better in my eyes aswell. Something like a corruption system like BFA or some “seasonal affixes” that were removed but only return in season 4 so that we can have fun in dungeons by using the buffs or portals we bad in those BFA seasons.

And lastly, the lack of any class balancing for a M+ season just bums me out. And some classes even would benefit from it since their tier sets are from different patches when the class tree looked a bit different.

Overall, i still think all “extra content” like Plunderstorm / Remix and Season of Discovery is taking away alot of development time and effort from Retail. And that doesnt make sense to me.

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The question why do we have to revisit old content all the time?

  • Season 4
  • Remix MoP
  • Zero 2x patches for World of Warcraft Dragonfligt
  • Old dungeons in The War Within

We are getting old content, not new content. I dont support or feedback old content I already have done once and we pay too expensive to play gameonline. What about free or make it cheaper to play gameonline!


Do this thing X amount of times and at the end of it, you’ll get this reward.

Blizzard has been successfully using this cheap trick for years to convince players that they are having fun.

Fated/Awakened season is just them being brazened about it.

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Never been around for it, as I left in Shadowlands before it.

So viewpoint from someone who hasn’t played it:
Low effort garbage content. I see it more and more, the recycling of content or mechanics with a different coat on.

Not that I mind re-using stuff… but we’d have a lot more things to do if they kept things around instead of always having to design something new and throwing it away the next expansion.

Frankly I do not care for this fated stuff. I still have Dragonflight stuff to do.

At least this isn’t a separate mode, because of: all the classics and whatever that discovery thing is, Plunderstorm, Pandaria Remix… I want to scream to someone at Blizzard: “WOW IS YOUR MAIN GAME!”. Stop making so many different versions and modes and just put it in the damn game. :dracthyr_shrug:

Kind of like revisiting raids from previous seasons, was long enough that forgot some of the mechanics. Its basically this or do nothing till TWW, so quite good and actually fun also with reworked m0 difficulty. Finally, mythic dungeon feels like mythic.

While not perfect, its better than a year long content draught… while it might not be “new” it’s something.

Think that’s a pretty diplomatic and truthful thing to say.

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I have quite mix feelings about this Awakened season.

In other hand it is a nice ending for the expansion and people can experience the content once again (if they like) or if they just started to play or missed some raids for example.

However, this also feels like recycling the old content and kind of cheap solution. Especially, if this replaces an actual new content for the game. I guess that because of all the problems during Shadowlands, Blizzard ended to a solution to create content (Fated) which needs less effort and resources. And now they are making that a norm.

Blizzard is also aiming to deliver expansions faster which sounds nice. However, this could also mean less content in general, and I think that we will see recycled content also in next expansions.

Moreover, Blizzard has been really strategic with the release windows, however, I think there is now happening too much at the same time. It is hard or even impossible to find enough time for Season 4, MoP Remix and Cata Classic. I understand that not everyone are interested of all these three game modes, however a good a mount of players would like to play at least 2/3. I would personally like to play all the three but I can focus just on one and most likely that is MoP Remix then. Anyhow, I am not a fan of current situation because all these game modes are overlapping so much.

The reality is they released/ will release so much that they shoudl delay the launch of next new expansion at least till october and nobody would really mind i think .

To much of good things is not good either

We will have soon

Cata classic
Mop remix
SoD - full leveling content and raids

Nobody sane can say or complain they have nothing to do

They shoudl spend this time polishing it, instead realisingvanother unfinished live beta version ofcgame just for sake of july / August release

Ok but what about people who don’t really care about most of that stuff? I mean I really doubt most SoD players would care about MoP remix or Retail, and I certainly don’t care about SoD, Cata classic (lol) and MoP remix will probably entertain me for like a day or 2.

Boring, nothing new, just an ilvl grind, will probably skip yet.

the best systems that i’ve seen in dragonflight lifespan, making 0mythics giving champion level gear and having mobs scaling equal to m10 is the best decision ever.
Also never played VoI so that raid is new thing for me

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It is understandable that recycled content causes mixed feelings among the playerbase. Those who have been playing WoW for years, and experienced various expansions and patches can easily be critical when talking about recycling old content. If we examine expansions before Shadowlands, most of them had over three major content patches and more than three raids. Therefore, at least some people can consider the current Fated / Awakened -system as partial or incomplete content.

I personally liked when there were different kinds of variations between raids and they did not always follow the same pattern like today. Obviously there are some differences but raids could be a mix of small, medium and large sized raids. And this is not just about raids but the content as a whole.

According to Ion Hazzikostas at Blizzcon 2023, we are getting the typical four new areas, eight new dungeons and some raids when moving to The War Within expansion. Okay, that is nice I guess, but at the same time a little bit predictable and boring. I can also imagine that they are going to follow the same patch pattern ( 11.0 & 11.1 & 11.2 ) like they have done in Shadowlands and Dragonflight. I think this pattern will contain one medium size raid / patch and Fated / Awakened season at the end. However, I hope I am wrong and we will see something fresh.

I am not personally totally against recycling older content but my feelings are quite mixed when we talk about Fated / Awakened seasons because it feels kind of a cheap solution to create content for the game. I am still thinking that utilizing older content is smart because why not use something that is already there. Especially if we think of dungeons and raids from older expansions. I am interested to experience MoP in a new way during upcoming Remix event for example. I am especially looking for experience raids during leveling which I guess has worked at least okay in SoD. If MoP Remix will be a success, I wonder, could that be a base for Chromie Time 2.0?

I’m happy with it. Giving reasons to play existing content is helpful for lot of players, including those who have either started playing recently, or can’t commit huge amounts of time in earlier seasons. A recolour of the chosen tier set wouldn’t have hurt though…

I’m fairly nonplussed with things like Plunderstorm. They’re not something I want to play, and I’m keen for them to remain as something I can ignore as an optional distraction.

Bit late to the discussion, but having cleared the first awakened raid:

For me the difficulty, damage and “buffs” to the enemies felt just right. I never did the first raid, so doing it with friends from a friendly guild to ours turned out to be really fun.
Sure we died a few times, wiped etc cause scrubby me didn’t know when to taunt, and the majority were alts and undergeared, but we did clear it.

The thing I don’t like, and this more an overall issue in the game than fated/awaked content, is the way gearing works. The gear paths don’t make sense to me, e.g I need to constantly check whether it’s “Champion”, “Hero” or “Mythic” and keep in mind their order. Then keep in mind that one can be potentially higher stat wise, so comparing upgrades is difficult…

To be completely frank, and I will be very polite because I do love the new season difficulty wise, they nailed the hunger for gear progression and that is what I love about it.

I’ve been able to get 0 loot on a 13 bosses mythic dungeon streak. There is absolutely no gratification here, there is only frustration, and the RPG system is broken and doesn’t feel good at all. I will make a new thread about this because I want to make blizzard realise that this is a very cheap system that is unbalanced and broken. Even my guildmates know and recognise my serious unlucky RNG according to loot and start to make fun of me for it. I play wow for about 3x more then them (yes, I play all day long) and i’ve yet to complete an alt with m0/m2/hc gear. Even worse, I have to rely on gear that is feeded to me with players not needing it, so that is telling alot.

Is my account shadowbanned lootwise? Is my account loot turned down? I’m seriously beginning to wonder because I cant imagine other players having thesame “issue” and still continue on playing.

My suggestion?
Easy, and it works for having to get rid of unlucky streaks of 10+ bosses without loot. Every time you don’t get loot, you get 5-10% more change (stacking) to receive a lootpiece on the next boss. That way you at least know that realistically you will have 1 loot piece every 2 dungeons and I would be fine with that.

Dear blizzard, make a change to m+/m0 loot progression, this is just ridiculous.

#doubt for 13 dungeons without loot.

i think you mean 13 dungeonss where you get 3-4 pieces of loot which you already have or with subpar stats .

on average you should be getting 1 drop per 3 dungeons.