How do you not hate yourself?

Yeah I love my Rogue and I always steal quest objectives, finish off low HP targets, attack when they’re fighting mobs (when a mob gets a killing blow, it’s extra sweet cuz they get a repair cost), I camp In WPvP and the weaker you are, the more I’ll camp you.

Kidney shot its my fave ability in the game, and don’t even try to HS in a quest hub without getting interrupted by saps and blinds. I’m enjoying the fk outta it.


Ok warlock.


I have played my rogue since I started wow, so for many many years… never in my life have anyone motivated me so good to keep playing my class.

Also, rogues got better jumps than Demon hunters


Ah, that priceless moment when they ambush you in WM and then you just delight in Vanishing, staying in Stealth and Sapping the heck out of them. :heart:

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This post brings me deep deep joy. Thankyou.


One day I will be in a position to really screw over a player that plays Rogue. I will make sure they know why things didn’t go their way.

You say that like Destro isn’t good at killing rogues . I main both lock and rogue throughout the entire Xpac, Destro/demo is the most favourable caster V a rogue 1v1 and destro is actually a massive pain in the butt for rogues to kill. If you was playing something like a shaman or druid who actually has a reason to hate rogues and not posting on a warlock i might feel more for your complaint, however you ARE in the position to screw over rogues right now and you clearly have no idea that you do

Advice V rogues as lock
1, use succubus, she is the biggest annoyance to a rogue ever denies openers and packs a meaty slow
2, spam that fear button don’t just damage race , you have more schools than shadow you can force kicks with fear , also coil well timed can screw a rogue
3, exploit open spaces not near LoS, this is what a rogue wants, places to reset and hide when you have damage. stand in the open, your stronger in the open than he is

I’v been on both sides of this fight, both as rogue v lock and lock v rogue and love both classes , so plx don’t complain when you have the stronger cards atm


roll a demon hunter and go rogue hunting :slight_smile:

Rogues throughout history are always hated, so it fits into the fantasy well enough.


As long as people play demon hunters, I feel no shame of being a bandit dwarf backstabbing both enemies and friends and stealing candy from tiny humans.

Yours, DJ Innstout.

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I find money and booze helps in most cases…

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After playing with my Rogue, I have trouble looking in the mirror at the morning…
…so I sleep 'till noon :beer:


Are there people that genuinely play Lock without feeling they deserve to be thrown out of a window? - - think before u type, your class is equally annoying for others as rogue may be for you


That strange feeling, when warlock writing this…if your hands are bad in playing, why dont you hust off warmode?:smiley:

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I’m such cute, how can I hate myself?

I wonder if the warlock has met a kul tiran haymaker rogue yet



rogues do it from behind they were saying in the early days. I think you never got over it. Now die by the rogue

lmaooo yikes

With deadly force - you’re dead of course, now I’m gunna camp your corpse!