How furry are you?

Not exactly. Furry is merely an expression of interest, whereas being a girl is something physical, thus quite different.

If you spend 3-5 hours a day on an RP server as an anthropomorphic animal character being very careful nobody knows your real identity, that’s starting to qualify. :stuck_out_tongue:

But no matter how much time you spend in WoW as a female character, that will never make you a woman. Suppose it makes you a “GIRL” though (short for Guy In Real Life) :smiley:

Oh yes, that is definitely postmodernist woke nonsense that has some root in the furry fandom, but being a furry is in itself not that.

All my characters are anthropomorphic races. It’s all I have!


I think I have a couple of pandaren alts but I don’t play them, they’re not even max level

because apparently everything must be verbatim… ofc you are not furry irl if you play a furry-oriented character in WoW
I’m not a furry irl but I like this aesthetic for playable characters, plus it’s funny to be a silly anthro fox fighting alongside a big ruthless orc :V

Im a bold NE. I dont even have eyebrows. I hate fur and hair.

I only have this Dracthyr because I can’t play Evoker on any other races.

Sounds like an excuse :eyes:

What’s your excuse for that transmog tho? :stuck_out_tongue:

I spent too much tenders on buying particular elements not to use it now all the time

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Currently I don’t have any furry or scaly characters.
However, I have 3 very fluffy dogs IRL and am constantly covered in fur.
Does that count? :dracthyr_lulmao:

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Green pig-man counts as furry I think :thinking:

Take that back! We are minotaurs not furry.

And minotaurs are…?

Mythological creature of Minoans.

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and more specifically?

Poseidon mind controlled Mino’s wife Pasiphae to do things with a bull. It was not an act of free will.

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The only fur I carry is that of weak, fragile druids who weren’t burned to a crisp in Teldrassil

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Trolls have fur. So about half a % furry

I dont understand why people are so againest animal characters…
I mean vulpera are essentially Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy, arent they? How is that not a good thing!!?

I have pandaren hunter, monk, rogue, warrior. Vulpera hunter, worgen hunter, drakthyr evoker tauren hunter, draenei hunter, paladin and a couple of druids as well.

Why would of want to play a more human character? I play human in real life and it sucks!!LOL


My character roster contains of one of each race with few exceptions. Because I went for all heritage quests and besides it feels right in my head.

Of those I play regularly, worgen druid is my most furry I guess :rofl: It feels like the perfect class race combo and the one i’m most happy with.