How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

WILDSTAR has failed before launching.
I tried the beta of it and the overall theme just didn’t tick with me.

But make that game in steampunk x fantasy setting, instead of cartoony one and I am sold.

Stop telling people how they should play the game, you need to realize how you cant force your playstyle on everyone, and how the games which would cater to just one type of the gamer aren’t popular. And high mythic dungeons and mythic raids aren’t tuned for the average players nor are they made for the gamers which don’t have time to dedicate for the serious raiding. Besides we had the raiding in the game before the LFR and that model hasn’t proven as successful when only minority of the playerbase could experience the raids or otherwise the Blizzard would never introduce it.

And still there was an incentive in the first tier in this expansion for the mythic raiding, your overall il was for months higher than 380, you had the title and the 385 il pieces as baseline dropping there without any luck factor involved in that. Every method how a casual could get anywhere near that il involved luck and RNG, through warforges/titanforges and the weekly chests. In this new tier alongside all of that, you will get again specific mount just dropping in your tier besides ofc the highest level of the gear and that will still not be enough to get the most of the players which aren’t doing it now interested for the mythic raiding.

And I want to comment on the runes also since I have seen that you are spouting on the forums how they are made specifically for the mythic raiders, I wonder where did you get that idea ? Because if they would be made just for you than they would probably drop in the content which you are doing more and not LFR, and they are used by the heroic raiders and the people which do mythic dungeons to.


This is basically the main issue for me, theyre trying to make wow more accessible to solo players but as someone who plays this game for group content; there are actual single player games that I will play instead of soloing wow (KH3 in 2 days for example) which generally provide a single player experience as its core feature rather then something that allows people to undermine the group content

Edit; I have no issue with solo players but because there is no gearing progression for them other then a bandaid fix in the form of ‘emissery Gear scales to heroic raid level’ (emissery isnt heroic raid level), I’d rather see solo content get its own dedicated Gear progression system based on difficulty and challenge (something like the mage tower?) So that WQ and Emissery can go back to providing entry level gear for all entry-level content (normal raids, m0, pvp, what the new solo Gear progression would be)

The thing is when you change the game from it’s working state to appeal to those who don’t want to spend that time playing it, it will ruin it for those who want to spend all their time playing it. Trying to appeal to everyone makes no one like the game. I don’t have facts but I don’t think going all in for the ppl who spend 2 hours a week to play this game is even a good business move, cause these ppl aren’t long time customers. I know Blizzard can do less content and spend less resources developing the game when they have a customer base that doesn’t really care about the game.

It can still be a good game for players without 8 hours of daily playtime. Legion was better than BFA, except the insame amount of Titanforgings that happened in legion.

There is now no reason to play LFR, since you will not do this for the small chance of getting a +45 ilvl TF. Which is good. IMO LFR is actually in a good state now.

The overall problem is getting heroic gear from emmisaries, invasions and WB’s and Warfronts.

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The problem still remains that there is 0 need for social interactions in an MMO game. When there is no need to talk to anyone, no one will talk to anyone, as we can see with the city channels. This game is not a MMORPG since they are stripping the RP elements from the game and the MMO aspect as well.

And the solution for that is not in the making of the content harder for everyone, but instead in adding the more content to the game which would encourage the social group activities in the game, which would be appealing to the larger playerbase.

Last time blizzard catered to the “hardcore” wow fans, it had its peak of subscribers. not sure what you’re talking about… lol
at that time, everyone had a room in this game, hardcore and casual all lived in peace :slight_smile: <3

Well 1 step to make ppl communicate again would be removing the whole group finder.

Honestly there were more reasons why WoW had higher numbers in the past :

  • The game was still new.
  • Back than the Warcraft lore was more popular and known among the wider population of the gamers and Wotlk as an expansion was its peak since it was about the most popular character in the WoW ever Arthas.
  • MMO-s as genre in general were more popular.
  • When WoW launched it was a lot more casual friendly game than the other MMOS which existed at that time like Everquest.

game was 4-5 years old at least, not sure if thats “new”. lol

and illidan is any less popular or? doesnt explain why wotlk had more subs.

again, doesnt explain why wotlk was on top of cata/tbc.

yeah and wotlk came out 4-5 years after.

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Then comes Cataclysm and LFR and everything starts crumbling apart. I’m not making any connections, but LFR came in to the game when it started to go downhill. I never tried LFR until panda and it literally made me sick back then, I left after the first boss. Then I was LFR free until BFA, and it’s still horrible.

Bringing Illidan back was just stupid, the whole other timeline in wod was stupid, bright stone thingie building space ships was stupid and whole panda expansion not bringing much to the story was stupid. The story has taken a hit since wotlk mostly cause there was no interesting characters left.

Ascent: Infinite realm looks pretty promising on that front, you might want to check trailers (it’s not released yet).

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Thematically it ticks, but somehow I get the BDO vibe from it - esspecially fight system. And seeing it being asian mmorpg makes it almost certain to go pay 2 win in west.

Will keep tabs on it regardless, so thank you.

That depends on the content people do. I got all but 1 curves since legion with a pug, and all on voice. I had countless of M+ dungeons with pugs on voice too.

But I totally do not care LFR voice is not used. Except there are still very difficult bosses on LFR (usually the last boss, but also remember Coven sisters…) which requires some talking here or there.

And yet was already vastly watered down from it’s release. It is a bit far fetched to state that it was the most hardcore when it was at it’s peak as by then a lot of elements had already been made a lot more casual friendly. The term Wrath babies started very close to the beginning of the expansion not the end.


A lot newer than now, now its 15 years old.

I would argue that he is, Illidan was never the main protagonist of the series, and Arthas was in the Warcraft 3. Wotlk had the lore which interested Warcraft fans more than the one in any other expansion. Everyone wanted to see and experience how the story with Arthas will end.

I explained why Wotlk was more popular than the other expansions, because of the lore. And TBC was more popular than the Cata because the game was newer, the MMOS were more popular and you didn’t had at that time on the market so many different MMOS as you had when Cata launched, which contributed to the fact that the population of the MMO gamers did spread out more between different games.

And what does that have to do with anything, it was still at the time more casual friendly MMO than the other ones on the market.

I don’t care or talk about voice chat, I don’t ever have that on. I’m talking about the chat functions, like have you seen anyone say anything in trade that wasn’t related to mythic boosting?

[quote]Skylár-ravencrest, post:199, topic:22239"]
A lot newer than now, now its 15 years old.[/quote]

it was even more new during TBC. hence your argument doesnt makes sense.

illidan was in warcraft 3 as well?
you arguments are weak.
you think people didnt want to see how illidans story would end? :joy: illidan is partly the reason legion got soooo hyped.

It wasn’t only the lore tho, wotlk also had the best raid in popular opinion, Ulduar.
Was it good because it was accessible? No.
Was it popular cause it had a good backstory? No.
Was it popular because it was well made, had interesting mechanics and activatable hard modes? Yes.
Also I think icc had the best balance of accessibility since pug groups was able to clear it in 10 man, no need for LFR.