How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

I don’t think you will only see one raid difficulty again. I just don’t get normal as it is, very undertuned, and sort of irrelevant as it doesn’t give titles, achievements, mounts anything.

Bullsh**, LFR is totally avoidable for anyone interested for the more challenging raiding. And if the normal mode would be removed there would be even less things to do for the casual guilds/groups in the game since a good number of them like to progress first through normal to get to heroic, if we wouldn’t get additional raiding content released with big raids, because the current mythic is made for the hardcore - think about Method raiders and the like which take the game for something more, they are super serious about it, they have to min max everything and play the game to compete with others.

Biggest joke here on the forum tho is how some posters think how if the LFR would be removed from the game how it would magically the game get back to the numbers which it had when it was new, and how would most of the players which are now participating in the LFR suddenly get interested to do more challenging modes of the raiding.

How is that even a reply and how does it make any sense in your head?
I’m a bit confused now cause usually trolls don’t put that much effort into a post.

Yes we’ll go back to those halcyon days of not even half the playerbase seeing these bosses which was why they brought in LFR, oh wait!

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I’m saying that pet battles that don’t give any relevant rewards for your character progression is like a penny while the loot that you get from LFR is really relevant for the early progression for your gear which I compared to 10 thousand dollars. Meaning that ignoring pet battles doesn’t really matter at all while ignoring LFR you would lose items that might make your character stronger, which is the main goal for most of the players.

The whole comparison is bad cause pet battles can actually be fun while LFR isn’t fun at all.

Dude, you can pretty much forget about arguing with stupid people on these forums. These forums are LFR heroes den and the moment you call any of said heroes out on them talking crap about things they have clearly no idea about by mentioning their progression/content done you get banned :smiley: You can throw all the numbers at them with explanations and well written arguments but they’ll take them the wrong way anyway because it suits them.

Amazing community management by the way, just spot on. Give players the ability to check profiles of people around the forums, then ban people who mention anything taken out of those profiles and finaly I just found out they gave you and option to hide your profiles while failing to deliver it properly xD Amazing job done by multi-billion $$ company. But then again, what can we expect from people publicly calling their customers D-bags on social media, right?

I think there is a mix of types of players on the forums.

They should call out ppl in the forums like Jeff called ppl who said “they will never never raid, why should we care about raid content” liars. That is exactly what Blizzard needs to do, man up and stop bending under the pressure of ppl asking for the game to be easier and more easy to understand. These ppl in my opinion are ppl who never enjoyed the game.
Like why would they strip off the complexity of the game, if not to appeal to ppl who didn’t like the game in first place.
The issue with this is that ppl who enjoyed the game before they removed the stats that would gate off content cause you aren’t ready for them yet. I’m talking about hit caps, defense caps, mana and mana regen, LFR heroes probably have no idea what these even are.
So old fans of the game are leaving and are replaced by new blood that has attention span of about 3 minutes. If LFR raid wipes they leave instantly probably thinking that everyone els sucked. These are not ppl who will stay subscribed to the game what ever they try to make them stay. These are the ppl that buy store mounts and boosts. Cause playing the game doesn’t interest them.

As far as i know mythic is not removed. Just let people play the content/difficulty they want.

And what is an incentive to play mythic (and you’re talking about dungeons or raids?), since same or better gear can be obtained through HC TF.

Making game easier to understand is BS in itself. Like Preach said, we shouldn’t be forced to use 3rd party website to sim our gear to find out if it’s any good.
We should look at new piece, see it gives 5 more stamina, 10 more crit and 2 sockets in comparison to just one socket your current item has - BAM it’s an upgrade!

The game nowadays is way too convoluted and slot machine driven - bring back character controll into the hands of a player, not a dice.

LFR takes away from social interaction. When all social interaction was removed everything started to go downhill.

Lazy is you whining about runes and you trying to be an edgy elite gamer makes it so cringe .


Mythic is still dropping higher gear than Heroic. But also,… because it should be fun? I am also pushing my M+ key way higher than +10. I am doing countless of keys. There is no gear-reason at all for it.

But this has nothing to do with LFR. Let people play LFR when they want. When you don’t like it, stay out of it. Yes it is easier than Mythic. Yes you can lose a couple of players here or there and still make it. You still wipe when a lot of the group fail mechanics. It is still raiding and a lot of the players are happy with it.


Because LFR breeds laziness, and laziness brings stagnation. Activision develop content for lazy people, making the game garbage in the process. There is not a single good quality LFR has, none. It is made for people who don’t want to or can’t play the game, in which case they should not play it.
A company should cater to its core audiance. You don’t try to sell cars to people who want to drive trucks, do you?

No, mate. Nobody seems to understand why runes are only in LFR, consistantly - so that overgeared and experienced people would join it, artificially bumping up the success rate of the content. Also I have admit many times, I am an avrage gamer with a 8-10h demanding job, who gets confused with left and right, but still clears the entire game.

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Last time a company catered to the hardcore wow fans it closed down.


You mean Wildstar, right? SWTOR, which caters entirely to casuals, is rumored to be on it’s last legs too, an that’s even owned by EA who definitely have the resources to hang on to the game if they want to.

I’m not a hardcore player, I play 15-20h a week…

This is not a game only for teenagers, streamers or players without families that are able to sit 8 hours per day in front of the screen, just saying


There is a diference between casual players and a lazy ones. I’m casual. I kill bosses when they are nerfed. You on the other hand don’t seem to play the game at all, yet for some reason you think the game should cater to you more than me.