How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Look I was comparing the WoW peak during the TBC and Wotlk to the number of players the game has now, and in the time when both those expansion launched the game was still new and the MMOS were more popular genre. And besides Wotlk catered more to the casual playerbase than the TBC did, and had a progression system which casual gamers liked better.

Illidan had in the Warcraft side role while the Arthas had the main one in Warcraft 3. I’m not saying that Illidan is not popular character, he is, just less than Arthas, and because of that obviously way more people were interested to see how will the story in the Wotlk go than the one in the TBC.


The thing is Illidans story should have ended in TBC. I still think it’s so stupid to see the villains turn up couple expansions later and be like “Heeeey I’m a good guy now”. I bet we will see Arthas very soon turning up and be like “Heeeeey, I’m still lich king but by the power of friendship I’m a good guy now”. You know alternative time line and stuff. -.-

But that’s just that- an opinion, WoW had plenty of the good raids even after the LFR got introduced to the game which were as good as Ulduar if not better.

It was accessible in a way, not through the finder, but people could through the badge system get good enough gear to get into that raid, before that Nax was a pretty easy raid which a lot of casual groups cleared back than, than you had the Vault of the Archavon released in the time of Ulduar from which the players could obtain the loot like they can now from warfronts which was equally good as the one from the raid.

WoW devs have a different stance than you on that, and are making the content in the game to be experienced by the larger playerbase and not just the one which has a time or the skill to engage in the higher difficulties of the raiding.

You know this is the same reason that EA, WB, Take two, and many others use to justify pay to win in their games.

It’s not just an opinion when ppl are saying the next raid could be the next ulduar, which it never will be. It is pretty wide spread opinion.

Is people using trade chat making or braking WoW as an MMO? Not sure why tradechat is important. I have party/raid/guild/community-chats. I value those a lot higher.

Ppl not using the trade chat is breaking the game. I can’t say for sure but it seems like you are a pretty new player. So you might not know the playground that was trade chat back when the game was worth while.

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yeah, I started in legion. But I am talking to a whole lot of players. Idk what tradechat is or should contributing to that.

Rékthal: hates lfr. New raid is live. Still only raiding done, uldir…lfr.


Doesn’t that make me the target audience for LFR? Why do you think a casual player like me hates the only raiding content I do? I’m just imaging the ppl who has not done any raiding in the past going through LFR and thinking how awful raiding is. LFR has nothing to do with raiding and that is problematic.

WILDSTAR had some great ideas but it was just too grindy for me. I did the beta and never made it to level 10 for my hoverboard and when it went live I just couldn’t make it through the levelling process. I went back again when they invited me to try out the free to play beta testing.

It just wasn’t for me.

By that logic then. Random bg doesn’t have anything to do with pvp? Right?


Well depends what you consider to be PVP. I would say BG’s have nothing to do with arenas or world pvp, and other way around. I don’t see what’s the point of this comparison. These are 3 completely different contents like raiding and LFR has nothing to do with each other.

Player vs player. One player fighting another player. Thats pvp in my book, be it arena, bg or open world.

Same goes for looking for raid. You are in a raid group. You enter an instance called a raid. You kill a raid boss. Its a raid. Just mechanics and difficulty that differs.


Well if you want an example what I would consider to be pvp version of LFR then there is the normal island expedition. Where you play against highly downgraded npc’s pretending to be players. It has nothing to do with pvp but you are fighting against the other faction.

Then it’s not pvp. It’s pve. The other npc pretending to be players are controlled by ai. . .


So pvp can only happen between oposing factions…lol…jesus dude. Your logic, how…i don’t…i can’t. ???


This is like trying to explain evolution to a creationist. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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Just because the difficulty is lower does not mean it is not raiding. And you are probably just lucky you never wipe and never have to talk and explain tactics on LFR. But I had to do that a lot.


I don’t see the connection between LFR and PTW ? In LFR players still need to participate in the content, they still need to perform in the difficulty suited for them or they can wipe on boss fights. With PTW you have players which can obtain the best gear in the game while doing nothing, but only buying stuff, which can give them advantage over other players in the game.

An island expedition, you can do pvp in there. For pvp you are in a group you go into the island and fight against real players to gather azerite. Same goes with the normal island expedition the only way you can make pvp easier is to not have players against you, so the difficulty differs. I see this as a perfect example for a pvp version of lfr.

You clearly didn’t read the what we were talking about there. let me quote the thing I was referring there.

Basically saying that there are ppl who don’t have time or don’t want to play the game and they need to have a shortcut to the end of the game. This reasoning is the same that is being used to justify pay to win cause ppl might not have time or they don’t want to play the game so they can just buy their way to end game.