How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Yes, they are, after the 15th nerf, people are just lazy and want free stuff.

There is a difference between not wanting to play the game while in the same time wanting to have the best gear in the game and when that’s allowed by some devs which got in their game PTW model, and wanting to play the game and to experience the content in the difficulty suited more for the skill level of the certain players which aren’t asking for the best gear in that difficulty, which is created to allow the playstyle for the more casual gamers which don’t have time to play in the higher difficulties which require a lot more dedication and time invested and from which the players are because of that awarded with the better gear.

Ah ok , if you consider that the Method raiders and the like are just average gamers :roll_eyes:

That is a heck (plz don’t ban me Blizzard) of a sentence, I really tried to understand what you meant by it but I highly recommend trying to rephrase that.
From my understanding you are trying to say that there is a difference between wanting high end gear and wanting the end game content.
That is right these are 2 different thing’s but created by the same logic, and coming from the same attitude of not wanting to play the game.

Let’s think of an solo rpg lets say witcher 3. You can change difficulty of the game from very easy to somewhat hard, but you can’t just skip the game to the last boss. Ppl who don’t have time or don’t want to play through the game will never see the last boss. Which is totally not fair, they payed for the game and now they have to play it?

Spoilers ahead:

Witcher bosses are garbage, the point being it’s not the end that interests ppl it’s the journey to the end of the game. LFR skips the game and gets you to the end.

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LFR (Uldir) had like a 315-320 ilvl requirement and dropped 340. Not sure LFR had much influence.

LFR is for people like me, who can’t raid anymore, due to healthissues. Not because i am lazy, but because i miss raiding. It gives me a little something back of what i lost. It’s people like you, that has to ruin everything else for others.

What i wonder is why the so called “elitists” are so threatened by LFR ?? It does them no harm, in any way, shape or form. Don’t like it, don’t do it, but don’t putt others down for doing it.


I’m saying how the PTW games are the ones which allow to the players which aren’t participating even at all in the content to buy the best gear in the game with which can have an advantage over other players.

And how is that different from the situations which you have in some games, which have more difficulties of the content and which award the gear accordingly to the time invested and skill required for them, and how that is not PTW.

And you can’t seriously compare the MMO raids to the way how single player games are created and in which the progression is entirely made to be linear by design and the story narrative. Also the players in the LFR difficulty of the raid still need to kill the bosses so they are participating in the content, and is totally irrelevant for them in what order they are doing it, what’s relevant tho is that the difficulty of the content is created more in the way to suit their skill level and to the time they have to play the game.

Where was this phrase when ppl were whining that raid content was too hard.

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Get out.

Seriously though, you speak as if you are some kind of grand idea of how a gamer should behave. You are not. Your entire post is full of assumptions of how players respond to the content they have available, but in reality it is nothing more than your own personal opinion. You don’t speak for me, you don’t speak for anyone else playing the game either in fact. See past your own gaming experience and come up with suggestions on features that can interest you, rather than trying to explain how I and others feel and play the game.


I was comparing the whole game, the journey of leveling gearing and learning till you have the skills and items to take down the big and strong enemy force that was the goal of that journey.

Well, I would consider the level boost being a pay to win style of microtransaction if you compare someone who starts at level 1 to someone who buys a boost and starts at level 110. Ofc the boost is there cause some ppl don’t have the time to level up a character…

It doesn’t differ, the easy difficulty in most of the games are pretty much like watching a movie instead of playing a game. Also most of the difficulties aren’t balanced well, and there is always the intended difficulty which is the actual way the game was created. I’d say the best games are the ones that have 1 difficulty and everyone experiences the game as it was intended to be experienced.

Idk, my PES on the PS has like 7 difficulties.
There seems to be no ‘intended difficulty’.

Ofc these are opinions, you can’t debate about facts because those are facts and everything that says otherwise is wrong. These are opinions I am aware of that I’m not saying my opinions are facts. This doesn’t mean I should just shut up or get out with my opinions.

You are speaking for everyone else with your opinions in your post(s). You’re making a bucket load of assumptions. Start speaking for yourself, rather than dragging the rest of the community into your examples, and I won’t complain about your agenda.

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This, some of the best RPG-s currently have more difficulties than just one - Witcher 2 & 3, Mass Effect series, Dragon Age, Dark souls, so that’s nothing unusual nowadays. Also what’s someone perceive as difficult is highly subjective.


Yes witchers, I like witcher 1 more than 2 but ok. Never played the mass effect series, Dragon age 1 was decent while others were kinda trash and the thing that interests me is these different difficulties of dark souls where is the option for easy mode?

The easy mode it the one on top;

I’m Too Young To Die - easy mode
Hurt Me Plenty - normal mode
Ultra Violence - hard mode
Nightmare - really hard mode
Ultra Nightmare - impossible

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Well in the Dark Souls you don’t have the difficulty setup from the start like in the others I mentioned but when you finish the game you than have the option to start in the increased difficulty again.

That’s called new game+ not a difficulty and games with difficulty settings have this like the witcher 3 for example. It’s pretty much like mythic+ where the dungeon gets harder and harder every time you go through it. The new game+ is not well made in dark souls it just adds health and dmg to enemies which is not that interesting to me (DS2 atleast added extra enemies which was cool sad that the game was so much worse than others in that series).

The fact still remains that everyone plays the game with it’s intended difficulty and what do you know it’s called a masterpiece.

Its masterpiece to some players but that is again subjective, for some other players is not better than Mass Effect, Dragon age, Witcher and some Final fantasy RPG-s in which you can set up difficulties from the start.

Ofc, these other games were good too, Witcher 3 was amazing, but in my opinion witcher’s combat was it’s biggest weakness. Which probably maybe has something to do with the difficulty I chose (I always go in hard).
Also difficulties really doing nothing for the game I have to bring in Skyrim, decent game in my opinion, but it had difficulty options that were somewhat stupid. Hardest difficulty was pretty much 1 shot enemies or get 1 shotted by enemies. Easy was ofc the movie mode and others were just in between. Ofc the game wasn’t about the combat so adding difficulties really did nothing for it.