How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Well that’s your opinion. Imo raiding isn’t fun, period. But LFR is the difficulty that irritates me least of all the ones available. I don’t like it much, but I do it because I want to see the storylines in there and the areas and the bosses. And sometimes I want some transmog pieces.

This was never a reason for me personally. But then again, I’m not the type of player who cares about e-peen or feeling better than others. I just want to see the content with the least amount of hassle and difficulty. LFR provides that.

Where does it state ANYWHERE that raiding requires a community?
It requires people. Bodies. I prefer not having to talk to anyone tbh.

After playing almost every main-stream MMO out there, I can safely say that WOW players are the worst.

There’s just no getting round it at this point. Thanks for reminding me OP. You helped me make a decision. Thank God, I’ve only invested a few hundred and a couple of months. Coulda been a lot worse.

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Now I coud say

But I think it would lead nowhere.

We have probably very different ideas about the game, and that is fine.

My point was about the community. Not about picking a side in that kind of war between “casuals” and “elitists”. I hate this state of mind. Cause I think everybody should be able to enjoy the game the way they want without being labelled, bullied or insulted.

I may think LFR as it is is part of a problem, I never said I want it to be removed. I never said Blizzard was to blame for everything. For example, they are not responsible for people who act like jerks.

I was just advocating for a very simple thing : stop that stupid war, because it’s damaging a game that doesn’t need more damage.

If there’s one thing I’ve learn in my life, it’s that you have to listen, you have to care about others’ feelings before talking “reason”. Feelings drive humans, not reason. And they are what they are, nobody should judge others’feelings, only the way they act on them.

I finded part of your comment kind of rude and I answer in the same tone.

I don’t want to leave WoW on such a note.

So, I wish you well and I’m happy for you if you enjoy the game like it is now.

How did you invest few hundred in couple of months? I hope you didn’t fell for the scam that is store mounts.

I agree. But that’s a two-way street.

Sadly for every person like you, there’s another person who DOES want LFR removed. Or any ‘casual mouth-breather type content’ they deem unworthy. I hate those kinds of people and I WILL lash out at them.

I hate mythics. Do I think they’re a waste of resources? Yes. Do I think they nurture a toxic way of playing the game? Yes. Do I want them removed? No. Because I know there’s people who do enjoy them.

May I ask what I said that sparked that kind of reply?

Unfortunately I am not enjoying the game and I have quit for now. I will very likely be back at some point in the future (maybe 8.2). But the best to you too.

Thank you for your answer. Nevermind the part I find rude, different sensitivity, that’s not a big deal :slightly_smiling_face:.

Bought a few of them (lowbie mounts are ugly af and sure they’re overpriced but… eh, I spent more for less), some WOW tokens to get a good start when they sold for almost 400k, sub obviously, realm transfer because the one I ended up on had no Horde players (so no guild) and the cost of the expansion.

I didn’t bankrupt myself. I normally spend a fair whack if I start an MMO from scratch.

Sure I kinda regret it as I’m likely leaving but it was a new and exciting game at the time (new to me anyway, the game is prehistoric) and I can’t rewind time so whatever. One day I might come back and it’ll all be waiting there.

I guess that’s normal to some ppl, I usually wanna know if they game is worth paying for. In a game as expensive as wow I wont use money on microtransactions just cause I don’t want to feed the greed of Blizzard. That money wont anyway go for the good of the game, but to some bonus for the business executives or to the pocket of Activision CEO.

Since you are completely new I wonder if you even know what my original post was talking about. How the looking for group is ruining the MMO aspect of the game.

It all depends on the business model. In a F2P game I spend a lot more but I have soft limits.

In ESO, I paid for the sub option (absolutey worth it) and rarely spent over my included monthly premium currency in the cash shop. One time though I spent a stupid amount on loot boxes to get an item that I really, really wanted but I didn’t feel that bad because I loved it and use it all the time.

Other times, I’ve been completely reckless and spent way too much money in games because of super predatory practices (Blade and Soul comes to mind) and even though I’d “invested” a LOT, that money didn’t translate into much more enjoyment and it kinda made me feel sick and I never played again.

Overall though, when I look at how much my hobby costs me, it really doesn’t work out that much. I’m not rolling in it but I don’t drink or smoke anymore or buy expensive clothes.

When I used to go out partying, I would drop 300 easy in two nights and that was ten years ago and all I have is a Facebook page filled with photos of people I don’t even speak to anymore to show for it.

We are from very different world, I’d rather have no microtransactions in a game that I already payed for. I payed for original wow, burning crusade, wotlk, panda, wod and BFA (yes I skipped legion). Plus monthly fee, and all I see is the game going worse and worse every time they try to add in something new and cool.
I have no problem of buying microtransactions in games that in my opinion deserve that money. These games are usually free to play. I’ve used so much money in dota2 just cause I want my hero to look a bit different, and I don’t regret it at all. I already regret buying BFA and 1 month subscription.

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In order for a Multiplayer game to be good it has to emulate real life. In particular effort -> reward. WoW is failing at that the most in combination with poorly copy paste Legion content and it dries up even the most loyal players. You see, developers should cater to its core audiance, WoW and Diablo aren’t doing that anymore and are losing players to competators fast, who do, while the small SC and WC3 teams, who do are sustaining large audiances in a dead genre. We both know who are the core audiance of the game - neckbeards (metaphoricaly saying). The moment the game stoped catering to neckbeards it started losing subs. It has nothing to do with how old people are getting, or how busy they are. It only has to do that the game no longer demands effort. The effort to research your class, research your progress put the time into it.

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This is 100% true no one from my friends is playing the game anymore and I used to have like 20-30 friends online all the time. Even my sister who was the biggest wow fan ever stopped playing and is saying it is ruined. She is playing ESO now, I have no idea how that game is. It could be good since it’s sucking in wow’s old fans that Blizzard threw away.

If by neck-beards, you mean competitive, min/maxers who only care about end-game, then I guess if that’s the sort of game you make and market, it makes sense that not catering to them will cause the game to fail.

But there are other games where players of all stripes exist in a much harmonious way than WoW because there is fresh, regular and relevant content for everyone.

Questing in ESO and SWTOR is a joy and all of that content is still relevant to every player no matter what level (or CP level in ESO) you are. FFXIV has similar end game progression, dungeons and raids compared to WOW but it also has great questing, player housing, exceptional character customisation and just SO MUCH more to do beyond chasing gear.

Levelling up and questing in WOW is broken and incomplete. It’s just a race to 120. You can’t enjoy the stories, professions are pointless, half the old content is missing and you race through the expansions so quickly that you can’t really appreciate the atmosphere of what made them fun when they were current.

I’m 120, I log in to do emissaries and log out. Sometimes I start to level another class but then I think what’s the point? What new grind will I have to suffer through to get the thing that I only kinda want or what story am I going to miss half of because all the quests and cinematic were cut from the game?

So I disagree that a multiplayer game has to be like real life in that for it to be appealing you need to treat it like a second job and I and other people who prefer a more well-rounded game pay the same sub…


I don’t disagree with that, leveling in Classic and TBC was a part of the neckbeard experience.

These two paragraphs contradict themselves. You are bored in a game that gives you no challenge to sink your teeth in, while at the same time saying that you don’t want to treat it like a second job. Modern WoW is just that - not treating the game as a 2nd job, ironically it is boring and unrewarding. There is nothing to do, because you are not invested.

The inbetween we had with starting with WotLK was the best for it:

-No need to farm heavily a few hours before every raid
-Relevant catch up and goals (badges, JP, VP, HP and CP vendors) and new hard dungeons (ICC trio or ZA and ZG in Cata)
-Gear was tied to your progerssion mostly, some few thing liek world drops or world boss if lucky but mostly gear = skill
-Easier mode but still requiring you to play and not solely press a queue button and say “I kiled KJ in LFR! And now I stop playing till next tier”
-If not making it in LFR in MoP the answer was get better, but since then bosses get changed to a point the only thing they share is a name and model and we got a determination buff.

It’s funny that flex raiding with wings(current normal) was introduced to give casuals, people with less time or bad players an easy raid and yet they remained in LFR for the most part. Now it’s a 3rd raid mode for guilds.

Says who? You? Oh then it must be true. :rofl:

Again; your opinion. Not a fact.

WoW’s core audience? Hardcore raiders with no life? Dedicated basement knights? WoW’s playerbase is varied and if it didn’t have that varied playerbase it would very probably not be viable anymore and it wouldn’t even exist. Catering to only a small percentage of your playerbase is not good business.

Your views are SO blindingly ignorant it’s kind of sad tbh.

Pure. Nonsense.


The same can be said for WoW actually. Just not all the time. Like, in BfA now, the content fails and the different types of gamers start blaming each other for it. It’s noone’s fault but Blizzard’s. They should make engaging and fun content for everyone and then you will get a minimum of complaining - like in the good expansions (it won’t ever completely cease, you can never please everyone).

I"m not bored because the game isn’t challenging. I have no interest in content that requires me to use an addon that measures my DPS or another to sim my gear (Although I do use Pawn so I don’t have to think too much about upgrades).

To me, it’s all the same thing over and over but harder to pull off, which I get gets other people’s juices flowing but not me.

What pushes me to carry on playing an MMO is the entire experience. I need a great story and fun activities beyond running the same thing over and over. I want the journey to 120 in this game to be fun but it just isn’t and while I can see from an objective POV that the lore of Warcraft is deep and intricate, the game doesn’t allow me as a new player to become invested in any of it.

I don’t mind working hard for something I want but the game isn’t really making me want anything. The only thing I wanted to do was unlock allied races but now I don’t even care about that. I’m not motivated because I don’t understand my character’s motivation for doing any of the things he does. Making the game more hardcore would have very little effect on how I play.


I used to be no one doing heroic things, now I’m a hero doing nothing.

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Funny, I have been baned for less. But sure, insult as much as you want, who cares. Yes, they should cater the “basment knights”, because when they did, the game had 12m subs. Now it is what? 2.5m, 3m, even 4m if you are being generous?

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