How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Because 340 uldir lfr reward is totally breaking the game.

This would be great then I had no reason to ever step into that hellhole.


Your 374 ilvl is indeed really waiting for that 340 lfr gear. Good luck on your bonus rolls in there :smile:

Do you think I didn’t do LFR to get to this point? That free loot for being afk following someone for 15 mins does mean a lot in the early game. Ofc I’m not touching LFR anymore but 2-3 times already made me hate the system so much that I created this post.


The bad/toxic behavior says more about you than about lfr. And don’t like it, don’t play it.


And like I said; the opposite is also true. So yeah.

How is it bad/toxic behaviour if I do LFR like Blizzard clearly intended it to be done. “Don’t like it, don’t play it” is something I hoped Blizzard would have said when ppl were complaining that they can’t see the raid content. Cause ppl who didn’t want to use their time to learn and get better gear clearly didn’t want to raid.


wildstar was for hardcore player only.

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AFKing is NOT the way to do LFR, just to be clear. It is toxic behaviour. You are a toxic player who looks down on some content and then misbehaves while doing that content, trying to ruin it for others. You should be banned tbh.

Raiding isn’t about gear. At least, not if you don’t plan on doing harder content, because then you just don’t NEED the gear. There’s transmogs, titles, mounts and oh yeah SEEING THE ACTUAL CONTENT and EXPERIENCING THE STORYLINE(S).

And you can’t just NOT do it and still see the content and experience the storylines. Doesn’t work. So…

…is complete nonsense to say.

This thread is so full of the crappy comments its unbelievable, elitists ( mostly the same people repeating the same stuff and some of them even doing it on their reserve accounts without much achievements if any in this thread ) whining that the content for the other players apart from them exist in the game.

Interesting enough I rarely if ever see the casuals doing the same and saying how creating the content which only minority of the players experience in the game is a waste of resources and how Blizzard should focus the design on majority of its subscribers instead.

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I look down on content that is bad, same goes with warfronts it’s just badly designed.

Raiding needs gear and skill, I’m not saying it’s about the gear. What I liked about raiding was the experience of working together and doing right things at the right time while competing in healing done and dmg done to take down the bosses and other baddies. LFR has nothing to do with what I consider the experience of raiding, it is a movie.

I guess you didn’t play the game when LFR didn’t exist. These casuals were whining about exactly that.


No, they just whine about how ML ruined the game for them and Titanforging is the greatest thing in the world, despite that they are not effected by any of it.


I have made this point before yeah. And personally I WOULD like Blizzard to dedicate less resources to raiding, but as a rational human being I understand that many people DO enjoy that content so it has a place in the game. I wish the ‘haters of LFR’ could afford me the same honor.

You mean 370?

Never said anything close to this. I couldn’t care less about ML, PL or whatever.

We are TOTALLY effected by it. Character progress is fun. So getting a TF is FUN. A lor of fun actually. Fun in a game, wow what a novel concept.

They do dedicate less resources to raiding, since they have to use less resources to everything. “Cutting costs and pumping out more game”.

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Which is exactly the point I’m making. They mistakenly thought there would be a mass market for a vanilla wow style game, there wasn’t.

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And yet many still view raids as the thing WoW does best (or at least one of the best things about the game). So, must be enough resources then huh?

calling people toxic or elitist does not help either…

I really don’t want to play a slotmachine every time I get a drop. More RNG isn’t the way to make the game better.