How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

This is not the topic for this thread though.
But yeah, well… I’ll take a good alternative to TF if Blizzard comes up with it. I don’t mind. But taking it away and giving nothing in return, nope; not going to cut it.

wow is a tab targeting system, wildstar is not.

both are mmorpg, one require more then the other.

I would if LFR was an actual content with actual point. But it isn’t. It is an afk fest that mymics raid environment, promotes laziness, doesn’t teach you anything about the game, gives you free power boost when you wipe and to top it off - it rewards you with epic gear.
It is a pure and simple - free win experience. And free winning in any game is toxic for everyone involved. It pushes developmet towards creating lazy content, it pushes people towards laziness and it creates stagnation and boredom. It also effect higher difficulties, because “oh god, bosses have to do something different and intersting”, creating retarded mechanics like Ghuun gauntlets and Mekkatorque bots, since just scaling LFR mechanics doesn’t work.


the problem is you are doing nothing, and you still get upgrade.

world quest should stop giving upgrade,like normal,heroic and mythic dongeon at a certain point…

This topic was mostly about things that grind my gears in the game, it seems ppl aren’t talking about anything but the LFR issue tho. There was much more than just LFR I pointed out. Like ilevel and lack of stats.


Biased, shortsighted and totally hyperbole opinion.
You. Don’t. Have. To. Do. It. If. You. Don’t. Like. It.
You. Have. 3. Other. Difficulties. To. Choose. From.

So. Stop. Whining.

The level of gear you get in there isn’t even worth it. So the only ‘win’ is seeing the actual content and storylines.

Loooool. Now you’re complaining other difficulties are too difficult?! Haha. Just quit. WoW is obviously not your game.

Curve-boosts are done by letting the ones who gets boosted die at the start of the fights so they can not mess up things. Still it is not the way to do it, or intended to be done by Blizzard. People got also keystone master by laying flat on the ground.

Because it’s in the title maybe?

So is ilevel and no one is saying anything for it.

Also you can read other things that titles.

And if they did that, the WHOLE casual playerbase would get bored fast and quit.
Costing WoW MANY MORE sub losses then they are suffering now. Yeah good plan.

We get 1 wing next Wednesday. 1 wing with a weekly lockout. And then every 2 weeks there will be another wing opened. You get average 1 item per total raid clear. But for now the only LFR is 340 Uldir. By the time the whole LFR is available everyone is around 400 ilvl.

Well I dunno if it would be a big loss considering that old players might return to the game.


People are lazy. Most will NOT read a 410 (atm) post thread in its entirety. They will glance at the title and give their response to it.

I have complained about class stacking, due to garbage mechanics, since the first week of Uldir. Why should I quit, when classic is in couple of months, might as well just see how far Activision are going to screw up retail, so I don’t feel guilty for abandoning my guild.

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They won’t. Classic will prove this.

Then enjoy Classic and stop trying to screw up the REAL version of WoW with your shortsighted wants.

its weird don’t you think, when casual started to get their things people are leaving in mass.


I have a feeling classic will be more popular than current wow, for a long time after the release. It might fail but I have hopes for it. At least the ppl who I played with long time ago said they will be playing classic when it comes out.


Who do you consider the casual playerbase? People who don’t play the game? You don’t play the game… You have said it so, that you are waiting for 8.2. Why aren’t you playing the game? Why aren’t you raidin or doing M+, you know the end game? You don’t enjoy the game, obviously, so why should you be considered a part of the majority, since you don’t play? If anything people left in BFA are those who have played for 14 years are just don’t want to see what their life will be wiouth something that has been with them for half their life…

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I think there will be a nice initial surge of players, but it will drop off quickly.
It might be worthwhile for Blizzard to have, I don’t know how much it costs to maintain those servers. Also; the only reason it might be successful for longer is because of how disappointing BFA is. When the next expansion hits, Classic will empty for sure.

I played since vanilla launch and I have many friends from that time who don’t play anymore. I think only 2 of them have said they’ll try Classic. Rest is not interested in a 14 year old game they’ve already played.