How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Well yeah for a week that it takes to see the whole start of the expansion.

Yeah, I thought that too, now that I’ve been playing wow and seeing the state that it’s in, I’m starting to get more and more excited about classic. I still would rather take TBC or WOTLK, but Classic is still better than whatever we have now.

Because BFA lacks content I find fun, worthwhile and engaging. So I’m taking a break until they’ve added more stuff I might find enjoyable and give them some time to fix/change systems I don’t enjoy.

I don’t find that content fun.

There’s much more to endgame then those 2 things. But like I said; BfA failed for me on those types of content too, because a lot of the basic concepts/systems they put into this expansion just don’t work for me.

I have been a part of the playerbase for a long time. I will again.

So you have LFR, Titanforging, PL and lots and lots of RNG and spooned rewards as well as a single player path of progression. So why aren’t you enjoying yourself? What is the problem with BFA for a casual player like yourself (I consider myself a casual too, but I guess there are different types of casuals now). What do you find in BFA bad to not play it?

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Then wait for that and stop wanting the REAL game to be changed into that old crap. Don’t ruin it for everyone who enjoys this game.

And yeah; I’m not talking about RIGHT NOW, because yes; BfA is a disappointment, but Legion was awesome. So the real version of the game CAN be great, but it needs good content.

Systems like LFR are fine. You are blaming systems that make this game better for a LOT of people and want it removed; very selfish and very shortsighted.


With all respect, but sometimes I have no idea what you do like in this game. In Bfa even more things are added; like islands (more difficulties) and warfronts. It just seems that you completely dislike any groupcontent…

Do you have any suggestions what would make your game better/fun?

Posts in between done; what was fun with legion that is not in bfa. I feel like BFA = legion but without legendaries and tier sets. But with islands and warfronts.

I start to feel we have the same opinion about what WoW should be for both casual and not so much players… lol. I rate Legion higher than classic, for its amazing class balance, variaty of content and endless progression, that did not feel like forced grind, despite of the RNG garbage that ruined many pleasent evenings for me.

The players time is used as they wish. I, f.i. do lfr just to progress the story. LFR is bad? Of course. Dont lose your precious time in this.

Both of these are bad, I really don’t want to do these anymore than I want to do LFR. I think the idea behind them is good, it’s just not well made content.

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  • The basic concept of azerite gear is bad imo.
  • The fact that azerite gear and weapons can’t TF makes those slots boring.
  • You’re ‘done’ gearing too fast because the ilvl rewards from things like warfronts are just too high. Being ‘done’ is boring. (1)
  • I didn’t mind doing WQs in Legion because even though they weren’t always the most engaging content, they were worth doing for a LARGE part of that expansion’s life. In BfA WQs stopped being worthwhile after I hit exalted with everything.
  • Table missions were reduced to useless. I actually enjoyed them in Legion.
  • The main theme of the expansion is not something that I enjoy; I don’t care about Alliance vs Horde.
  • Having to level up a character on the opposite faction to experience all the storylines available was a bad call imo. I did it, but I didn’t enjoy it. I prefer playing my main.
  • The big new systems added in BfA both aren’t fun:
    Island expeditions are boring, grindy sandboxes where you kill mobs over and over. There’s no exploration, so sense of adventure, no story. It’s an azerite delivery system, nothing more.
    Warfronts are okay to do once every 3 weeks. Grinding them is boring, so I don’t. But then it’s only maybe an hour’s worth of content every 3 weeks. That’s way too little.
  • Because Azerite is a bad system, I don’t enjoy getting upgrades for those slots. So part of my character advancement is ruined.
  • The first raid of the expansion had (basically) NO STORYLINE for the alliance. This made the raid just very uninteresting for me. I didn’t even do an LFR, which I normally do to see the story and raid itself.
  • The gear design so far for endgame content is horrible imo. There’s maybe a few lose pieces I might use for transmogs, but most of it is horrible. The leveling sets looked better than the raiding sets to me.


(1) I think this point is a FAR bigger problem for BfA than TF. TF big numbers is rare, but getting huge upgrades just for doing a warfront? What?

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It is not my content either, but it was just a question to understand what is considered “awesome” and not. Since I am interested in both sides of the stories.

I think there is a lot of rose coloured glasses. I can also see people playing through it just for nostalgia for the old quest lines destroyed by Cata. Beyond that I can’t see it surviving outside of a cult fan base.

I agree with everything in your list, but this is the most hilarious thing about this expansion. I still look like someone who just escaped from westfall without my transmog. Items look horrible in BFA.


Lol, I do actually agree with a lot of things. I often compare the Azerite system to the Legion Legendaries (even though I hate their acquisition before 7.3, the change to gameplay was actually fun) and fails face first.

I don’t agree on the weapon Titanforging part, because ilvl of Weapons and Azerite armor heavily boost a character’s performance, and having this luck based system on items that can increese player’s power with 10% just because it proced would create huge disbalance, bigger than Legendaries ever did.


WoW is purly surviving on a cult fanbase right now.

Aye agreed. If Azerite had those kinds of effects, it would’ve been much more interesting.

Oh yeah, I understand why they don’t TF. I just don’t like it personally because once I get an upgrade for that slot, I’m done until they raise the basic ilvl limits for the next tier. ‘Season’ is what they like to call it now, I suppose. Sigh. Fortnite influence maybe? :crazy_face:

Diablo, more or less, “Seasons” don’t work for WoW on so many levels. On the bright side the new patch feels more like a new expansion than BFA ever did.

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With enough push from Activision, I could see them selling Season Passes in the future. Where you earn extra rewards by passing certain thresholds. Oh god, I hope I didn’t give them any ideas.

I agree and Vanilla is a cult within a cult.

I was thinking of going back to Vanilla, then I remembered the grind and realised that at best I’ll have time to play the lower areas for nostalgia. I loved the quest-line around Westfall, Darkshire, Redridge. I’ll most likely play thorough that, perhaps on a Warrior like my first ever toon or maybe on something else and then quit Vanilla.

I barely have enough time to do enough raiding to get curve these days, where I worked on CE equivalents years ago. And if RL gets any busier I’ll be forced to quit wow again and maybe sub for a month at end just to see Sylvanis die if they make her a raid boss.

So since we agreed with nothing about LFR and agreed that BFA is not a good expansion.
What are your opinions about ilevel or gearscore as I like to call it?
I think it’s stupid af that 1 number dictates almost everything in the game, but I guess ppl like it since it’s still in there.

How about mana or mana regen?
In my eyes these 2 stats do nothing at the moment, you can’t increase them and dps players don’t even use mana to cast spells.

What was so bad about hit caps and defense caps that they had to be removed?

Oh I would have left in the multi stats, and reforging, and multi-armor such as warriors wearing leather.

Although I don’t miss ML as you either had to be there night after night for DKP or take your chances with ninja loot in pugs. Neither of which I would have time for now.