How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Only reason I’d play Classic is to experience the original hunter and pet system again. I enjoyed that.

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I don’t really have an opinion on it because it doesn’t really matter much to me.
An upgrade is an upgrade for me and that’s fun to get. Seeing a number rise… sure… But… Others judging me on that number is just silly.

But I don’t do a lot of multiplayer content anyway, so it doesn’t influence me much.

Finally getting to hitcap was a chore and often required juggling different items around. It wasn’t fun to me and I was glad when they got rid of it.
Defense caps didn’t matter to me as I always mained hunter. :sunglasses:

That’s why I created my own pugs, and I never ninja looted anything.

was that system where you could feed your pet or is that still something you can do and im just really dumb for not knowing how to?

Oh the system where you had to build up trust with your pet? :smiley:

Those kind of stats should have been left in game for raiders who were min/maxing they didn’t really affect those not raiding anyway.

Not true. Missing felt bad. You didn’t want to miss. Whatever content you were doing (but I did raid in vanilla, so yeah).

Not just feeding pets but also different unique pets having different abilities and speeds for example. Also having to “learn” certain skills from different pets you had to first tame and then use just for learning purposes. Travelling across continents as lowbie hunter to tame that special pet found in only one place as rare spawn to get a certain skill or speed or quality you need for your playstyle.

You CAN still feed it, but doesn’t do much.
Feeding was mandatory in the old days or your pet would ultimately get mad and run off. Permanently.

I do miss those kinds of things; consequences.
Like specs. In the beginning you chose your stat point allocation and you were stuck with it. I liked that. Made it feel like important decisions and required careful consideration.

But as for the pet system; I liked most of it… The fact that pets were really different and that some individual pets within a family could have specials abilities or stats. The fact you had to keep your pet happy created more of a bond than it is nowadays (although it IS more convenient now).

One thing I didn’t like was leveling the pet up after taming it. That part sucked imo.

Well those caps at least for me was some of the end game goals. I like fiddling with numbers and trying to find that perfect balance with the gear I have. Now that is pretty much gone, if ilevel goes up it’s an upgrade.

so it was removed.
i remember it pretty vividly how you would feed your pet and incease its “reputation” with you, but i didnt play much hunter to begin with since leveling took forever, so i didnt know it could run off.
pretty cool actually.
but when was it removed though?
i actually have no idea when i started playing… casual player if you hadnt noticed.

Probably Cataclysm the expansion of all evil and horrible.

Some cool stuff in this video: Oh the memories that came flooding back.

EDIT: I still have my grimtotem spirit guide :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

With Patch 4.1.0, happiness has been removed from the game.
I like the honesty of this statement. :joy:

so the fact i remember loyalty level must mean i started playing in tbc.
holy hell.

i may disagree with you on lfr but here i agree wholeheartedly.
cata did more things bad then good.

Ironic, isn’t it ? :laughing:

Without LFR, then there would be no incentive for casuals to continue playing when they got the gear they wanted from heroics, if they would even bother with heroics. They don’t have guilds, or they don’t have guilds capable of raiding normal. LFR provides a way for them to experience an easy version of endgame content, and keeps them subscribed.

It might have been fine before LFR, but taking it away now will cause a lot of players to leave the game, perhaps to the point it’s no longer making a profit.

I don’t see the issue. LFR players get lower end gear, lower than normal. They aren’t outgearing you by only doing LFR (I am aware that the Warfront weekly thing does give you 385 gear). You aren’t required to do LFR since you’re already doing normal and above.

All I can think is that you don’t like LFR because it gives “those filthy casuals” a reason to play the game, and allows them to enjoy the same content that you enjoy, but at an easier level. It’s just elitism in a game that needs these people you hate so much in order to survive.

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I am 1 of these casuals, I have only done LFR version of Uldir. I hate LFR, it’s not fun, it’s not interesting, it’s just a chore you need to do for the chance of getting items. Ofc I’m not touching LFR anymore since I have no chance of getting upgrades from it. Surely the next raids LFR will give us 385 and I have to suffer through it again.

LFR is not a reason to anyone to play the game, for the casuals that only want to see the story line and they do it once. Others do it 2 to 3 times and they out gear it and never touch it again.
It surely isn’t the reason ppl stay subscribed, I think that reason is the way progression works in this game. 1 item per week from pvp is bullcrap, that’s like 2 months to get something actually useful from it. Promises how everything will be better in the next patch said every time since cataclysm release. We listen our community and are trying to change, is a comment you see from blizzard every Q&A for about 3 years.
The game is catering to ppl who don’t play the game, it’s made easy for new players with all the shortcuts (Level boost, Warfronts, LFR and WQ rewards) I am not excited to get epic items anymore because I have 30 of them in my backbag and get 2 more every time I take a breath.
Most of the interesting stats are gone like mana regen, mana, hit rating, defence rating, resistances, resilience, spirit and even the primary stats all do the same thing.
Talent system has been made very easy to understand and boring. Professions are pretty much useless, I don’t even know what fishing skill does this day and age.

They even said that they removed PvP vendors because it was too hard to find for some players!


All I’m saying that LFR is not the only problem this game has, but I think it started this downfall.

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370 from LFR. 385 is from normal. You already overgear LFR, no worries.

Thank god, tho I have an alt with 368 ilevel so I’m not safe yet.