How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

I am 386 (383 before this week) without doing LFR. Sure you find a way to avoid it with playing for fun.

If you don’t find it fun, don’t do it. I say this from the bottom of my heart with no ill meaning or sarcasm behind it. You will feel much better when you focus on things you like in the game. There is many ways to get gear if that is the thing that makes you happy, LFR is not the only one. If you keep going there when you find no fun or enjoyment from it you will turn bitter and game starts to feel really sour for you. Other players who enjoy that activity start to feel like enemies. Find the things you love to do in game and do them. Things that give you satisfaction, feeling of accomplisment and bring a smile on your face.:heart:

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If I only do something I enjoy in this game it would be arenas, problem with that is that getting an upgrade takes about 6 weeks now. While ppl who do PVE have much much better gear and I have an disadvantage. I don’t really feel that ppl who enjoy other “content” are my enemies. I feel like Blizzard at this point is my enemy.

Don’t enjoy it then don’t do it starts to sound like just stop playing the game at this point.

I aprechiate you explaining that, i don’t do much pvp nowadays and not very well aware how gearing there works now. It sounds really unfair and stupid system. They should definately change it. I have always been strongly against ‘forcing’ people do content they don’t want to be able to properly do the content they DO want to do and this seems like textbook example of such system. I hope it will be changed and you get to do your favourite thing again effectively.

They already stated that they wont change that system because it’s too hard for some ppl to find pvp vendors.

Hahhahaa yeah i watched it and it was utterly stupid thing from them to say. Should really suggest them the wild idea it might be easier to find them if they were actually added to the game :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: .

No. WoW’s ‘downfall’ (which I’m quoting like that, because to me it isn’t a downfall), is that it became so popular that it no longer was meant for a small particular group of gamers. It became quite mainstream and this attracts many different kinds of gamers; even non-gamers which WoW made into gamers.

Blizzard wants to please all those players. THAT is what caused all manner of content to be added to the game over the years (not only content aimed to make the game more accessible, but also content that was very hard and exclusive).

LFR is simply one of those things. So no, LFR didn’t CAUSE anything. It is simply one of the things that WoW’s popularity caused. You now have to share ‘your’ game with many others who have very different ideas of what makes a game fun. That’s just the way it is.

They try and no one is happy.

Stuff they removed for accessibility: stats, interesting talents, some skills, pvp vendors, LFG channel and tier sets and probably much more that I can’t think of right now.
Stuff they added: pet battles :smiley:, mythic dungeons :grin:, LFR :nauseated_face:, scaling :nauseated_face:, ilevel :nauseated_face:, new conquest system :face_vomiting:, self heals for everyone :face_vomiting:, azerite farming :face_vomiting:, LFG system :skull:, Warfronts :skull: and world quests :dizzy_face:. Looking at my list I really don’t think there’s really any good things they added if we don’t count battle pets and mythic dungeons while they removed some of the great stuff in the name of accessibility.

I’m not going to reply to that one mate.
You’re being way too biased and cherry picking the things you dislike. Also the hyperbole you keep using is just getting tiresome.

I agree the game isn’t up to snuff at this moment in time. But that isn’t the fault of systems that have been in the game for 10+ years now.

What cherry picking? Is there something els they added in the name of accessibility? I even said I liked mythic dungeons and pet battles… It’s not all bad, just most of it is.

If you don’t like the content, don’t do it. :slight_smile:

I love how the current gearing system works. It means I can have a life aside from playing games.

But it is subjective.
LFR :+1: LFG system :+1: Warfronts :+1: and world quests :+1:

I agree warfronts and Emmisaries should not scale to heroic raid ilvl. But the content is not bad in design. Of course things can always get better… But immediately put a Skull next to it or throw up… :-1:

I love the idea behind Warfronts and islands but in my opinion it needs much more development so it would be actually fun to do these 2 activities.

Things can always get better, but they wont. It’s been downhill since cataclysm and everytime new patch is announced ppl are saying it will save wow, and it wont. Latest patch changed nothing for me, yes they added a new ring for azerite traits which is content that I already hate and wont be able to unlock without doing about 200k island expeditions.

Give me world quests any day over the old dailies. I would like to see a cap reintroduced but I can already see the outcry over how Blizzard is ‘gating’ the content because I can only do so much per day etc.

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Next big patch, in like 4/5 months, the heart will get the source of traits, instead of azerite pieces. Blizz is working on fixes on that matter.

I completely understand you OP and I feel you 100%. But you are using the wrong medium to get your message across. These forums are full of the worst type of casuals that are absolutely dreadful at the game and call everyone elitist for suggesting that the game should not just give everything to you.

It looks like the OP is actually complaining about the game giving nothing to him, while only doing PvP. Feeling forced to do LFR for gear. And he may have a point there. Except doing LFR is not the answer.

The game allows you to complete it within around 3-4 weeks providing you start at level 1, level it to cap and then do LFRs. Effectively there is no goals to pursue in game, you consume the game in less than a month. It breeds no feeling of wanting to get anywhere, you get there instantly making the game not interesting in any way.

It harms the casuals it claims to protect because they are the ones stuck in the perpetual boredom as their goal in the game is achievable as soon as LFR wings open.

Well I used to love raiding back in wotlk. Now I don’t really care because I finished the raid in 15 mins without touching my keyboard in LFR.
The real problem is the accessibility removing stuff that I liked and replacing it with stuff that I don’t care about. LFR is part of the accessibility in this game and to me seems to be the first step to completely wrong direction. This post never was only about LFR, I dunno if ppl ever read the original post.

When you feel LFR is replacing your wotlk-raiding, then that is your feeling there. I am not sure a lot feel the same.
And when you didn’t touch your keyboard and was on follow in LFR, you are one of the very bad people making LFR the bad experience.

The main subject that comes back in your original post is LFR…