How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

By doing nothing I top the healing in lfr because I drop healing stream totem every time its off cd. Literally 1 healing stream totem is able to heal through lfr.

You know yourself that that is not true. The exaggerations…

But it is, ofc ppl who stand in fire and do something wrong die, but maybe they learn that they did something wrong there. I’m not there to correct others mistakes, by healing ppl that have no idea what they are doing.

You can easily do LFR with 1 healer and it might actually be more interesting that way. Now if I go to lfr there is literally nothing for me to do as a healer. Maybe I could start doing dps and do 10k more dps than half of the dps, but I really don’t feel like I need to do dps when I que as a healer.

I clearly stated that they added ALL MANNER of things over the years to make different kinds of players happy. So I clearly wasn’t talking about accessibility only stuff.

Well then I’m glad you’re not in charge.
Millions of people love being able to actually see those raids.
Just as an example; if I was locked out of seeing the storylines ingame because they removed LFR, I’d literally never sub again.

Do you have some kind of proof that millions of ppl love LFR? I think a lot of ppl are against LFR as well.

a) you can see everything on wowhead or in a lore video of nobel before the raid gets released

b) this game didn’t offered LFR from start and required some level of dedication and passion to do raids. LFR heavily undermines player effort as well as value of guild and cooperation in a MMORPG. Single player and MMORPG does not compute together.

c) this game wasn’t centered around raiding but they screwed it up. If you play Classic you may find something unique to do every day, even at 60 for 2 years or even get raid gear not for raiding but for providing services to a raiding guild no matter your level or gear.

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That is laughable. How would you like it if you suddenly got excluded from all content because you didn’t raid at mythic level or weren’t able to do Mythic plus because you don’t compete at MDI level.

Why are you so threatened by a free for all anyone can access and see the storyline mode that does not affect you in any way.

Would you buy a cinema ticket and then be told you can’t see the ending of the film, go home and watch this review online of it.

Do you want them to remove everything from the game that it didn’t start with. Because in that case you just need to wait for summer to see the Classic reboot of the game and you can play with a total lack of QoL improvements that have been added to the game since it first started.

From what I understand a very small portion of the playerbase got to raid. Now it’s much more friendly. So leave LFR alone and go do some hardcore raiding if that is what interests you. There is no reason to take a game mode away from others that is heavily used.


Sure you don’t, but that’s a major difference between a movie and a game. The movie is already done, you are a passive spectator to a story. A game is (was) about actively taking part in events, including the a probability of failing if you don’t do well enough… It is actually sad that they are turning games into movies. :frowning:

MoP style LFR had plenty of failing from what I remember. :laughing:

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Nah, it had determination. Determination is guaranteed success, all it requires is more time.

The stacks got up to crazy amounts back then though. I think the highest I’ve seen this expansion is like four.

Yeah, I seem to remember the original LFR Nazgrim was the terror of LFR. :wink: And Durumu, although I never actually had Determination on LFR Durumu (mostly because I could solo the last part).

But it’s a matter of principle. Determination is a buff which only requires time before success is guaranteed. As a matter of fact, the only thing that can possibly cause failure for someone in LFR is to be kicked.

I always joked that Durumu reduced a 30 man raid down to a five man dungeon. Because the majority would not be able to run the maze.

I honestly can’t remember the raid size of LFR back then.

I did join a Garrosh fight that had over 15 stacks. It was very late at night and over a weekend.

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I tried LFR only once in MoP and I left after first boss because it was horrible. Next time I did LFR was in BFA and its still horrible.

Then you can just skip that content.

I mean I don’t enjoy PvP but I’m not demanding it is removed from the game.

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Difference being that you don’t get 340 ilevel stuff from pvp by doing absolutely nothing for it.

You get better gear from doing Emissaries than you do from LFR. I really don’t get your point.

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370 from the next raids LFR I think that is kinda a big thing.

Not really. All drops have gone up.