How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Well it should be less than what you get from WQ’s. Atleast you probably need to do something to get WQ’s done.

WQs have trash rewards most of the time. Emissary rewards are 385 ilvl. So LFR will be fine.

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LFR should have trash rewards, like really trash and I would never even think of doing it.

So because you have a problem with being interested in the difficulty of a game mode you despise you are conflicted and find it hard to resist.

You might as well make peace with LFR, it’s not going away.

Classic is coming, can’t wait. If they throw LFR in there I will never buy anything from Blizzard again.

LFR has no place in Classic I don’t see how they could possibly justify that.


But it’s the Classic experience, LFR was brought in at the end of Cataclysm. It just wouldn’t be appropriate.

They hyped blizzcon with new Diablo reveal and revealed a mobile game. Do you really think blizzard thinks about what ppl want or about anything.

I’m excluded from playing against Lowko on SC2 ladder because I suck to much and my MMR is to low. I’m not good enough to play at master rank… The only way is to play ladder, improve and get that MMR rolling. Or just watch his videos/stream casually :wink:

What storyline? It a bunch of generated unknown and semi-know characters thrown into a set of boss battles. It’s not optimal lore/story and could be done much better - “LFR” doesn’t have to be a copy of the actual raid. It can be a custom content focused on story/lore and some epic visuals.

There is always option to improve things. If it can’t be improved, replaced, then and only then you can remove.

UBRS/LBRS and then ZG and AQ20 were raids. Those were done on a much much larger scale than bigger raids and were/are even common to be pugged. Those weren’t free loot or dumb down versions of full raids, but explicitly designed “entry level”/“catchup” raids. And it’s kind of fun when you have to fish up a boss and that boss can drop a “fish terminator” or a pirate-alike eye patch… (or tank BiS trinket for tanking 4 horseman in Naxx).

Right now everything in the game is centered around raid tiers so everyone has to have an option to go there. The cheapest and most effortless way to do so is to make a raid and then just dumb down until you cover 100% of the playerbase.

People that don’t like LFR don’t like it not because it exists for players not interested in raiding but how it’s implemented and how the game works around it and a raid tier in general. It destroys the community and fun of the game. Kungen has a nice video on that too:

Today/tomorrow mythic BoD race starts and for X weeks we will have “BoD” tier. What in nine divines do players can do for like 11 weeks? If someone wants to re-gear with new ilvl that can be done quickly. If someone wants to do other things than getting 400 ilvl equipped and 2k Rio he/she is utterly screwed.

Why there is washed down LFR that does nothing good and why there is no dedicated and specialized content that in total covers the same playerbase?

If someone is into pets, collecting and finding rare pets - why we don’t have a “mythic race” equivalent where you have to get a special camouflage-azerite-armor and go track and find ultra rare, ultra cool looking pets for X weeks going all around Azeroth in an epic pet-journey? - either for personal use or as a merchandise to sell to other players that will want cool pets but won’t be able to find them on their own due to that dedication needed to get them.

Why players that like to explore, make alts, do quests don’t have their own specialized content and progression. Like if you play many characters they could share some content and even appear together in cut-scenes and some quests. You unlock an allied race, make a character of that race - and then your “main” could be portrayed as the patron, tutor or trainer of that alt? Instead “speaker of the horde” we have a horde legation consisting of your characters? And that questing and exploring could also have unique progression, allowing finding and extracting unique resources and other meaningful items that will be sought after by people that can’t do this because they like doing other things. A recipe doesn’t have to go 40 or 9001 cloth pieces, it can rely on one ingredient found by someone else, much more immune to bots or mass farmers.

And if each group of players needs each other then we have that community known from the old days of WoW where player personal work was rewarded and everyone feel needed/important, he/she could see the impact he/she makes on the community and other players.

LFR-alike raid variant can be the story/lore representation of the raid itself. A custom content will always go deeper than a generic one. It can be based on solving riddles, more wicked/fun encounters as you progress through the raid and see how NPCs take the raid bosses while your group is doing other stuff. Court of Stars plus bit of Lucid Nightmare riddles, mini games and challenges. When Method and Limit are racing for world first LFR heroes can brainstorm riddles and challenges that will keep them engaged for weeks and appropriately rewarded along the way - and that’s working together on discords, on streams, on forums, on youtube, on twitch, in game and outside it. And when Method and Limit are done and have time to see more of the story they will come and ask LFR Heroes how to solve this content because LFR Heroes are the masters of this part of the game. They achieved something that is recognized and respected by other players, not laughed at and discredited. That what a MMORPG is all about - to have a big and open world where you can be a master of your own game and be a part of interlinked social chain or relations, economics, achievements and fun…

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That was WotLK, and FYI they brought in LFR after that expansion specifically because they spent so much time, money and effort making raids that the majority of the player base didn’t even see.

Without LFR you wouldn’t even have raids now, because the game would be dead and we wouldn’t be having this little chat. You simply cannot spend the majority of your time and budget catering to the minority of customers. It simply isn’t feasible.

Add to the fact that LFR doesn’t affect (well, it does you, because that’s all you do) you at all, there’s absolutely no reason to care about it.

The only reason they didn’t see them was because they were lazy. ICC was probably the most pug run friendly raid.

I’m not going to pretend I know anything about SC2. But if I get the gist your’e saying something about playing against a specific player. That doesn’t really compare to the wow LFR argument and would apply more in a PvP area of the game. However putting that in wow terms (which I do understand), there is nothing to bar you from taking part in BGs or Arena just because you have a low rating. You are not excluded from those activities, which is what you want to do with people who play LFR.

Nearly every major storyline leads to the raids. People want to play them not watch others play them.

LFR is a popular well used feature, just because a minority of players somehow feel threatened by it doesn’t mean it’s going to go away.

It honestly just sounds like you are hankering for a game that no longer exists.

I’ve been playing since TBC, I missed the whole Vanilla thing but will be trying Classic when it comes out in the Summer. If nothing else I will enjoy the nostalgia of visiting the old zones pre cata. Many happy memories.

I don’t believe it does destroy the community. I think it has nothing to do with it. The lack of being server based is what destroyed server communities. There are so many people out there in every shard/dungeon/raid/IE/WF/BG etc etc. It has nothing to do with the content that they are doing but the fact that we are randomly placed with others.

Most people who want to remove LFR just come across as elistists. I really don’t get how anyone can feel so threatened because someone they deem unworthy might get to do content on a really easy level despite there being Normal/Heroic and Mythic available for those who want to flex their ePeens.

I am a great advocate for LFR. It’s been a great addition to the game. There is no requirement for anyone to do it, who doesn’t want to.


You have absolutely no idea why they didn’t see them, so don’t pretend you do. For one it won’t work on me, and two, you’re one of them.

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I’m 1 of who? I can’t see any other reason why they didn’t see the content, I did several pugs for it every week and cleared full raid almost every time.

Which doesn’t mean there was no other reason. I can’t see the back of my head, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Well done. Most didn’t. What’s your point?

Just saying it was possible for anyone to get in there and do it. There was no barriers and it didn’t need to turn into content that plays itself.

Yeah, so? It’s possible now, too. LFR is still there.

Except GS?

Well, it clearly did, that’s why it was introduced. You need to stop judging people on your own ability. LFR is for the majority of the player base that for whatever reason don’t want to raid for anything other than to see the raid.

It’s “content” whether you like it or not. If you choose to do that content at a higher level, then you get rewarded more for it.

Complaining that there isn’t enough content, then actively calling for the removal of content in the same sentence makes about as much sense as the point you’re trying and failing to make.

Likely someone like that can be found but I didn’t saw any hatred or hostility to LFR from top players or content creators. They may not be be happy with the game but not really that everyone can do LFR. What will be pointed out is how “poorly” LFR is designed.

It could be done in a much better form. You can see a raid via LFR but it’s to “single player”/“singe use” content and if it wasn’t time gated people wanting to see the raid would do it in 2h and be done with it and be bored for the next 11+ weeks.

LFR can still take you to the raid, show you the same bosses, just maybe provide differen’t content than DPS/HPS checks and boss mechanics that aren’t even there now. Something that is actually fun, replayable multiple times, engaging to a point where time gating for subs isn’t needed.

If we go back to MoP medal pre-nerfs and pre-determination they can have it. Atleast they will learn something then, the difference is now so big on some of the bosses that LFR doesn’t prepare them for anything really. But in it’s current state after eharing how easy wing 1 was? Nope. Still against it.

This is from someone who fought for LFR to stay ingame for the people who wanted it and who fought for lower IL raid gear back into it. During MoP you had strats for bosses in LFR, nowadays you need 2-4 people to know what they are doing and good going. 1 healer? Maybe 2 but they will be mainly bored if all 6 has to stay a healer. Since Raiders gets bribed into it (not me I use the command table with alts instead!) for runes and chance on TF it kinda is impossible to fail. Same complaint I have with warfronts, it’s impossible to lose essentially.