How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

This means Gear score, right? The worst addon ever created, I was highly against it back then. Now it has been implemented in the game by Blizzard and I am still highly against it.

How can you tell that they do it just to see it? I feel they do it for the items, because if they just wanted to see it they surely wouldn’t do it again.
LFR has most runs weekly, that still doesn’t mean ppl like it.

The problem isn’t the amount of content, there’s a butt load of content in wow. Problem is that most of it is not good, like I can’t imagine anyone running Islands, LFR or Warfront because its so fun.

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But people do replay it. They farm it, they get the sets, mounts etc.

He is just trolling, guys. He likes the attention. Just /pat him. Don’t to try to reason with him.


Yes. And it was a barrier at the time. So, there wasn’t “no barriers”.

I can’t, but I assume they do because that’s what I do. I haven’t raided competitively since vanilla.

Perhaps they do, that doesn’t mean they’re particularly good items, or LFR is a particularly good place to get them. What business is it of yours anyway?

It doesn’t mean people don’t. You claim not to like it, yet you’ve done it plenty. Why didn’t you just go straight for normal, or heroic?

Another reason is transmog, you’re gonna have to run it a hell of a lot for a full set. That also includes warfronts.

And again, what business is it of yours what people do with their time? Your speed in calling for something’s removal only seems to be matched by the speed you have to run it.

As I said the worst addon ever created, I agree it is completely moronic to take all of your items and put 1 number to tell ppl it’s worth. I can’t see any game company ever implement something like this in their gam… Oh Ilvl is in wow? It’s the same thing but it also works as a stat, how wonderful.

Well LFR is the easiest way to get upgrades after you are done with heroic dungeons. That pretty much is forcing me to do it.

Why would I care about these raids when I can do it in 15 minutes without any effort. There is no unbeaten content out in the world so I guess it isn’t worth of my time.

Yeah transmogging is very much needed since everything in this expansion looks horrible.

Well Blizzard never had problems removing something that worked and was liked. You never know what’s going next, my bet is on primary attributes merging into 1 since they all do the same thing already.

As we all know runes are BoP. Oh wait…

You aren’t bribed into anything, it’s there, so you do it. The raiders I know do it to pass some time when the raids they do with their guilds are locked or they take their alts to keep on top of their rotations.

It isn’t designed to take any skill to complete, everyone and their nanna knows that. You want something that does take an increasing amount of skill? There are three other difficulties that do just that.

If you want a mount or mog you can take as many weekly lockouts as possible (plus recolors for every mode). Plus titanoforging bribe :wink: But if people don’t really are into raiding, looking on some forum profiles - there will be very little re-clears. Time gating is there for a reason.

No it isn’t. Warfronts are, and they take much less time to both queue and complete.

It’s unbeaten by you.

To you, maybe. What part of ‘Subjective’ is unclear?

So that’s why you want it removed, spite? As good a reason as any you’ve mentioned, I suppose, but very counterproductive.

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The mog sets are recolours in LFR, I collect them all. Well if they are plate I do anyway.

I have no time for TF. I don’t mind that there is LFR and it rewards at x ilvl but I hate that the whole of my gear progression is messed up by these TF drops.

You can’t always just do warfronts, and just doing it ones makes me fall asleep. Anyway there is downtimes for warfronts, so why not go and afk LFR for those juicy items to replace your 310 ilevel stuff.

Yeah the new raid is unbeaten by me, but I watched a full run of it and a lore video about it and it’s really not interesting. No important characters die, no one gave a poop about Rasthakan (however you spell it) or Jaina. The problem with wow is that there is no interesting characters left.

Yes, it is my opinion. You can’t really debate over facts, because facts are facts.

LFR is not the only thing I’d love to see removed. I would love to see removed: whole LFG system, ilevel, scaling, remove/nerf selfheals, titan/warforging and tune down epic drops. I would bring back: stats (mana, mana regen, hit rating, defense rating and spirit), PvP vendors, separate PvE and PvP items (resilience), class quests (like warlock pets and stuff like that) and old pet system for hunter (happiness meter for the pet).
Really I think making the game more and more new player/casual friendly has taken way more than it has given.

So? If we’re talking items here, then it is by far the easiest, most efficient way of acquiring them. You get a guaranteed item of at least 340 every single time you do it. LFR is not efficient in the slightest, you could theoretically go for months without a single drop.

I watched Skyfall, that doesn’t mean I’m a Secret Agent now.

What’s a fact, that it’s subjective? I know.

I don’t care.

I don’t care.

No, it hasn’t.



**determiner & pronoun**
a greater or additional amount or degree.

"I poured myself more coffee"

**synonyms**: additional, further, added, extra, increased, fresh, new, other, supplementary, supplemental, spare, alternative

"more water came pouring through the gap"

forming the comparative of adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than one syllable.

"for them enthusiasm is more important than talent"

to a greater extent.
"I like chicken more than turkey"

synonyms: to a greater extent, further, longer, some more, better

"he was able to concentrate more on his writing"

What you’re thinking of is the removal of stuff. You know, exactly like you propose.

I’ll try your approach here.

Don’t care.

Don’t care.

Don’t care.

Don’t care.

Good talk.

When you try to go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with what we’re talking about, then I don’t care. It’s also a great trick to use when you’re losing an argument, and it simply will not work on me. Sorry.

What argument? You’ve done several rows of text that say nothing. The thing is I see no arguments in your sentences.
The stuff I posted totally has a lot to do with my original post, it isn’t all about removing LFR even tho it is the first in the list.
LFR is and will be something I despise no matter what they do to it.
The whole game has gone downhill since Cataclysm, can’t help it but I think there are couple of reasons like merge with Activision and Jeff Kaplan leaving the wow team.
After this they started to make it more and more accessible, casual and new player friendly. There was things before LFR like the talent f up, but LFR was 1 of the first signs of downfall of wow.
Since then it’s gone worse and worse and worse.
Here we are in BFA and ppl don’t like it. The game isn’t alive because of LFR it’s dying because of the snowball that LFR pushed down.

Without mentioning “Runes” or “TF”, name one thing that LFR removes from the game.

And you’re wrong, catering to the majority of the player base is exactly why the game is alive. What would you do, make the game more inclusive and alienate most of the people playing and paying? Get real.

Pug raiding experience that I had in wotlk. That is gone, there is no gathering groups checking their gear that they don’t have 200% hit rating.
Now you press a button and look at the numbers (ilvl) to invite in ppl who probably have no idea what raiding is. It’s not only LFR’s fault it’s also the LFG systems fault.

So, now it’s even easier to find groups than it was? That isn’t removing something. Didn’t I just post the definition of “more” for you?

Right, use Rio. Use WLogs. There are many tools you can use, that has absolutely nothing to do with LFR.

How are you so sure I’m wrong? The subscriber numbers have gone down about 50% from wotlk to WoD. Blizzard stopped showing those numbers in WoD (they are probably scared of showing them), but I can’t imagine it’s looking any better now.

Making stuff easier doesn’t mean it’s better. I don’t enjoy the game handing me stuff, it’s not fun to get stuff for doing nothing.

Because saying LFR is responsible for the decline in numbers playing wow is like saying Pet Battles are responsible. Or transmog. Or any other system that was implemented since then.