How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

There’s what I said were the reasons, I said LFR was pretty much the first step.

I’m no game developer, but I do have the common sense to understand that the more people you cater to, the more of your product you sell.

Because the game went from 3-years-old to 11-years-old. What the hell did you expect to happen?

Because it’s still getting older. We’re up to 14-years-old now. Do you think the original C.o.D. has the same amount of players as it did when it released?

I didn’t say it was better, I just said it was there. If you want harder stuff, that’s there, too.

Then stop doing LFR and go do one of the other difficulties. Until you do, you have absolutely NO reason whatsoever to complain about it.

And to be honest, friend, this all sounds a lot like “I DON’T LIKE THIS, THEREFORE NOBODY SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT!”. And it stinks.


Oh now it’s not the Dev’s making poor decisions it’s their evil overlords Activision who they’ve been part of since 2008?

Personally I lay all the blame for things I don’t like with the current expansion at the current Dev’s doors. I don’t do scapegoats.

That is mostly what I see.

Pick an activity in wow you don’t like and demand it is removed.


It’s as old as the day is long.

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I’m no game developer, but seeing the subscriber numbers go down about 50% means that something is wrong.

Dunno if that works with something that gets expansion every year.

Did the original Call of duty get it’s new expansion 4 and half months ago?

It’s really not, ppl would laugh at me and probably report me for spamming if I tried to make a pug the same way I did in wotlk.

That makes no sense, why would I have no reason to complain about something I have experienced and I didn’t like at all?

You may as well go up to someone and demand they change their mog, or remove their pants. That’s the level of ridiculousness this “argument” is at.

I get why iLvL hurts the game, but whats the bloody problem with LFR?
I’m sorry that I can’t always play 14 hours a day during lunch of a new raid and some times arrive a week later to find out that I need 385+ iLvL to be even considered getting invited into the raid. 385+? Is this a joke? That’s why I want to do the raid to get 385 or + items. LFR is nice for “casuals” like me who are not intrested in joining a mythic raiding guild, to at least try out the new content they put in the game considering how everyone says (and honestly I sometimes I agree) BFA is the most boring and void expansion since WoD.

Yes, the game is old. People move on.

It does, clearly.

It gets entirely new games. This is an MMO, you can’t make an entirely new game, not realistically, anyway. Why do you think it’s still running on the same engine as it released with? Because we’re such big fans of it? Lol.

Then make a PUG the way people usually do in BfA, by making a group in the group finder, adding your requirements and waiting for people to sign up.

The only reason I can see, why you won’t do that, and instead go run LFR is you can’t be bothered. Yeah, it’s a hassle, but most things worth doing are.

Because you continue to do it, to me that’s madness. Why the hell would you do something you clearly hate multiple times? It’s not like it offers any substantial rewards compared to, say, normal. Go and run that instead.

That’s not even the best part. The best part is LFR is all the guy does, he hasn’t had an AotC since Highmaul. Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face…

It runs on the same engine cause Blizzard thinks that it’s way too expensive and time consuming to make a dying game on a new engine.
Guild wars did new MMO which was a huge success for a while. I really think making 2 versions of wow would be awesome.

K, I’m gonna try that lets see how many ppl are willing to show up for a gearcheck. I’m not trusting their ilvl’s.

I did it until I didn’t need items from there. Not like I’m running it anymore.

GW is a totally different game to WoW. The amount of time invested is on an entirely different level. So, no, it wouldn’t be feasible to make a WoW2, as well as being an incredibly risky move in a climate where MMORPG’s are going out of fashion.

Use the means I’ve already mentioned. There are many ways to check people’s competency in WoW. Some would say too many.

You don’t need gear from there full stop. I’ve already said how warfronts are superior to LFR in practically every way. Try again.

Warfronts are even more boring versions of LFR, at least in LFR you are pretty much invisible if you do absolutely nothing. In warfront ppl notice if you are afk and kick you out.

So? That wasn’t the point I was making.

Anyway, we’ve just rubbished your last claim. So is there anything at all about LFR you can say that actually takes anything at all away from anyone at all?

If not, we’re done here. You’re embarrassing yourself with dubious claims and ludicrous complaints, so I’ll consider this debate closed.


Well not LFR alone the whole LFG system is. Thank you for opening my eyes, I’m off to edit the post to be about LFG and not LFR.



C’ya later, mon.

I was talking to someone earlier who had absolutely no idea how they couldn’t get into the new raid.

Turns out, they thought LFR was the only way to raid and was confused about why we can get the War Campaign quest for the “last” boss of Dazar.

I wonder how long it takes the average new player to realise LFR isn’t really raiding.

also lol

I wouldn’t have thought it’s that common unless they have no friends, guild mates or ever read trade chat.