How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

You would be surprised to know that no one talks in trade chat in some servers. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if new player didn’t know that there is a chat function in the game.

Probably, I never claimed otherwise. Like I said; there’s many different types of people playing this game. And no of course I don’t have proof, but just looking at estimated sub numbers etc and some logical thinking.

That’s not an option. I don’t pay a sub to play a game to watch its content somewhere else.

I was a raider during vanilla and small part of TBC. So it never bothered me before that. Only after I started to dislike raiding and just didn’t want that as part of my gaming experience anymore, did I find out how much emphasis was put on raids, while only a very small part of the playerbase actually got to see that content. Pure madness!

And no, it doesn’t undermine it at all. It’s just another option for people who don’t want to put in that effort. If raids were seperate from the rest of the game, I wouldn’t care and just never set foot in them (until they were soloable in later expansions), but they’re not; storylines are often concluded in them or at the very least big moments happen there. I want to see and experience those moments. I play games in large part for their immersion and stories.

Not being able to raid severely limited your options. The only reason people accepted it back then was because the game was still new and there was lots of content to experience and explore and because everything took so much longer, so you could literally sink much much more time into the game without ever raiding. The general public doesn’t want that nowadays. And I’m pretty sure Blizzard still wants WoW to be as mainstream as possible, so they aim to please the general public also, and not only the niche playerbase that have been into MMORPGs since they were first introduced.

If they do it well, I LOVE it. Some of my favorite games are ‘movie like’.
But there’s the choices you make in a game and the actions you take, that make it very different from passively watching.

I’ve recently played episode 2 of Life is Strange 2. I LOVE that kind of game.
Mass Effect 2 is very movie like, and it’s one of my favorite games ever.
But, I love WoW too. You can like different experiences. Overal though; I’m a big nut for story and immersion and choices that have consequences.

Stop with the hyperbole mate. Seriously. Just stop.

Wait for Classic. It sounds like you just want THAT version of WoW.
As for the real, up-to-date version of WoW, it will NEVER be like that again.

It’s way to late to back track now.

Blizzard is already one of the most inconsistent developers when it comes to WoW.

They keep on nerfing and buffing.
Removing talents and then adding them again.
Making a new system then removing it next expansion.
Adding features with known issues from beta.
Added flying then tried to remove.
Made the game easier then tried to make it harder again.

This game is already ruined.

Hell…If you didn’t raid in Classic, you really shouldn’t be speaking about how Blizzard made the game easy. Most of never even played tanks and healers until they dumbed them down.

I haven’t been on a dead realm for many years. I’m on a busy server so there is always someone selling something or some run, achievement etc. Guilds recruiting listing what their progress is etc.

I do want that version of wow, but I don’t want it to be stuck in vanilla. I want it to progress, but not in the same way current wow is progressing. Meaning I don’t want the development team to ditch their views of a good game and make something that will appeal to ppl who don’t want to play the game.

I agree that some games like life is strange and other movie like games can be good. It just should stay away from games that supposedly are developed with game play first in mind.

New players are kinda funneled into dead realms, at least to realms with very low population.


Mr Gearscore would like a word with you on that one. I remember being locked out of most PUGs because I had the audacity to go to sea for four months and end up being so behind the gear curve that there was no way I would ever get into a PUG regularly, or at least a PUG that had a chance of getting past lootship/Nazgrim, and very occasionally got a guild invite when one of the core players couldn’t make it.

There were plenty of barriers to players trying to get into ICC

Yes and no. If you desired end game is economics you can be “paid” with gearing runs, gear or you won’t need raid gear. Also running ZG and AQ20 is a different thing than BWL and even more than AQ40 and Naxx.

What nowadays people want, or what were fed by retail version of the game is not what Classic players want and what Classic provides. That’s the point of this project - provide a different version of WoW that isn’t so “accessible” as modern version, where you won’t be given, but where you can achieve things.


I already said that I hated the whole gearscore thing, and I still hate it even tho Blizzard implemented it into the game as core stat.

I learnt the hard way to never use the suggested new player realms. If you don’t have friends that play the game there is very little to guide you and it’s hard once you’ve started to then learn you need to start over somewhere else.

Although things like realm populations or realm activities can be found on third party websites it’s not something that a new player is really going to be aware of, or have any idea to look into.

Yup. I server-transferred too in legion. It is probably a cashcow having new players starting on the “recommended” server.

Idea, behind it is to grow a server with new players, but the servers don’t grow because these new player wont stay in the game or they switch realms because it’s a dead realm.

Frostwhisper was a great realm in wotlk, but I guess as they keep ruining the game ppl leave and more servers die. That’s the way Blizzard clearly wants it to be.
Less players on a server means they can save money with the servers, which is clearly what they are already doing since the lag is horrible.


Mine was kind of a different situation but still boils down to the same thing. I started with friends on a PvP server but I really didn’t enjoy it. A few years later I tried to find a PvE realm to settle on but it was hard. I got there eventually but it took a while.

The fact that you hated gearscore has nothing to do with the argument I refuted it was just the most obvious cause of why pugging wasn’t as carefree as you suggested it was. Even with gearscore in place you were still required to show up for inspection and you gems, chants and augmentations were checked rigorously and god forbid you had spent one point that wasn’t on the EJ/Icyveins cookie cutter best DPS/Tanking build or you were at 212 hit etc.

Pugging has never been the carefree experience that you see to want to imply that it was during ICC.

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Well there was a solution to this unpassable barrier. Make your own group. If someone starts whining about you gear tell them to leave now or stay till the raid is over.
There was no barriers, if we don’t count the laziness of players.


And there is no barrier now. There are plenty of people looking to run normal raids, heck look at the amount of complaints we get on the forums once the raid has been out for more than two weeks complaining about unreasonable demands on players (AOTC, ilvl higher than that dropped in the raid etc.)

The solution remains make your own group.

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Great that we agree that the only barrier there ever was on raiding was the laziness of players. So my point being LFR was never needed.


We are talking at cross purposes here and I think you are deliberately misconstruing my points all so that you can lord it over players who you want to label lazy without have any shred of evidence to that fact.

FWIW I think the only person in this whole conversation that we can difinitively label as lazy is you as you freely admit that you enter LFR and deliberately AFK.

Take it or leave it LFR is staying. LFG is going to stay as well and ilvl was always in game it was just a hidden stat up until some people exploited the hidden stat in Wrath and created gearscore. As to making things more accessible it worked for the first two expansions and since then any attempt to make things less accessible and harder have caused both more subs lost and a greater forum outcry. For example I will give you the attempt to make heroic dungeons more in line with TBC and the attempted removal of flying.