How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

You ignored other facts in others thread when questioned about TBC so iam suspecting and doubt very much you even played back then at all and at any lvl sorry but i think your a liar.

Well, I gave you an example how to get around the barrier of gearscore and you agreed that it is still a way to get around the barrier today. So what is the reason ppl need LFR for? Because they are too lazy to make pugs? Because Blizzard doesn’t want communication to be part of the game?

Someone said in this thread that LFR breeds laziness, I have to agree with that, look at what it has done to me.

I’d love heroic dungeons to be more like they were in TBC, it was great back then. I really do like Mythic dungeons since there is the feeling that you are progressing all the time. In tbc there was like heroic dungeon tiers, there were easy dungeons and then hard af dungeons like Blood furnace if I remember correctly.

Flying should stay in the game and worlds should be designed with that in mind. Wotlk had great example of zones that was only really meant to be explored by flying like Storm peaks and Icecrown.


There is no justification for the removal of LFR and it’s not like they are ever going to remove LFR so it’s really not worth arguing with someone who is threatened by the easiest raid mode that has existed in the game since the end of Cataclysm. If they feel so strongly they can just not use it but many of these hypocrites will all go and use it.


I know and with my prior history i wount get into a debate with them so i listen to you and your advice and walk away now cause i wub u :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It doesn’t matter why they want it. If it serves a large enough part of the playerbase (and according to Blizzard’s own words; it does), then THAT is enough reason for it to exist.

You have a certain philosophy when it comes to gaming, but guess what; so does everyone else. And each philosophy differs from the other. You can’t force everyone to play the way YOU want to play. That’s borderline fascism.

That’s down to you then. I have never, NEVER, entered a LFR with the intention to AFK. I always try my best. If I don’t feel like I wanna be there: I just don’t go.

And I’d hate it. Point in case again.
YOU can want something, but that doesn’t mean it SHOULD be like that.

I really do hate Mythic dungeons. They are the SAME content as lower difficulties. Why should I ever put more effort into something if it’s the SAME content.

There’s that difference in gaming philosophy again.
I don’t game to be challenged to a degree where I get frustrated.
I don’t game to boast and stroke my ego.

I DO want to put effort into a game. I don’t want to leech or afk, there’s no fun in that. But I DON’T want to be forced into content I dislike or having to do activities I don’t like.

I don’t think you understand how much I dislike looking for a group to do content. How much I dislike it to make my own group.

This is not a ‘shrug, I’ll do it just to get it over with’ type of dislike. This is a ‘I’m going to quit, because f- this’ type of dislike. The queueing system was an enormous blessing to me.

In the early days of WoW it wasn’t really relevant to me, because I played with a group of RL friends, so I never had to look for a group. But as nearly all of them quit or became very inactive, that was no longer the case. That’s when the game started to show its cracks to me. Thankfully this was fixed when they introduced the queueing system and I can’t thank them enough for it.

You are asking to take that away for what? Because you want to enforce your way of playing the game onto others? How very, very selfish of you.

Also, this:

Literally this you don’t like mythic dungeons cause they are the same content as lower difficulties.
I don’t like LFR cause its the same content as the higher difficulty. We are literally in the same boat here.

We are very similar, but on different side of the fence. You like watching movies while I like playing video games. There’s the difference.


No. Because I keep an open mind about what other people like and I don’t expect content I don’t like to be removed (nor ask for that).

Stop being condescending. I enjoy playing video games too, just in a different way. Your way is not better (neither is mine, just to be clear - just different).

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Ignore him Tahra really do he has spent so much time inside LFR over the years he is a hypocrit.

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Yes I’ve done 1 full raid in LFR, that is way more than I thought I ever endure. Yeah well I’m not smart enough to have a conversation with you, I don’t even know about the EU law that is against lootboxes.



So is Tahra, just saying.


How is that being a hypocrit? I clearly stated ‘on a very personal, egocentric level’. Also, this was a seperate part of a list, the former part, which you left out, was the stuff I’d honestly like to see happen to the game. ‘On a personal level’ means, I wouldn’t expect nor want it to happen to the game realistically. It was just some extra info, because, unlike some people on this forum, I like to be honest. Sometimes brutally honest.

Also; there’s a huge difference between a reply in a thread about ‘what changes do people really want’ and making a thread of your own claiming ‘Content A ruins the game, it should be removed’.

So yeah, context and all.
But keep on trying to make me look bad mate, reflects well on you yourself. :crazy_face:

When is LFR for new raid is up?

January 22 — Normal and Heroic Difficulties
January 29 — Mythic and Raid Finder Wing 1
February 12 — Raid Finder Wing 2
February 26 — Raid Finder Wing 3

Were you under the impression that any forum discussion whatsoever is some sort of objective truth finding mission? We all state personal, egocentric opinions all the time.

Your trying to depict youself as some sort of a saint as opposed to the other guy, when in truth you are both very much the same in that you express your personal preferences is what makes you a hypocrite. As shown in the example above.


Your opinion of me is wrong. And insulting.

Kindly stop with posting replies that are only meant to insult, flame, ridicule, slander or attempt to devalue my character. It’s off topic and more importantly; it’s against the forum rules.

If you would like to debate about the merits and flaws of this thread’s topic(s), then I’ll be glad to oblige.

Opinions can’t be wrong because they are opinions.


First of all I’ll state I’m ok with LFR as it does serve a purpose. What I don’t agree with is the current loot system and how accessible loot is and I believe its hurting the game.

The majority of players do content for gear, right? People like having powerful characters, right? You could say gear is the incentive to do content.

Ok then, imagine if we put a cap on the gear that you can obtain, remove TF etc…, you would expect that, if gear is the incentive, players would want to try harder content to get that gear right? WRONG! These players don’t actually want to put in any effort, they don’t want to group with players, so they probably don’t even really want to play the game.

Lets be honest, the players that like this system aren’t doing LFR for the story, they aren’t doing emissaries because they enjoy them, they aren’t doing the world bosses because they like to group with players, they aren’t doing the weekly quest because they like doing it. They do it all for one simple reason;

Its an easy way to get high level gear without the need to put any effort into the game.

This easy to get high level gear is the reason tools like raider io were made.

I think this is hurting the new players because they are having a terrible and short WoW experience, they can hit cap and can be done and geared with raid gear while doing minimal content.

These new players are not even experiencing half of the content. They already have everything, so why should they even stick around and try something new?

Imagine explaining to a new player what raiding or M+ is, why would they even bother doing it if they can already get everything they want without even trying.
This then hurts the raiding guilds as they find it harder and harder to find players, guilds are unable to raid and start to crumble.


Your opinion of my opinion is wrong.

Lol. I didn’t make you post any of that bs, you did it on your own. And if you think that calling someone out for hypocrisy is insulting or devaluing their character, well that’s very much on you. Besides, the pointing out of hypocrisy flew towards Rekthal first, not you. You were ok with that though.

With you? No, thanks. I’ve seen how you debate things before, and even in this thread. “I keep an open mind, etc.”, because most people don’t actually remember your post history.


They can definitely be wrong if they get basic facts wrong. And since it concerns ME, I very well know the facts.

But this is a whole other philophical debate we’d have to get into, involving many things we’re not supposed to talk about on these forums (politics and religion mainly).

That wasn’t my opinion. That was a FACT.

I didn’t, did I?! That was Celadina. You can’t even get these facts straight. Sheesh.

Did I reply to it? No. No I didn’t.
You don’t know what I did or did not think. Mind your own business.

I only remember you being vindictive, shortsighted, narrowminded and full of toxic bile. And yet, I will gladly give you the benefit of a doubt and debate things with you. /shrug