How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

I mean as a DPS I just all in first 15 seconds and then put my character near boss and afk in kitchen making food and drink.

its fine tho, as someone mentioned, LFR helps players get some pocket change :wink:

I don’t like it, Preach pretending to know how it is to be casual when he have been a hardcore raider probably ever since classic and pretty much only brings out the worse parts about lfr and not what is great about it

Like why is it even his business to trying to sweep the legs of players that enjoys it


I did it like Blizzard meant it to be done, just like warfronts.

Well…at least you only have 5 days left. This must be torture.

Poor thing.:disappointed:

So you are telling me that 25 players zoned in, did no damge whatseover then all three bosses fell over and you got loot. I don’t beleive you.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that started happening in the future. If it is a shortcut to see the end content why have the fights in there, just play the rp and boss dies.

So basically…you guys don’t like lfr, because it’s to easy. You join this lfr, go afk, gets carried by lowly lfr casuals, gets free loot, then complains about the free loot and how easy lfr is? Jesus, joseph and mary…LOL.


I played this expansion for month and I saw everything it had to offer. Got bored and now I’m out. Probably over half of that time I did old raids and fishing.

quote me where I said I dont like lfr.

Did you afk on the shoreline, waiting for a cadual fisherman to catch the for you?


You probably didn’t see all it has to offer but have done the bits that appealled to you.

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I would believe that you are caring more about the raiding if you would have more than that just one curve on your account which you are having. And you say how you saw everything, but I don’t see that you even attempted the higher mythic + dungeons or that you got the Ghuun curve. All you did was that easiest content in this expansion and now you are whining about it.


I don’t think he was “pretending to know how it is to be casual” there. Even the most casual of casuals does try to help in a group. I have rarely seen anyone genuinely doing nothing - very occasionally, some Mythic-geared character slumming it in LFR will go afk or tab in and out to register his presence.

He was just making the point that the game gives no incentive to learn.

It struck home with me at the time especially, because I was helping out a newish player just then. Worst tank I’ve ever seen at max level, but you couldn’t tell him that; he went through his entire WoW grouping believing he was godlike. Were you ever a passenger in a car with a really bad driver who is convinced they’re fine? Like that. :slight_smile: I envied him that! Anyway, he tanked Lei Shen LFR, and then left the game, because there was nothing more for him to do. Very nicely thanked me and left me his gold before he went. That was it. That was the game for him, and he was finished. A perfect example of what Preach was talking about. You’d never catch him on these forums. :stuck_out_tongue:


My bad. Reading this i obviously mistakenly thought you are against lfr. Mah mistake!

yeah I literally said, if people want to watch movie instead of playing the game that’s cool.

I never was 1 to care about dungeons, I don’t like the whole looking for group system for them or raids or anything in the looking for tab.
I did try that mythic +4 or 3 cant remember dungeon, but I probably got LFR heroes in a group which left when they died first time in the dungeon.

The raid itself wasn’t something I was interested in, another god damn old god and not even interesting 1.

I did also complete the requirements for nightborne, this process was a great experience, I got to do old quests for about 20 hours and then farming old world quests for 5 days. Lovely content. Then the nightborne is just a copypaste of nightelfs with the same exact dance and all.

Personally I’d actually remove Normal difficulty, it isn’t really challenging as a riad yet is supposed to be a proper raid. To me it is LFR without determination. It drops nothing after a couple of runs using the normal progression route, and if anything gives people bad habits for heroic - No lasers on Taloc, The wind just a slight breez on Mother, Zul with only one set of adds to be dispelled etc.

I also really don’t think casuals bother with it much (I could be wrong), and it seems to be Heroic/Mythic raiders getting one or two pieces on alt if anything that goes in there.

I really don’t know what it’s purpose is in the game, save for having a raid called normal, rather than having the old Normal (Heroic) and Heroic (Mythic) difficulties.

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it’s not just LFR though it’s having 3 difficulties NOT COUNTING LFR

mythic or normal needs to removed if the game wants to take a step towards glory days once again (alongside LFR of course) and M+

My 7 stacks determination on Ghuun proves otherwise.

Why remove normal why not just go back to normal and heroic like it was when it worked or just normal with activatable hard modes like in Ulduar which still is the best raid ever in the game.