Scrap the rep grind requirement for flying and Allied Races!

@ [Bluescent]

How would I deal with someone being mean? Well, there is always the option to ignore it. Then there is the option to troll them.

I would rather go for the option of identifying what they are doing, for example, @ [Raiden] was being an elitist jerk. So I would snub his elitism or ask him to refrain from being an elitist. Rather than try to imply he is a child.

There is as much we can learn from children as from the elderly, and as much again as they could learn from us. It doesn’t suit to pretend to be some kind of superior based on ones age or presumed age-hood, as that can be seen as bigoted.

@ [Wolfrom] bullying is bullying, being bigoted is being bigoted. And derailing threads is commonly known as trolling.

If you want to discuss age, there is a useless topic for that already on the forum…

This @here topic is for talking about the inability to create the new allied races.

Also, I am not from the USA, I am from the UK.