How old are you?

I’ve been there! :smiley:


@Behemot: Almost 45, male Finn. Been around since 2008.

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69 year old Brit male living in France (soon to be Irish - hooray!)
I remember when… blah di blah di blah…
Kids of today… blah di blah… Never had it so good… blah di blah, etc.


unfortunately not so interesting…

I just turned 51 and thought the same ! Been here since the beginning just took a bit of time out now and again for life, Work, Kids and stuff.

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29, #WoWisforKids.

However before that they tend to… “forget” to drag people. :joy:

I am 21 year old female from Jyväskylä in Finland and I’m at university studying mathematics :slight_smile:


36 female from Finland aswell


Hey a quick question do they teach financial mathematics there?.Asking because of my job that as an accountant I sometimes when I do paperwork I run into mathematical problems while calculating.I handle it but it takes some time :stuck_out_tongue:.

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I know there are more, but so far i never seen female player playing with male toon! Nice!

Dude your story sounds so familiar… do i know you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, im 43 male from Denmark.

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30 years old (act about 15), Male, UK. Work in Health & Safety.

28 year old university drop out :joy:

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32 year old guy from Stockholm, Sweden. I work in a small business and deal with marketing, financial matters and customer service :slight_smile:


I have just recently turned 40

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Stockholm i mitt hjääääärta!

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Nice try Zuckerberg


He’s too busy gathering facial recognition data for the fbi with the 10 year challenge. This is probs an Activision blizzard Inc exec trying to figure how much money we all earn :wink:

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Hi yes they do! I only do a small part of it but it is there ^^

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