How old are you?

Age: Noob
Gender: Noob
From: Noobs

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Thanks!! If I make a male character I set out a full storyline and try something new. If I make a female character I tend to make a carbon copy of myself. While neither are right or wrong, the former is always fun.

Rutheran is my Pally, and Ruvenel is my Male Velf Rogue. Ru is around 50-60 years old, and Ruvie is camp AF. ^w^


Thodric is a similar age :slight_smile:

I feel Paladins should be older and grey-haired. Something about having seen too much of the world, yet carrying on out of a sense of duty and because they hold on to the slightest glimmer of hope that good can still win out.

Not that I’m over-invested!

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26 M Sweden

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I quite understand. I would RP a paladin as a warrior who is tired of constant war and looking for ways to bring the light (and healing, and life) to their allies.

I have a greybeard dwarf paladin somewhere, I think I stopped playing him in Cata though.

Still young enough to find typing 5318008 in a calculator and turning it upside down funny…



And still old enough to call it calculator and not “my phone counting app” huh?:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


42 year old female, British/American, now living in the Netherlands. Quit my civil service job in Scotland to move here with my husband, he’s a game design lecturer. I now have loads of gaming free time.

I’ve seen excellent Paladins of all ages. I just threw in some timey wimey stuff for Ru since he was demoralised in the Legion battle that lost Varian. He’s back and kicking Horde butt though.

im 21 year old. Chinese, living in the netherlands.


Living the dream! :sweat_smile:

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Grins in Goblin

Male, 43 (and 11 12ths :stuck_out_tongue:). UK.

37 year old female from Finland. I’ve been playing WoW since 2006 but my history with Blizzard games goes as far back as first Diablo & Warcraft 1. Nice to see other Finns here as well :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s real if you only believe in it :grinning:

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Is that what they’re called now…
Damn, put me out to pasture.


28 y.o started playing on 1.8.2 :slight_smile:

Hey i knew that word as well and also that number without having to wonder what it is about :rofl:. This is what i call mature understanding of the world, wiseness of adults. Now excuse me i have to go rewind my cassette so music keeps on playing.

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Hope you’ve got a pencil to go with that cassette!


Now I’m confused on if he was talking about the old cassette player or a different kind of cassette?.