How old are you?

I’vve played with several peoplein their 60’s, so 47 is rather young still :sweat_smile:

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I’m a hundred and thirty years old sage god spiritually.

29 year old male, living in scandinavia.
I used to work in healthcare, swapped to hairdressing, then working for a farmer and now im a mechanic.

I like to respecc


High five! Same age and scandies! :clap::smile:

37 Year old female, living in Denmark ^^

I am educated and used to work within senior healthcare, for about 15 years’ish… Till I wore myself down pretty much :stuck_out_tongue:
Been playing since mid-late Vanilla, having Argent Dawn as a homeserver. My best ingame buddies over the time, has spanned from age 13 till age 70.

It’s what I love most about this game, the people you can “meet” from all over the world. Regardless of how you look and what you do for a living… you can make the best of friends, and have an awesome time together <3


38 male from Denmark :slight_smile:

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nah tbh I started as young! so im 23 now :joy: others started old!!

Yeah, I started in 2017 aged 43! I’ve been playing Diablo since '99 though.

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Then that makes some nightelves on this forums criminals

spacegoats and nightelves*

and well… void elves

…and some blood elfs too fine -_-

Hopefully blizz will make super easy content for when us oldtimers hit 75!

… … Brentry?

And btw 34 male half Scottish half Italian, gambling gaming engineer.

Awe boet! Fellow saffa here. Also on AD, to bad your horde though😢

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Hi. Yea, you can always faction change though?:joy: Maby I’ll lvl an alliance alt. Rand to euro is crap atm.

It’s nice to see that quite many players made their first post on the forums in this thread.

Or they posted with an alt character :thinking:

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46 here #10 chars etc

Thought I was gonna be the oldest at least in this thread. 56 years young (57 in June), male, black british located in England. Started WOW in 2010 because my son asked for it, we played for about 2 years and I just returned yesterday after about a 5 year break I think. He no longer plays.


In the World or Warcraft I am 10 yrs and 10 months, born in Northshire Abbey a female mage. Fantasy is what fantasy is… escape from reality.

I am 42 also OP, From Scotland.

Was starting to think I was the only Spaniard here…

Anyway, I’m 29, from Barcelona.

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