How old are you?

Aww you are too young to know the special relationship between a cassette tape and a pencil :laughing:

What about sellotape and a vhs tape? (Omg my phone doesn’t recognise vhs as a word)


My cassette player has rewind button. Latest technology! But ofc got pencil as back up if the tape gets messed and knotted.

@Yolandass cassette player ofc

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Well I know what a cassette player is and had a good few cassettes I listened to I had prodigy group cassettes and some rock music ones but now I get it it’s to unwind the cassette if it gets tangled but I must admit I was very young when I had those probably was 5 or 4 lol little Yolanda’s back then listening to cassette tapes lol.

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I had VHS tapes aswel but parents used to play me cartoons on those when I was a little kid.


lol. i remember every time i heard “and justice for all” albun, goin to school i had to use this method to goin back cuz i hated the 2hs side…


Few years ago my friend bought a used car that actually for some strange reason only had a cassette player installed. We dug out our old collections, dusted them up and it was all Iron Maiden and Duran Duran for happy years driving around till she recently sold the car and bought a new one. Oh happy days!


49 from Sheffield in the UK, i started playing at the age of 36 not bad really i remember buying wow in a local shop and thinking this looks good should last me a month or two still here 13 years later :joy:

i started pc gaming in 1999 with half life and TFC. had a console before that.

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25 guy year old from the southern regions of the (Twisting)Netherlands, and tall (1.92m/6.3 ft) in comparison to this little guy that is posting this comment.
Finishing a study of Computer sciences, on an international school (WoW made me choose for an international school, because I like the English language :grin:)

The Flems tend to speak with a softer tone, then us Dutch, I live in the border provinces to the Belgians, they’re nice people.

Cool, I have some Chinese friends, for a moment I though you might be one of them. But they are 23 and 25 now.

I consider myself old and i got 23 a month ago… but most of you are grannies! :joy:

I will make sure to delete the word “kid” while playing WOW, after reading this topic. :smiley:

25 (26 in June) male Bulgaria, Sofia. Working for UK Broker dealing with CFD and Spread-betting trading.

26 from Spain. Digital marketer and 70% web full stack programmer.

and exactly who do you think it was that gave you videogames in the first place hmm?..:stuck_out_tongue:

pretty sure it was William Higinbotham

precisely…an ‘old’ person…:stuck_out_tongue:
it’s always funny that younglings today think it’s strange that ‘old’ people play games, you weren’t even a tadpole when kids were writing basic in their bedrooms…in fact all the things that you still think are cool today were gifted to you by us oldies…:slight_smile:

His mom of course.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Did you know that computer games also used to come on audio cassett? You plugged a cassette player into your Commodore 64 or whatever, then play the tape for ten minutes to load the data into the massive 64k of RAM.


10 minutes IF it decided to work…:slight_smile:
10 minutes of 'screeeeggrrrrrgheeeoooooeeeeeeeoooodrrrrghscreeeeeee’…


Error… please rewind and try again.

Or get the program code out the mag and get typing!


syntax error


23 living in Denmark. What’s in my pants is nobodys business… except for mine when I go to the loo :V

Though according to my guildies I am a 1000 year old dragon hosting the void in my pants :v: