How old are you?

I assume they mean skidmarks when they say “the void”?


No they mean the actual dark abyss kind of void.

Methuselah was a teenager when I was younger! :open_mouth:

He never could get to grips with these modern things like abacuses. :sunglasses:

Personally, I’m heading to a big 60 and my wife who is my GM is somewhat older.


29 year old female from Denmark :slight_smile:

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27 year old female from Finland! Nice to see some fellow finns in the thread. I also play both male and female characters but have failed to meet other females who do the same. I feel like i behave better when i play male character :joy: while female characters tend to get all my bad qualities :rofl:


Ach, ye whippersnapper… :wink:

Couples who play together, stay together my man :slight_smile:

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Hah me and my friends always play male belfs just for admire the looks and have a laugh and we always joke about all male belfs being female players for the very same reason. Sort of assume that still with all male belfs. :rofl:

What the… I’m offended! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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24, not of importance, central europe. :slight_smile:

I remember old old forums. I am that old.

I identify myself as queen, pronounce as ‘your majesty’.

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I hate to admit i have male belf characters too. But i still hope male belfs get some luv from guys as well :wink: because i casually sometimes flirt with them :smirk: for fun.

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i don’t have male belfs. Can’t stand how they look…

I like void elves too :kissing_heart:

They look very much like void elf males, don’t they? Just less… purple :wink:

Well if you see male belfs with some ridiculously “cute” finnish names going around doing /silly with shiniest armors possible, with those you can pretty safely assume they are played by female players. Rest males belfs ofc act and look the same but their names are most likely less… special. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl:

I actually once saw male belf paladin called Candyass. At the time i thought that well… thats pretty hot name :joy: but now it makes much more sense :rofl: If i ever flirted to another female i hope they took it lightly :sweat_smile: Also cute finnish names on belf males sound hilarious :laughing:

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Hahhaa i believe one of my friends belf male is called exactly that but in finnish.:rofl: She hasn’t played for a year tough. She flirted to everyone (as a joke ofc), even she is straight but apparently her belf was a wild one.:laughing:

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25 years old male from Turkey.

Graduated from dentistry last year, failed in my specializations exam, preparing for it again this year(The exam gives you entry for the education for the specialization, so you dont become a specialist immediately after passing it. Gotta study it for 3-4 years).

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Scottish, Female and old enough to know that if you ask those types of questions, you are younger than I am :wink:
Been playing wow since the beginning and played PC versions waaay before that.