How old are you?

34 years old here, and playing WoW since I was 22.

Good one and a funny one, too!

I need an adult.

Come on, spill it!

I am ageless, beyond counting.

So kinda super old? :thinking:

Not gonna answer until I see someone older than me


That sounds like me 52, Website designer, Security Consultant, Tutor and occasional music maker. If it’s an IT job I’ve probably done it.

I don’t feel 52 though, whatever that is.


26 male, Czech Republic, soldier

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OK you got me. 47 here and Italian

40 years old male from beautiful Finland, Software engineer / architect, entrepreneur / game designer… oh and a Cook!

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36 and i can’t wait to be old enough to point people with finger gun and tell them to get the hell off my lawn.


When you add me! :smile:

At that age where you should be adulting but clearly haven’t a clue. Although I am told this part never stops.

I just wing it!

Well slip me that bnet tag and i will :smile:

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A fellow comrade!

Me: 33, married (met through wow actually), 3 children, german soldier.

@ Thodric let’s be real. Most millenials ARE oversensitive special snowflakes. It goes so far here that in my birth town they wanted to introduce gender neutral language for basically everything. This is what they waste our tax money for… to please some oversensitive people who have nothing better to do then press their agenda on everything and everyone. And when you don’t agree you are publicly shamed and demanded an apology… they’re basicaly modern day fascists.


Blizzard needs to add tinder for @Uldurin in game. :rofl: We got selfie cameras allready whats stopping them?


I always thought we were around the same age. Guess I was wrong. I’m 35 btw.

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Hey hey hey I just want people to squeal at when i get my epic loot :sweat_smile:
We can be friends too! :thinking:


what an impertinent question…:angry: