How old are you?

24 male, Mech engineering student been playing wow ever since I was 11 or 10 don’t remember.

I’m at the age where my mind thinks I’m still 29, my sense of humour suggests I’m 12 and my body keeps asking me if I’m sure I’m not dead yet…

Seriously though, I’m 37, female from the UK and I’m a freelance journalist with procrastination issues and two delightful children.


pretty much everyone guessed our crazy cat lady was this epic ^ _ ^, with stalkers and all

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Turning 30 this May but my backpain tells me I’m like 40 haha.

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Come on i know you would love it! I can already see you standing front of AH swiping feverishly here and there :rofl:

And ofc i am your friend but i only btag irl friends and family because i am not big on chatting in game, when i play i smash things :hammer: no time to talk! Now, friend, got any of those kanelbullar?

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25 year old male from Serbia here you go :grin:.

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Hahah well good to know what you think of me, i’m not THAT thirsty thank you very much :sweat_smile:

Thats fair enough!
Nooo, dang it now i want kanelbullar :tired_face:


Thanks for that now I’m hungry although one thing I suggest never eat surstromming you will regret it because it’s fermented hering fish :face_vomiting: you only make that mistake one.


I still have never dared to try it lol

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Omg surströmming :face_vomiting:
@Uldurin, i naturaly assumed you would using that in game Tinder only for scientific purposes!


Of course, of course i would :face_with_monocle:


30, started playing when I was 18.

UK, Male.

Tack sa mycket for a hilarious image of him on tinder.


Eipä kestä :rofl:. It is very living image isn’t it?

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30 year old male, from India.

Ja att du ar.Also let’s not get too much into Swedish conversation I still don’t know that much yet.Only know a few things that I learned from a good friend from Sweden I met in this game :grin:.

Yeah i am not actually swedish just speak the language :rofl: I am finnish.


27 beautiful muscular man from Czech Republic, I work at hospital and I like indoor bouldering and I drink too much coffee


Spaced!!! Tank Girl!!! Original A-Team!!! woohoo!!! :smiley: