How old are you?

Awww! Did you go to the frituur stores also?!

Or course, it goes without saying!:drooling_face:

Belgium is where I learned that you can have mayonnaise with your chips instead of ketchup. I’ll always love Belgium for that.


I am 25 years old and I live in Sweden, I started with World of Warcraft after I got it as a christmas gift back in 2006. :slight_smile:

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This thread validates my theory that the 30+ crowd is strong in WoW :slight_smile:

Listen up devs, for we are worth catering to!


Same here, its always nice to find more people from the same region playing the game which are speaking the same language. Even tho we are from two different countries, we are still neighbors and have the similar culture.

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That is true but sadly sometimes people have a hard time accepting us in here due to our Russian bros giving them a hard time in pvp,also I am glad we share the culture because we can understand each other much better.

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I never had a problem with that in the game, and I played mostly in international guilds, the core of the players and the GM in my current guild are from the UK and in some other games I used to play with Americans to and had a pretty good time. Besides that my country never had a strong connections with Russia like your one has.

I’m 26 years old

I usually don’t as far as Europeans go only ones that I have a hard time communicating are US people and the brexit people of britian.They from my experience don’t accept diversity that well to be honest they stick to themselves mostly.

I usually prefer to play with international croud, nothing against my countrymen but having someone you play with from same country you never can stop wondering “what if that player is that crazy old lady from the house next door or what if it’s that old classmate that always was diggin his nose”. But hey i am sort of weird form of social introvert anyway.:crazy_face:

Than we had different experiences, when I used to play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory I had better time playing with Americans than EU people, they turned to be for me more accepting and friendly, and the people I’m hanging with from the UK are open minded and tend to treat everyone as equal no matter from where the other players are.


Well good for you but those people were acting evil towards me I wish I knew good people from those countries I wish I had your good experience with them.

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If you would join my guld you would :smiley:


I’m 28, turning 29 later this year. Male and from Sweden.

I’m a gym addict and have been since I started with it in 2009. Currently into Powerlifting.
My work involves for the most part fire safety with a focus on the technical side. Used to work as a fire/safety instructor before that.

Been playing WoW since mid-2006 with a longer break during MoP. I’m(nowadays) as far as you can be from being an “altoholic”. In Wotlk I played most classes but the one that’ve stuck with me for the longest time is the Hunter class.

Since early Legion the topic of UI configuration/creation has really peaked my interest, tho still very green on what you can do and how to do it so, when I have time, that’s where my focus is.

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Oi! I’m from Britain and I’m a good person to you :crying_cat_face: I thought we was mates Yolandass!


I am from Bulgaria and 30 years old. Played classic, tbc and returned for MoP and BfA. Generally i miss some stuff from the old expansions but i am enjoying mythic+ and BoD raid.

Hey you I like my lady don’t worry you are one of the rare people from that place I love so don’t worry.

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British 20y/o femoid with a twisted sense of humour. Very much into Slavic & Nordic culture. Started playing on my brother’s account in WotLK and got my own for WoD, rip garrisons

I’m 26, female, live in the US because I married someone from here. Originally from a South Slavic country

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