How to break up alliance premading AV

  1. Hide the AV numbers in queue popup and games list

  2. Randomize the games per player so they cant coordinate ‘join the 3rd from the top’ or whatever.

Optionally: add a ‘queue as raid’ option for both horde and alliance.

Current meta is awful.


nochanges #


U realise the current AV meta is a result of changes made in classic, yes? The current version we use, the PvP gear thats currently available, the use of discord, etc. The way we play PvP is already massively different from vanilla, my suggestions would make the changes that were made less awful.


discord is not a change to classic. The amount of gear and the version rly wouldn’t change much when you have 30+ organized players vs 40 randoms. The games would be sub 10 mins regardless


Not gonna happen.

60% mount or your main is hordie? Doesnt matter.

What can happen is:

  1. Git Gud
  2. Reroll ally ( You already did)
  3. Farm gold to buy an 100% mount so you can enjoy our glorious 6min victories against an enemy who suffers to put any resistance while fighting on equal numbers.
  4. Go back to retail
  5. Quit.

Besides the point really. The point is that premading AV is unintended and damaging to both horde and alliance. Either allow horde to premade aswell or just prevent it alltogether, solo only. And i’m an alliance player who does both premades and solo queue btw.


no such thing has premade in AVs, Hordes can Que at the same time also

reroll Ally
go back to retail
zug zug
pvp hapen in pvp servers


Hello fellow redditor :)))

Since premade in BG for Classic is a Disruptive Gameplay that is against ToS, they should be 1 week ban.


Or how about you reroll and make it harder for the alliance until its 50/50 ?

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or delete your old main horde character and stay ally.
You are in the right steps.
Also horde already did set up their own discord server for premades and it has 6.000 members.

So much alliance salt here!

No matter since they cant get the same bg cos 3 times or more horde in the q than alliance, so they can roast their premades, thats why all these kind of post made…


I dont play horde Thracian are u retarded?

And horde premades only in wsg while alliance plays AV.

Man was I wrong when i thought there could be no worse forum for discussion than reddit, same sh1T here


All forums like that, people can type anything without any IRL consequences…


The fact that alliance players are more likely to be placed into the same AV as eachother is merely a fact of faction balance.

When people say it’s cheating, it’s not. Having more horde camping alliance bases isn’t cheating, it’s the faction balance.

All that being said, I remember back in Vanilla that me and a friend could do this quite well so nothing is different here really.

The only reason it feels more problematic now is due to how people come at the game. People want quick wins to rank rather than have fun in a BG.

Regardless of how much we rant, I don’t think anything will be changed or altered. It wasn’t for wpvp.

A couple of friends or even a guild playing av together is not the issue. The entire AV playerbase is seperated between rankers (who premade) and the rest. Not to mention most AV games start 15v40 as a result aswell.

The current issue is massively different from how people in vanilla ranked (AV only during weekends, no crossrealm for 90% of the game) and using #nochanges is delusional at best.

I have little faith in Blizzard tho, as they have seen so far to only implement short-term solutions, if any at all. I suspect they dont give a damn if this game dies, more reason for them to start promoting shadowlands.

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Yes. And it results in all party members being in a separate bg.

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11k rep on my 2nd char left, then I’m done with PvP until TBC gets released. :smiley:

I doubt blizzard is gonna do anything about it, populations won’t change and there will always be new horde and alliance players that need rep rewards. So yeah… I signed up mostly for PvE anyway, it’s just that my BiS offhands are AV rep items right now. :slight_smile:

PS: 11k rep means 11 BGs against random grps or 44 BGs against premades… or a total of 18 BGs of mixed enemies (half premade BGs, half randoms). So I won’t be affected by solutions implemented after the next weekend. That’s just my perspective on the problem.

I heard you guys weren’t exactly dominating AV in Classic. Lol.

Any non alliance premade is usually a loss for us :slight_smile:

The ideal way to gain honor is to either lose fast or win fast.
Anything longer than 10 minutes is not ideal for somebody who plans on playing all day to farm for rank 10+