How to break up alliance premading AV

If your goal is to max honor then yes. If you play for maximum fun or rep then 30min for 200rep and a loss is not ideal. I’ve won a handful of BGs against premades that were too greedy, got wiped at drek thar before securing a graveyard in frostwolf keep… sure, it’s not a quick game any more then but way more fun than losing and queueing up again.

Yeah… you haven’t met the alliance players.

If the first push fails, they all give up and say lose fast.
Not that fun at all XD.

It’s the very definition of a cheat/exploit according to the Blizzard CoC though, hence the multiple posts pointing this out.
Is it an intended feature? No, otherwise there would be a button for it.
Is it okay because Horde can do it? No, A) because Horde cannot reliably replicate it to the same extent the Alliance can and B) it’s still exploiting the queue system, two wrongs don’t make a right.

The way I see it either everyone should be able to easily do this as an intended feature of the BG queue system or nobody gets it and the people who do it should catch temp bans for it just like they did with the XP potion exploit.
I’d expect the exact thing to happen to Horde players who do it too, an exploit is an exploit.


With classic you have exploits that are embraced, becuase classic is a museum of a game that once were and should be treated as. If backdoor and solopulling was possible in vanilla it shouldnt be fixed, if this is how the queue system worked in vanilla it shouldnt be fixed.

I am glad both factions agree that #nochanges is so simple and beautiful, btw did you know that alliance got ganked on the pvp server? They had to die 5-6 times to enter their dungeon! It is just fair to let allies have this option to premade, it actually encourages people to reroll!

Not sure if just stupid or u actually think this…

the #nochanges keeps coming up by retards who have never played real vanilla.

The vast majority of classic had a different version of AV, where the honor/hour was bad unless it was on a holiday weekend. Rushing was way harder also. People played wsg and AB.

The current meta of premading on alliance is cancerous to the game and both factions, to both rankers and casuals and I would 100% support Blizzard removing the AV number and randomizing the games list order so premades are dead once and for all. Let premades go WSG.

Introducing 1.5 AV (the prenerfed version) still falls under #nochanges because 1.5 AV is a part of vanilla of what once were.

Changing how the queue system work or hiding numbers does not.

Old version of av changes nothing. People are way to organized now, the games would still be extremly short for premades and would still be way better honor than wsg. The main problem with wsg is that not everyone gets the same honor. Druid gets max 14k/h, mages around 17k and everyone else 19- 20k (assuming only 7 min games with gy farm). Meanwhile top premades in av are getting over 21k/h. It is unrealistic to think that even with a slightly more difficult version of av that wsg would be better honor

Well that’s your opinion. For me, it’s not an exploit. It’s a byproduct of a less populated faction. Horde just don’t like it because they are unable to do it due to their overpopulated numbers.

This happened back in vanilla and happens now. It’s a 15year old game that isn’t getting any kind of changes made to it.

Ill remember you guys when Blizz comes in and breaks premades :slight_smile:

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Wont happen so keep dreaming

It is not his opinion, it is defacto an exploit of the past.
I dont know what exploit is to you but we have several times quoted what an exploit means.

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Ok, fair enough. Whatever it is let’s face it it doesn’t matter. It won’t be changed. This is how the game was, warts and all.

Expecting Blizzard to fix any thing in classic though.


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Blizzard could technincally introduce Battlegroup in a controlled manner to limit the matchmaking pool that allows this kind of exploit to be used. Battlegroups existed in 1.12 and iirc, this exploit wasnt feasible in some of these battlegroups.

It would result in longer queues for horde, wouldnt really fix the premade issue but it would heavily limit it meanwhile nothing would be changed.

I’m not opposed to changes at all. Fact of the matter is we’ve had “changes” anyways since even before classic launch, significantly different than vanilla so a few more won’t hurt. I know the argument of “when will it stop” comes into play, but honestly I know more people put off by the current AV than excited to play it or premade it, there’s got to be a way to make a compromise.

I’m not hot on AV, infact it put me off ranking entirely sadly, just don’t like the meta, prefer to play with mah bois in WSG and have fun than go for rank. I even honestly preferred the Zug Zug raids of WPvP over AV bore-fest.

RIP rank 11 dreams.

This pretty much.
It’s not as though people are asking for LFG or transmogging or something, they’re asking for Blizzard to either make queuing as a premade an actual feature rather than an exploit or correctly treat it as an exploit and punish the players who do it.

We already have bigger servers, layering and graphic upgrades, the #nochanges meme is a joke and having “Vanilla as we remember it” was never going to happen anyway because A) we’re not the same people we were when we first started playing and B) the mentality toward how we approach videogames as a whole has changed massively since 2004.

I’m not exactly over a ‘queue as a group’ button being added but it would be a far simpler solution to the premade issue than just banning the players who exploited it.

There is no such thing as AV premade. This topic is invalid.

I can see at least one Horde poster in this thread who would regularly say the Phase 2 world PVP was working exactly as intended when Alliance were being camped inside neutral cities and at FPs and on every boat … but is now basically claiming that AV premades are something completely different because people are just way more organised now and this wasn’t the vision of the developers.

Newsflash - the entire classic experience is totally different to vanilla because large groups of people have got way more organised in general and know exactly how to optimise literally everything in the game. You all seemed to think that was great and were all about #nochanges when it was Alliance getting shafted but now the exact same stuff is an “exploit” when the Horde are getting screwed over.

Pretty funny really. As several other people have said, the “solutions” are clear - git gud, re-roll, or delete your account. Karma, eh?


Saying that you are outnumbered 40:1 while playing on a realm that has a decent faction ratio is laughable but we could never tell because all the allies that whined posted with their retail character not revealing their realm. Unless it isnt worse than 60:40 you can always organize yourself and outzerg unless you played on Stonespine or firemaw where that wasnt feasible because the faction imbalance was crazy on these servers. Everything in phase 2 worked as intended, proposing ridiculous changes such as faction changes because they wanted to go over to the other side should always be shut down.

All allies that cried about this during phase 2 posted with their retail avatars and wanted faction changes, battlegrounds and PCT. Those proposing the first and the latter were told to git gud or reroll. Blizzard actually listened to you and introduced battlegrounds earlier and at the same time even PCT.

Phase 2 only lasted 3-4 weeks, only 4 weeks…

EDIT: What about the horde that were outnumbered on their realm then? They choose the underdog faction on their realm and they get punished by crossrealm bgs, they might aswell just leave the realm.


I’ve heard this “argument” several times and it’s just repeated by people who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

Your faux concern for the alliance is touching though.