How to break up alliance premading AV

Horde players: Get long queues and sometimes get stomped by premades. Whatever honestly.

Ally premades: Do the same boring dumb sh!t 15 hours a day for 5-6 days until ur capped

Ally solos: Get fcked.

Im an alliance only player btw as i said before. Maybe its not so much for the factions but for the system/game as a whole. I cannot wait for the day where AV honor gain is nerfed and/or premading is disabled.

Ok they can do that when they add elite guards to all flight paths so Alliance players can at least land safely. The horde did everything possible to drive the majority of players away from the open world with ganking parties. It’s still going on. And when people called that out the rain of “go to retail” “QQ more” “PVP happens” started. It’s funny how so many people started giving a damn about PvP balance when they started losing. Or when Horde players are using the wall glitch exploit to get in the Alliance base not a pep from the Horde…
Nothing is stopping the horde from forming premades and premades can be stopped. Sounds like a lot of salt from people that are not getting what think they deserve.

We cant premade. The NA horde has a discord with 6000 members and they manage to get only 5-6 people in one game. They cant drop queues when there arent enough healers etc.

Meanwhile, an alliance discord of around 800 members can easily form 20+ man premades. Now, I dont care nor ask for anything i am just correcting you.

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Funny how non of the people that are throwing hissy fits now did not say a word when the horde was mass ganking all over the world. Was that not damaging to both factions? Well the AV thing is a direct result of that. Alliance player that got fed up getting ganked by larger numbers found refuge in AV where the odds are even.
The Horde can go back to camping the tunnel in Black Rock and every flight path in the world they must have had sooo much fun doing it it was going on 24/7 and still is.

A so the problem is not that we can do it it’s that you can’t do it as efficiently. And you can do it it just takes longer.

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We cant do it, even if it takes longer.
If a raid decides to queue for AV1 at the same time, it will be split into 8 different groups because many horde drop the bgs mid battle because turtles.

EDIT: You do know, that whenever somebody leaves the bg it will invite some sucker who has to join a half finished game.

Do you think the alliance has a magical Q that lets everyone in the same av? The problem is with your players. Maybe if the horde was not busy camping flight paths you’d have more people Q-ing. Also you just made your point invalid by explaining part of the problem.

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Dude, you have no idea how the que works, alliance DOESNT get the same ques, but they just drop it until they DO GET THE SAME QUES due to the BG numbers being revealed before entering + instant ques, what is so hard to grasp on this.
PS get over your p2 PTSD already its boring af
edit typo*

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I know exactly how the alliance queues. The problem here is that faction imbalance doesnt allow the horde to get into the same game no matter how hard they tried.

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I know how the Q’s work and you can do the same. I find the hypocrisy involved to be amusing with everyone who was telling people to “get over it” in p2 crying on the forums when they can’t gank people five v one.
Also I don’t have any PTSD that’s a sеrious condition you should not make fun of. People don’t get PTSD from games. It was an annoyance but that’s about it.

You keep bringing p2 up constantly like you really need some medical help, hence the PTSD, just get over it if its nothin serious.
Also no, you have NO idea how the que works if you keep sayin the same nonsense as before :slight_smile:

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The faction imbalance that up this point was in your favor. Not you specifically my guess is that you are a decent person I am talking about the faction.

As I mentioned there is nothing to get over I am using that as an example of the hypocrisy. Also you can follow your own advice just get over the AV premades.
And funny thing is I do know how it works. You have some options Re-roll for faction balance, don’t play AV… get over it as it were or you can just get good at it.


P2 PTSD is exactly what this is and a pseudo-justification for everything else that is relevant to the CURRENT pvp situation (hint: p2 mass world pvp is over!)

Aaand to quote myself from another thread:

for the record: what happened in p2 on horde-dominated realms was not ok or defendable / justifiable, just like this “premade versus pug only on horde side” situation is not okay or defendable / justifiable, no matter how some spiteful trolls try to spin it! For the sole reason that we got the same right to fight with our ingame and rl-friends from the same realm as well. This is - with respect to AV (where you must be as a ranker!) - in the current state simply impossible, contrary to the other faction. Simple as that.

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The horde is hardly getting screwed over… Their win rate might have dropped from 90% to 80%.

What is great to see though is how they are in such a tail spin about this and the panic and disarray they show on the battlefield.

When all the rep grinders leave AV their queues will get longer and their win rate go down further. And their tears will get more delicious.

And what makes them look all the more pathetic is that they whining how UNFAIR it all is when they are heavily favoured in AV with their back door. Obviously they are silent about this.

The real problem they have is their queue times which they chose for themselves when they created their character.

OFC :ok_hand:

Hallucinating much? :smirk:

The general consensus is: most of us horde players simply care about one thing - being able to fight in the same AV as our guild mate / friend from the same realm while ranking (which is next to impossible right now, no matter how trolls try to spin it). Crazy concept, almost inconceivable, I know…

@Eprom: Unfortunately, due to the faction balance (or rather lack thereof) on PvP realms, introduction of battlegroups would make things even worse than they are now, because alliance would be selected from even smaller group of realms, increasing the likelyhood of people from certain realm(s) being put in the same AV.

If it was as simple as accidentally signing up together and getting in the same game, there would hardly be a problem.

But you know as well as I do, this is not whats happening. Because then there would no be games with only 10 alliance in game because yet another premade group decided not to accept the game because the could not get near 40 people in it.

I do not care about premades. But denying its not happening or its not abuse of a lazy game design (exploiting the way the queue works to bypass the removal of join as group) is just being ignorant, or in denyal because you like to be at upper hand with this after the abuse the Alliance got at Phase 2.

All the “Learn to play” and “Get good” posts are funny cause alliance looses any game not premade, and even premade they have a lot of difficulty winning unless its one of the better ranking premade groups. So maybe follow your own advise, and get good?

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You sure about that?
You can also control the amount of instances running, basically forcing people to queue longer despite having enough people.