How to end the division between Retail and Classic

A remake would suffice…

That would be MoP with pairing JC/Engineer for most dps spec’s
Plus gems had a decent market.

That wasn’t the professions themselves that was the bonuses.

Scribes. Enough said.

I am gonna admit i have not played FF14 so i don’t know, but there was somewhat recently a thread on reddit about the difficulty in raids between FF14 and wow, and no one who had actually played mythic raids said that FF14 was anything more than a bit below HC raids, which are quite easy, so i severely doubt that FF14 actually has anything complex, but i could be wrong.
Despite that, i also would like some more complex mechanics tbh, but there also has to be a balance. Do you make mechanics complex to the point where it’s almost impossible to execute your rotation well while doing it? i really like the balance now, where there are really good mechanics, but it is still possible to play your spec well during that and thus it becomes important to do not too complex mechanics, but cutting it close to maximize dps (a lot of people on thread also said in FF14 it was more or less only mechanics, and your dps meant almost nothing as everyone could be doing 50 of what their class could put out and still kill it). To that not i like the idea then of bosses having intermissions with complex mechanics, so you can make it really complex, but give the players a chance to not worry about doing everything else while doing it. Some examples that come to mind are the bridge on Immonar or decrees on azshara.

This i agree with to some extent, i want unique abilities back, but i really want classes to stay balanced, as someone who played a spec for 2 years without it ever being good in those 2 years.

This is gonna be a no, i like flying, most people like flying. I do like that you don’t have it at the start of the expac so that you actually have to explore the world, but at some point it just becomes annoying.

Proffesions are certainly relevant still. Last season my bis helmet was engineering, and engineering giving a CR has saved me many times in m+. Crafted gear is used by literally all top level players, though it does tend to fall of later in a tier.

I hope this is in respect to fightning mobs and not raids bosses, else it sounds severely misinformed or LFR hero, could be either.
This i understand, but it is not something i would like. I have played classic and vanilla back in the day, and i think one of the biggest flaws is this thing. It is fun sometimes, having to only go for one mob at a time, but when something spawns on you and it can straight up kill you with no counterplay, that’s a problem imo. Honestly this is mostly cause it’s coupled with the very limited mana pool in classic. Idm that things can kill me, but the fact that i know i can “outplay” 3 mobs easily, but is stopped by limited mana pool feels horrible.
Anyways i guess it depends on what you want in the game. I like the end game focus, therefore leveling should be more or less a tutorial, not something that is made artifically slowed down by mobs being able to outright just kill you if they randomly spawn when you have no mana.

I also disagree with this, not for my own sake, but for the sake of the game. If you don’t wanna LFG, then just go do it manually, nothing is stopping you. I don’t use them at all, but i think it is nice that they are there, especially in the context of the current game. If there was no lfr then some people don’t get to see the content, and i know some people really like this idea of only some players being able to see the end game content, but i don’t think that should be a thing. Does it harm anyone who does not play lfr, that lfr players get to see the same bosses? they are not nearly as hard, it doesn’t diminish any higher difficulty sense of achievement? why can’t it just be there? The reason i say this is that in the current game, especially on HC and to a lesser extent on normal, there are still requirements when pugging the raid, and it is something not everyone can do. Especially smaller kids or new adult players with very limited time, so i think it is better for the game that they still get to play something that might be difficult to them, cause it is not hurting anyone.
Also regarding the LFG, i honestly CBA running back and forth from instance to city and all around the world, like it is ineffecient as all hell, and i hate that in any context, forcing a player to play inefficiently for the sake of what? It doesn’t matter too much at max level where the dungeons are always close and you have flying, but in lower levels, f*ck that. I think a compromise could be no LFG, but a teleporter to the dungeon, i would be fine with that.
Just for clarification, are you against the part of the LFG where you list your group and the pick 4 players from the queue manually?

Why, just why? i don’t get this, did someone decline you cause you didn’t have curve? I like achievments, but i do despise achievment points, why would you ever want to remove them?

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Does it make you happy constantly nit picking I am allowed a view without having to be mocked by you about it .

Remove anything I don’t like because this is a good game design. :upside_down_face:

It’s not mocking you:

Your argument for viable profession was the bonus perks and I pointed out that is not a good measure of a viable profession as it’s not stuff that a profession crafts.

As for JC it’s probably the only gear crafting prof that makes money these days. While sockets may be rare they still require gems to put in them when you get a new bit of gear.

I used to have all the glyphs you can have and each expansion they reduced the number and now there’s no need for glyphs except for a couple of cosmetic ones like the moonkin one people actually want.

pretty much agree with everything except this. with the amount of world space we need to cover now (15 years worth of land) and some of the more mountainous landscapes we’re seeing, i think flying is fairly needed, even if its so you dont have to go round half a map to go up a mountain cause you’re “on the wrong side”.

yes. there are like 35K achievements, and probably 80% of them are pointless.

“kill boss X while standing on your head, doing a /hug emote and wielding a giant kipper as offhand and azerite lvl 1000 mh weapon thats not for your class, while rest of the group (minimum 19 people) dance naked on separate engineer summoned mailboxes.”

how can jc be profitable? you say only gear crafting prof, but then you mention gems rather than rings. and i cant see how jc is viable as a money maker, when sockets are so rare on gear WORTH socketing.

they just need to bring back sockets on gear. no rng.


this is whats it feels like to do pve in BFA


this is where the problem live right now, everything in the games is skyrocketing you into the end games, wow was never about the end games its was about the journey and the struggle to survive it and exploring it.

nowaday everything is press a button and wait.
upgrade before were upgrade, now its sim this vs that item.
everything is too much convenient than before.

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they also should remove the whole timed dungeon nonsense wich is mythic+ and just give us dungeons that are challenging but do not require to be rushed. Heroics used to be challenging, but now they are easier than normal dungeons.

Mythic dungeons + the neutering of heroic dungeons killed off dungeons for me

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Then you cant have done any high level PVE if you think that .

I never had any problems with HC raids, while I wiped countless times in FF14 trials and raids. There were points in FF14 where the mechanics were so complex and many and fast paced, that my brain hurt.

Tried both games and WoW mythic are harder and more complex.

I am engineer- helmets are still a thing, combat res is really-really cool gadget, I can still glide around places, and BOE gliders sell well all the time.

I am master of all proffesions in Legion and BfA and each proffesion can be used to make good money, and have own special bonuses. Like enchanters and their 4 minute heartstone (hilarious) and herbers are always like richest players known to man, and chemists and their procs net solid income and make them friends of any raider in guild, plus extra duration on flasks, or hp/mana potion bonuses combined with trinket.

Fishing and cooking are still needed if you raid, and archaeology is little fun idle profession.

I think professions are still good - for money, for bonuses. In fact compared to Classic/vanilla etc - professions are now more useful and beneficial overall.

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I don’t get it. The thread title says “How to end the division between retail and classic”.
I expected a thread talking about “how to end the retail vs classic which one is better toxic threads”.
But in the end, the very first message (OP) is just a list of points saying “revert everything back to vanilla, except cinematics”.

So, this is very much a “classic is better” thread in disguise.

Nothing to see here. Move along… But I’m trying to be open minded, so I read following answers, and it only confirms my first impression.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

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fair enough.

That doesn’t work anymore. It might have worked on a newly released 2004 game. Not in 2019 after 15 years. It will make a lot of people quit.

Nope. You can play classic and walk everywhere. I’d rather fly.

Only in wow, you find people who don’t like the freedom of choice and instead want things to be forced down their throats. Often times, i feel like killing the enemy faction. Sometimes i just want to quest in peace. Do i need to create 2 separate accounts on 2 separate servers just so i could do both? Your problem is with sharding. Have at it. World pvp is fine.

fair enough.

you didn’t check the forums after 8.2 did you? 50 complaint posts one after another, talking about how hard nazjatar mobs are to deal with. The community resulted in this. Not developers.

That might work for a simpler game like classic. Right now however, I don’t want to see 2000000000000 posts on trade chat about this raid, that world boss, this arena, that rare hunt, this mount farm, that old raid. It will destroy the group finding. This is not how you create incentive for people to join guilds. You give bonuses to guilds to do such thing.

Why? Why would they remove achievements? There are literally people who spent YEARS getting more and more achievements. Simply poof? Why!? What would you gain from that?

Here’s my suggestion to retail.

1- Remove warforging and titanforging.

2- Make warforging/titanforging, sockets, gears, weapons, trinkets and rings all purchasable by a singular currency. This currency is rewarded to any world activity, from islands to mythic raiding and arena pvp. The harder the content, the more you get this currency.

3- Class trainers becoming a thing again. Honestly, i believe having the ability to spice things up a bit with characters is a lot better than having specs. What if i want to use pyro blast and frost orb in my build? Why should i be limited to one at a time?

That’s it for now.

as opposed to the 24/7 every minute spam of selling and boosting services. Much RPG muh TARADE CHAT

Pristine servers were different thing. They were supposed to be more or less retail server capped at 60. Back then Blizz were already beginning to smell the sweet vanilla $$$ and dreamed about tricking people with an effortless, cost free solution.

In essence that would turn off all leveling acceleration including character transfers, heirloom gear, character boosts, Recruit-A-Friend bonuses, WoW Token, and access to cross realm zones, as well as group finder.

That does not sound like retail but just capped at 60.
