How to end the division between Retail and Classic

Yet this is exactly want you want to do with current retail players .


I might be a bit late with my reply but i feel the need to make it anyway.

All of your suggestions are spun around your wishes. I disagree with most of what you’re suggesting and i really do wish that you and your tiny army of rigid obstinate stiffs would leave the retail premises.

I do understand that getting classic retail servers put you ppl in a state of haze but don’t overstretch it, you might get it back as a wet towel in your face.


You go you !! well said

There is a lot of us who love both games but don’t want them to mix but people on both sides are starting to wear thin .
I flag most posts now as its getting beyond a meme/joke these threads need to stop .


Who are you talking about here? Hefty amount those people playing classic right now also play retail and enjoy it. Classic playerbase is not some separate entity that has been sitting under rock and waiting classic to come out.

Or do you mean those who have been in private servers all these years instead of playing retail? Sorry for being frank here but i think they can start to tell how retail should be after they play it and pay sub for few years.



I guess so

Unbalance, NO Unique, yes

Remove flying. Make the world feel alive and dangerous.
Absolutely not,
Pathfinder will do this for us
allive and Dangerous YES

No, Balance servers, remove Sharding( to an exctend grouping with someone from another server is fine)

100% yes

Remove the god mode of the classes by making the fights more like a chess than a hack and slash braindead feel. Make simple mobs very dangerous.

Yes at low ilvl, no at good Ilvl, Absolutely not at max ilvl During leveling, kind off but not 120 lelvs

REMOVE LFG, LFR and ANY automatic finder for content other than BGs.
No no no no no

LFG LFR is fine for Dungeons and LRF Raids. better contents need groupfinder( M+ normal, heroic mythic raids) System is good the way it is

Absolutely not, 100% no
Add achievements in classic, nothing wrong with achievements


Or just release all versions of WoW so people can pick their favourite and still pay sub. I found fun in every one of them. Think it was a missed opporturnity from Blizzard’s part. People did not quit game because they grew old, got married and obtained jobs. People moved on because their version of WoW they liked most was gone. Everything is still redeemable. Cycle continues and wheel turns.

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Most of what you want gone are improvements which made the game more appealing and accessible to a greater audience.

Professions will never be truly via-able while multiboxing is allowed, because there will be swarms of multiboxers gathering thousands of herbs and ores etc etc every 15 minutes like there is now then flooding the market with their surplus. They killed alchemy, gem crafting, mining ore sales and so on.

All of that aside…

Classic and WoW are two entirely different products, they are not supposed to be the same. Let classic be classic and retail be retail.

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Lol I quit because of job etc commitments that and BC wasn’t all that interesting.

Vanilla memories… still there, but oh so long ago. I’m 34 now, time moves on. People change, things change, everything changes.

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I guess it depends on what you did in the game. I only played PvP so I always found time for that because we had honor and conquest system. Now that they are gone and Im forced to do raids and mythics I do not have time even for PvP. Times change. 9.0 better bring in something of a split for everyone I hope.

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For gear profs to be viable they would have to make raid quality gear but if that happens then people wont/dont need to raid. After the first clear it’s gear that keeps you there.

I preferred it in Wrath and Cata where you got mats from raid drops.

No, they actually make it viable as you get cheap materials. It would however make gathering less profitable, agreed on that.

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Yeah, the time put on no longer equates to a worth value output on the AH. Rock bottom prices for a lot of the crafted items. I’ve abandoned doing any professions on all my characters for months now. I only take them as an aid to lvling to 120, because those mining and herb nodes pop 2K exp to 5K exp a go.

These ideas would pretty much just destroy retail.

They tried to remove flying and i didn’t saw the community as angry as they were back then, and it happened when they had a huge amount of subs since WoD just came out at that time

People are already throwing fits over 2% dps differences, unbalancing classes like they are in vanilla for the sake of being “unique” would just make it worse. I don’t want to see only 3 classes running around. The only happy people would be those who happen to play those classes.

Return pvp servers? Really? I don’t think you saw how happy people were when they announced war mode. Especially those who started during vanilla or early expansions on a pvp server because pvp was actually good. Today’s pvp is terrible and they shouldn’t force that on those players again just because they don’t want to waste ridiculous amount of money on a server transfer. You have war mode, turn it on, there you go, same as playing on a pvp server except you can’t corpse camp people who can’t/don’t even want to pvp.

LFG and LFR are the most popular parts of retail, removing them would be stupid and no, it wouldn’t make players more social. People rarely talk even in normal or heroic raids and mythic+ dungeons. Saying “hi inspect me and inv” instead of pushing a button wouldn’t make the game more fun. We would just have to wait while the leader looks up the guy’s armory… no thanks.

Making simple mobs more dangerous than they already are is just stupid. Try to pull more than 5 mobs with a not plate wearer/tank class and you will realize it.

Removing achievements… There is just no logic behind that and it most likely won’t happen anyway.

Most of these changes would just result in two big unhappy crowd. Classic players are raging even because of the character models so they most likely wouldn’t come to retail anyway, and retail players don’t need the “vanilla experience” to enjoy the game, as Legion proved.

The only thing they need to do is to come up with a system that keeps players playing the game, which the Azerite system failed to do (because farming higher ilvl azerite gear for the same traits is stupid), and the Artifact weapon system succeeded to do (because it was actually fun to unlock traits/golden traits and they provided relevant performance boosts and even added new mechanics to the classes).


WoW could have endgame like this:

-Pet Battles
-Brawl’gar Arena

Just pick a path and do it as group or solo and get rewards. It should not just be raid or die. Give us paths and make them engaging. This rng on rng casinocrap sucks.

Mythic+ is probably used more than raids to get top gear.

It probably is. It would just bring in more players if there were multiple different paths to take at max level for different kind of players. Might be too much to ask.

Because they’re already getting ‘special treatment’ with a version all their own. That’s why.

I call it ‘being selfish’ tbh.

No. By that logical we should get a ‘classic version that’s enhanced with quality of life changes and better graphics’ too. Honestly, these kinds of arguments make those players sound like entitled, greedy children.

I disagree. To me it’s very much a ‘them vs us’ thing because they want things done to current WoW which I really, really, really don’t want to happen.

Then they’ll just have to accept what they get. Just like anyone who wants to play Classic should accept that they’re not getting loads of features that they’re used to.

Unfair would be them actually getting it.
But you’re right; voicing that desire isn’t unfair. It is however entitled and greedy. :upside_down_face:

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Mostly agree, but that’s not enought.
The game is dead now. You can make new extention and stuff, but it will not really matter, i think we past the point when we can save the game.

Make a Warcraft 4 and then a WoW 2 like 100 hundred years in the future.

Make multiples servers with different world difficulity settings. Causual, Medium, Hardcore and so on. Causual will be mostly like BFA, Medium like classic …

I don’t see it as special treatment at all. There’s a wave of old games getting a remastered or remade version… this is just the Blizz way of jumping on the bandwagon. (and those remasters/remades generally do well with the gamers)

Selfish would be looking through everything from the ‘I’ perspective without consideration of other perspectives.

I have no clue how you read ‘that’ into what I said? I basicly stated that just because a part of the community enjoys classic more so that retail at the moment… does not mean that they should be denied for advocating a future version of wow that they might enjoy more so than the current.
By the way, I think a fair few of those QoL changes are things that they really do not want to see in classic. As they are part of the problem with retail.

And they’re not any more entitled greedy children than the retail die-hards clamouring from the roofs that the current and future WoW is theirs and theirs alone. :wink:

‘I’ don’t want those to happen? You aren’t the sole wow player… and like anyone that deals with people on a daily basis knows… 10 people in a room equals 11 opinions, and they all stink. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no them vs us… WoW’s one game. And everyone’s paying the same fee for it. So everyone’s opinion is equally valuable (literally).

Says who? You can surely advocate for that, by all means.
But there’s others advocating otherwise for the future of WoW, and they’re fully in their right to do so.

Besides, considering the storm that Classic has brought, I’d be surprised if Blizz wouldn’t be looking at what made that inception of WoW so desirable to a fair amount of people. Nostalgia is a factor, but it’s not the entire sum of it…

Why would that be unfair?
Just like you and anyone else, they’re free to voice their ideas and preferences. At the end of the day, it’s Blizz that develops the game, not us. :slight_smile:

And calling a whole group of people entitled and greedy, after you’ve disregarded all arguements out of purely personal preference… I hope you see the irony in it :wink:

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I think they should be directed differently. They do great work, but cinematics do not belong in an MMORPG. They break the flow of gameplay, especially in raids, and everyone in your Discord is probably talking over it anyway. It’s more obnoxious than anything else.

They are good cinematics though. Put 'em on our launchers, put 'em on the login screen, put 'em on YouTube. Whatever. Just don’t put them in the middle of the game, or at least don’t do it frequently.

And then there are the zones. Holy ****ing **** they’re so DENSE!! Can we have zones that actually have a realistic size and allows us approach enemies from many angles? Really, I think the last time Blizzard made great zones was in Warlords of Draenor. For all the flak I can give that expansion, that is the one thing they got right. It’s reasonably flat without being boring, it’s beautiful, and it’s vast. More of that, please.

If I see another boss like Mythic Queen Azshara I’m going to lose my mind as a raid leader.

It’s enough now.

That I can agree with. But be careful. Classic has problems like Thorns damage not showing as the Druid’s damage, which makes them appear far more weak than they are.

Agreed again, but this is going to be REALLY controversial.

Agreed. War Mode is a failed experiment borne out of the failed experiment of CRZ. We need an overhaul to realms in general. The current model isn’t working.

Yes - and the best way to do this is to make sure professions give the best rewards. If a boss drops an item, it’s instantly usable. If a boss drops a recipe, you need to get it, buy the mats, and make it, and you might need to farm the raids a lot, too, for BoP items. There is nothing wrong with people buying good items for metric tons of gold (except the WoW token >_> ).

Definitely. The classes need to be more focused on resources and small utilities, and less on “HURR DURR MY ROTATION IS HARD AND DOES MUCHOS DAMUJ”

In reality, a big part of this problem is just mobs not dealing any ****ing damage and also the scaling; once one place is easy, it’s all easy. There is no progression in there.


Don’t remove them; just allow us to hide them. One of the most awful things in WoW is when I get an achievement I’m late on, and that lateness gets broadcasted to my entire guild. Yeuch.

Njeeeeah - you can’t. The raids are too hard, the scaling is destroying large parts of the game, the cinematics are murdering the immersion and therefore removes the epic feel, and the terrains are too dense.

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I always think of Bethesda games - the ones people can mod. And you can take 1 game, and then see how every player has made their game so different - starting from visuals ending with balance, and world changes. There’s not a one player that is 100% like another. And now to imagine we’d find two wow players who agree on everything on any aspect of the game? Impossible. This is also why I find amusing, when people on forums here start their topics or posts as if they represent a large group, not just self.

be noted, I always speak for myself and self alone.