How to end the division between Retail and Classic

Or u can go play classic where we are not present :stuck_out_tongue: (i know u dont like classic, but at least there’s no draenei there :wink:)

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Not worth the agony of playing Classic.
I’ll just ignore them on current WoW. Thanks for the advice though. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

PS: The hearts are for the human being behind the character. Your character can go lay in a ditch. :upside_down_face::kissing_heart:

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Haha, its ok, i love draenei, even changed my first char (gnome mage) to draenei, but i get why its not for everyone :slight_smile:


I mean
 Learn what exactly? Final Fantasy 14 oughta be the textbook definition of “can I look at your homework”.

Oh that was fully intended to be selfish, hence why I stated ‘for me personally’ :slight_smile:

Like you said, I can also voice my personal preferences and hope that there’s enough other people that feel likewise!

Though I wouldn’t call this a classic extremist view, as I don’t even consider myself a classic extremist at all. While I’m enjoying classic at the moment, I’d much rather play the latest iteration of the game
 just don’t find it enjoyable at the moment.
And in order to find it more enjoyable again, I’m rooting for Blizz to take a lesson from the relative succes of Classic to retrace their steps a bit and consider ‘reinventing’ some of the things that made wow so addictive and succesful to a large bunch of people once. (and it’s a formula that’s still got some appeal apparantly)

I fully understand our views on what a good future for wow is differs wildly, but luckily it’s not up to you or me to deny either their input on the mather.

Also, it’s punt-a-gnome day tomorrow
 so better hold on to your hat.

go to classic lol

I think everybody should be happy that blizz is making $$$ now so more content in the next expansion

I wanted them to update the Classic WoW graphics and was told to “go f yourself and stop ruining Classic and f back to retail you scum!” So no, it’s likely not going to work. Literally ALL I wanted was the graphics update and that was the response.

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That’s offensive! :sob:

Tell yourself this lie a few more times so you really believe it. The content is nerfed.

M’kay, believe what you want too, clearly no chance that raids having progressed beyond ‘Move out with this debuff’ and spank has nothing to do at all. Nor people playing with optimisation in mind rather than exploration.

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Ofc it matters. It was never going to be really hard. But still, the content is nerfed to joke level. No gearchecks whatsoever.

and classic with its "mages only " meta is not cancerous hack and slash ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or more simply forcibly put all these topics nobody cares about in the Classic Forums section?

 sounds like a great solution

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I agree with most of your points.
The issue is blizzard want to please everybody which in turn won’t please anyone. There’s obviously a big divide between the classic and retail mentality and I stand on the classic side of things.
Classic has been so successful and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down either. Hopefully blizzard implement changes to retail to make it feel great as it used to. It’s risky for blizzard as they don’t want to lose their current dwindling retail players, but if they did make it more like classic I’m sure they would gain more subs than they’d lose.

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More content =/= Good content

I’m with you in the first one but the second one confuses me a bit. WoW isn’t lacking in complex mechanics.

It’s more that it’s lacking in complexity and challenge outside of high-end pve. Sure WoW can learn from FFXIV for that specifically, but in terms of how potentially complex fights can be WoW needs no help there. Blizzard need to learn to spread complexity across the game more.

you don’t need to ruin balance to make classes feel unique again. Over the years Blizzard took away some nice flavour abilities classes had in the name of reducing button bloat. Bringing these back (and adding more) would do a lot to make classes feel more unique.

I’m conflicted about this because frankly the game is beautiful and it would be a shame to not be able to see it from the sky. I vaguely remember Blizzard saying they would bring in aerial combat. Obviously it never happened but doing so would bring danger back to the world.

It’s sad to see that this still hasn’t been fixed.

I guess you mean to say force players in the open world to be more strategic about the battles they choose, by making the world dangerous? If so then I agree.

No I don’t agree with this. While I agree that LFD was a huge contributor to why WoW’s community became very unpleasant, it is far from the only reason for this. Also given you mentioned FFXIV obviously you have played it. LFD there isn’t a problem. I think Blizzard should instead look at what games have LFD with a less toxic environment, figure out the differences between those and WoW, and work from there to improve it.

No, achievements are fun. They give people goals and rewards.

Instead remove achievement announcements from chat, the ability to link them and make them invisible other players. Make achievements personal instead of things to show off or for other players to scrutinise.

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It is, the day I will stop playing is when they stop making new raids

Lies. :man_shrugging:

Hopefully they make NEW changes. And NOT revert back to old has-been changes that you are probably talking about. Yeah, I want current WoW to be great, but I don’t want it ANYWHERE NEAR feeling like Classic does.

Wrong. :man_shrugging: