I have had a blast with Season of Mastery so far, I’m suprised how much I enjoyed it and that it was actually a thing. Vanilla for me is something more than a game, community is such a strong aspect of the game and I will never tire of it.
So with wotlk releasing a lot of players are moving on, I will be playing there just to follow my friends but my long term home is Classic era “Vanilla wow”.
Now that the life cycle of Season of mastery is coming to an end, some guilds are struggling to get enough players. Naxx has been out for a while, I think we could transfer our Classic Era characters to → SoM realms very soon.
Reasoning behind this is that people are looking for a new home to contiue playing, I know there are people who wants to play SoM but don’t want to start from scratch. They already have level 60 characters to join us dearly.
I saw the realm purge you did in TBC, that was a good call.
Certainly this is going to happen in Classic Era too, yes?
I know there will be counter discussion to why transfers from Classic Era to SoM is a bad idea. There are full T3 characters that could merge. Well yes, but these are not the players looking to raid Naxxrammas. And if they did, I would MUCH rather have that than raids not getting enough players.
Very humble for your time, thank you!
Friendly Regards
The opposite was announced. SoM cases to exist.
once the intern remembers that classic era exists, hopefully yes
Arent’t the realms fully connected so you can be in other connect realm guilds etc?
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no there are different clusters.
for example there are TWO german pvp server clusters alone
Venoxi - Dragon’s call - Hearstriker
and then there is the Patchwerk cluster.
Well yes, in October/November they will cease to exsist, but the characters will get an option to stay in Classic Era or Wotlk. For me it is Classic Era.
So why not activate characters sitting idle in Classic era waiting for SoM to end 
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Name conflicts, powerlevel difference, more work, both realm types are low pop. Blizzard doesn’t see the need for it and players would likelyly abuse it (Era → Som → WoTLK or whatever)
Why would Blizzard bother letting you move your characters to SoM, just to move them back in a few months?
the only thing that could make sense now that naxx is out would be a shared BG pvp pool between SoM and era
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the issue with era is less “characters sitting idle” there, most people who bothered to pay for the clone do something on era atleast once in a while, on our server you can see people raiding with us randomly like 4-5 times a year 
the issue is more than blizzard chose to ridiculously overprice era clones at the beginning and so noone really bothered to get a clone in the first place. and by the time they dropped the price to a reasonable level, they retired the clone service like 4 weeks after.
so the problem is more that like 90% of former classic vanilla players have no era character in the first place.
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I do not believe this will happen man. For a simple reason → Blizzard has not payed much attention to the ERA playerbase since its inception.
I can however say that for those SoM players interested in continuing your Vanilla experience, Classic Era is here for you to join whenever transfers are open.
Oh and btw, my guild just entered Naxx yesterday for the first time me included, which I hadn’t ever done. So no, not everyone in Era is running on full T3 gear lol
Why would Blizzard bother letting you move your characters to SoM, just to move them back in a few months?
Same reason why they are purging servers in TBC. Help the community then again if it happens or not is up to Blizzard.
As this would in praxis be to give ppl a free ticket to Wrath it’s not going to happen.
We had a blue answer that SoM is going to last its expected lifespan of 11-13 months.
After this SoM closes down and characters can go to an Era or TBCC (well I suppose Wrath) server of their own choice.
I do not think many Era players, (who chosse to either stay (as I did) or pay the overpriced clones) would like to go to SoM, and if, the levelling buff makes for fast progress 
its the other way round. SoM will close down, you can then presumably (but not confirmed yet) transfer to a Wrath server or to an ERA server
Blizzard don’t allow you to transfer from Era to TBC/Wrath and this would allow you to, therefore breaking the rules. So they will never do it.
With all due respect Tuxion, i think SoM is already dead, and there is no point in trying to save it my man, i know you might like it and all, buuuut… It’s kinda dead race at this point, it won’t improve for SoM from here on out, as much as there is hoping, i’d rather be realistic. 
Thanks - then i assume it will be the as TBC. transfer one free, pay for a clone
originally it said either … or for free, not both, and not a word about clones.
Hm i dont want to disapoint u, but my personal thoughts is: they wont let u ever come to era for various reasons.
A: You leveled in a different pace.
B: You progressed in a different pace (faster ranking system/more loot)
C: You had a different game content (BGs p1/d2 set at release)
D: You played a game with altered gameplay compared to classic era, with even minor/negligible changes but still different.
Sum up all those and u will totally see that ur a being sent str8 to wotlk. As for ppl mentioning seasonal classic. There was just a SoM. There was never ever confirmed there gonna be classic era seasons through time year after year. It was a one stand money grab opportunity to appeal those who was not appealed back at 2019 to play classic. A 2nd chance to those who been felt behind… I doupt after SoM is done we gonna have another So(?)