How to permanently remove Favourites Box?

edit - Dear Mods. I put this in the Customer Support section because I am asking Customer Support for help. This topic was not made to be a general chat discussion, so please do not move it there. *You are being asked for help, I’m not looking for a discussion.

Edit 2 - @yradorne I guess since you locked the Thread, you haven’t got a way for a player to go back to the old UI.

I won’t be making a thread in General, since there is one there already. And I have already submitted feedback. I made this thread because I had hoped I had missed something, and customer support would be able to point me in the right direction. Guess not.


I don’t like the 4 character screen. I prefer the single character option.

Now I realise I can remove my characters from the Favourites Tab and that will put them back into the single character option.

However, even if I minimise the Favourites Box, I can change screens or log into the game, and when I come back here the Favourites Tab is maximised taking up half of the character list again.

This is incredibly frustrating.

How do I fix this and remove the box altogether?


Would love to know too, I always have my character list neatly ordered so the favourite list is useless to me so it taking up so much space everytime is just annoying, and maybe have ui scaling for the character screen, make it all smaller again so more names fit on the screen at once.



My characters list is a mess after the update.

I have old characters from other servers in the list now, which is just really annoying. And then defunct banking alts from years ago, higher up the list than active level 70’s.

This was a real negative change.


Oh yeah it messing up the character ordering is obnoxious, and the annoying thing is that changes don’t even seem to always stick, spent some time re-ordering all my characters again only for them all to be mixed up again on restart, even took me several restarts and attempts just to get characters out of the favourites section, frustrating


I actually gave feedback on this Bug when the Beta came out. Once again Blizzard showing they’re not listening to their player base.


Hopefully they are working on playing housing atm and maybe a little busy to answer this, but the login in screen is a mess.


I did play some Beta, but only having a couple of toons there, I did not realise…

Now, with 40+ characters displayed in a single list… I overwhelmed and frustrated, realising that even though I LOVE the concept of warband, I had them split on different servers by faction/purposes and hate the clutter!

Seen how the warband group can be opened/minimized on top of our characters list, why did we not get a choice to set up additional “folders/tabs”?

They should at the very least give us a chance to split and hide/unhide custom named subsets of our toons at our will!

Even better if multiple groups could be eventually customized with different background/scenes when these become collectible. :wink:


Yaa. Hopefully the busy with player housing or player fire around all, but omg that login screen is such a mess. Also hope they fix the lag the lag is quite bad in BGs.

As far as I can tell, you don’t.

I think you should be careful not to obsess over it. I know the feeling - there’s something in the GUI that has been added against your wishes and now it’s grating you because you don’t want it there, but this is proprietary software and that box ain’t going anywhere.

I would like the Favourites box if it didn’t randomise the characters.
I moved Gram to the top of the list, the character I’ve played most (although maybe the last few weeks I’ve been farming Timeless Ilse on my hunter so that’s why it’s on top).
I logged out for a few minutes and logged back in and Gram is down the list again. If I could just set them to the order I want and left them that way then it’d be fine. But just a random list of characters (some I’ve never played) is not helpful.

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That sounds like a bug. It should stay the same.

They’re fiddling like hell with it right now. Maybe something is temporarily broken or got rolled back?

Could be. Why even give us arrows to move the order of our characters if they’re just going to randomise it every time we open the game.

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Has anyone heard of any job openings for their QA team?


For now, you can’t. Perhaps it will fix later or there will be an addon.

There is no such thing as a Login Screen Addon.

Hopefully not. Player housing is not what the game needs. But this is not what this topic is about, so please keep it on topic.

Hopefully they’re working on a fix for this, because this should never have gone live like it is now.

Posted similar here

It’s a travesty


The box literally takes up half of the screen. I have no choice but to get obsessed and upset about it.

I thought this game was about being able to make meaningful choices to my customisation… yet this has been FORCED upon me.


I’m afraid that Customer support cannot change how the game works. If you would like to provide feedback on how the new Warband UI looks, please do open a new thread, or do provide feedback in game.

Thank you!

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