I’d give them a challenge.
Reach 2400 rating in PvP, BUT you’re only allowed to get gear by playing PvP.
No M+ allowed, no raid, no world quests. Just PvP: battlegrounds, arenas.
If they fail to do this, they’re fired.
I’m sure they’d have a blast.
They said over and over again, they don’t want you to play only a single aspect of the game.
I doubt they play the game at home , highly .
What we know for sure Ion’s shaman has never stepped into PVP, he has honor level 4 or something.
i do think a good portion of the dev team are out of touch and makes you wonder if they even play their own game.
Except jeremy feasel, he can add easter eggs and battle pets all day and I will be happy
Honor level 6 last I checked.
But since honor level is now account wide… it really speaks volumes on how little he is into PvP.
He should have just remained Senior Encounter designer, he literally doesn’t play or understand any other part of the game.
Im not going to tell how I would force them to play this game if I could. Because that would mean permaban. But you can read between the lines.
They don’t want people to play only one aspect of the game so they force PvPers into 1 aspect of the game to get gear?
Makes perfect sense…
I just imagine working there and coming at home to do chores ?
WoW game designers do not play WoW. They log in, press buttons and move when addons tell them and after that scripted boss dies they log off.
Not interested. Wrath-Cata-MoP era back and I drop it.
Have you ever seen Clockwork Orange?
Then send them to Goldshire
During peek hour
Yes, when the gnome is on the table
They would learn…
I would force them to play as horde with war mode on in my shards for a few days and tell me with a straight face that the alliance 30% bonus is legitimately deserved.
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Tbh people could make dbm in pvp
since 90% of people play exactly the same with very little to no variation
Majority of posters are also out of touch but they still post their opinions about game mechanics and balance
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Thats not players fault. Its 100% on Class Design. You cant do anything impressive in this game anymore.
Make them play Enhancement Shaman and Demonology Warlock in PvP.
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They dont play any PvP. Ever. And it shows.
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There would be no developers left.
Ion Hazzikostas has never even hit 2k rating, nor 100K HKs.